Morris M. Mellen is a
resident farmer of Honey Creek township, living on section 4. His present home
was also his birth place and his natal day was November 20, 1857. His parents,
Herman H. and Jane (Freeman) Mellen, were natives of New York and Ohio
respectively and were married in the latter state in 1847. They became the
parents of four sons, but all have passed away with the exception of Morris M.
Mellen. The father died June 13, 1900, but the mother still survives and makes
her home with her son. The parents came to Iowa, locating in Clayton county,
in 1851. The father preempted a quarter section of land in Honey Creek
township, Delaware county, in May, 1852, since which time this property has
been continuously in possession of the family. He carried on general farming
and stock raising and carefully developed his fields, making his farm one of
the valuable properties of the district. He was interested in public affairs
as a supporter of the republican party but was never an office seeker. Mrs. Mellen, who was born May 5, 1827, is now eighty seven years of age. Morris M. Mellen
acquired his education in the public schools near his home and at the
age of twenty years started out independently in life. He has always
followed farming and today has one of the finest homes in the rural
districts of Delaware county, owning two hundred and thirty acres of
rich and productive land, all of which he has brought under a high
state of cultivation. His place
is known as Oakdale and is lacking in none of the accessories and equipments
of the model farm of the twentieth century, being indeed a valuable property. |
On the 18th of September, 1881, Mr. Mellen was united
in marriage to Miss Belle Lash, who was born in Iowa, March 14, 1863, a
daughter of John and Henrietta (Belt) Lash, who came from Monticello, Jones
county, Iowa, to Delaware county in 1870, settling in Honey Creek township.
The father, who was born September 22, 1828, died on the 21st of February,
1907, and the mother, whose birth occurred August 9, 1829, was seventy one
years of age when she passed away on the 19th of December, 1900. The remains
of both were laid to rest in a cemetery at Edgewood. Mr. Lash engaged in
teaching when a young man, and meanwhile studied for the ministry, passed the
required examination, and was ordained in the United Brethren church, after
which he preached for many years. After coming to Delaware county he engaged
in farming and continued to preach. Some of his best sermons were studied out
while following the plow. He was a good Christian man. His children were three
in number, namely: Winfield, Samantha and Belle. To Mr. and Mrs. Mellen have
been born two children: Audra, whose birth occurred on the 13th of August,
1882; and Fred, whose natal day was August 1, 1883. Both are still under the
parental roof.
The Mellen family is widely and favorably known in
Honey Creek township and in various other sections of the county. The farm
which has been in possession of the family for so many years is now operated
by Morris M. Mellen and his son and is one of the fine properties of Honey
Creek township. A spirit of progress characterizes him in all that he
undertakes and is manifest as well in his public connections. He votes with
the republican party and is interested in matters relating to the general
welfare and up building of the county. A lifelong resident here, his history is
familiar to his fellow townsmen and his worth is widely known.