D. Hoyt has been the directing force in the establishment and growth of the
W. D. Hoyt Company, Incorporated, which is one of the most important business
enterprises of Delaware county. The firm deals in implements of all kinds and
besides the main store in Manchester has a number of branch stores. Mr. Hoyt was
born in this county, October 29, 1872, a son of S. M. Hoyt, whose birth occurred
in Morris, New York, in 1820. The father came to Iowa in 1854 and settled upon a
farm in Delaware county, where he resided until death claimed him in 1894. He
lived upon the same farm for forty-one years, a record which is somewhat
unusual. His wife was formerly the widow of Leonard Miller, and was in her
maidenhood Delilah Turner. She was born in Middleburg, New York, in 1828, and
passed away in 1893, leaving one child, the subject of this review.
Wilbur D. Hoyt was educated in the common schools of
this county, in Epworth Seminary and at Ames Agricultural College. After leaving
school he followed farming for a number of years, but in 1896 entered into
partnership with George W. Miller in the implement business, the association
being continued with mutual pleasure and profit until 1900, when he purchased
the interest of Mr. Miller. The following year, however, he sold a half interest
in the business to O. A. Dunham and continued in partnership with him until
1904, when Mr. Hoyt again became the sole owner of the store. He continued alone
until January 1, 1910, when he organized the W. D. Hoyt Company, Incorporated,
the following men being directors of the new company: W. D. Hoyt, L. J. Gates,
Burton Clark, K. C. Wellman and C. L. Hamblin. He has been president and general
manager of the corporation since its organization and a branch store was
established at Earlville, on January 1, 1911. On the 1st of January, 1912, the
capital was doubled, the present figure being fifty thousand dollars, and at the
same time the business of W. B. Miller at Winthrop was purchased, Mr. Miller
becoming a director in the company instead of C. L. Hamblin. On the 1st of
January, 1913, another branch store was established at Robinson, Iowa. The
affairs of the company are excellently managed and the large volume of business
transacted by the various stores enables the concern to buy at a great advantage
and this in turn makes possible the selling of high
grade goods at a very
moderate price. Mr. Hoyt, in addition to being
president of the W. D. Hoyt Company, is a director of
the Manchester Machine Company.
Mr. Hoyt was married on the 25th of January, 1893, to
Miss Hattie Patten, who was born near Galena, Illinois,
a daughter of William and Mary (Higman) Patten. Her father was by occupation a farmer and both he and
his wife have passed to their reward. To Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt have been born two
children: Harold A., a junior at the State College of Agriculture and Mechanic
Arts at Ames; and Hazel M., a junior in the Manchester high school.
Mr. Hoyt is a republican in
his political belief and his religious faith is
indicated by his membership in the Presbyterian church.
Fraternally he belongs to a number of different orders,
including the Masons. He is past master of Manchester
Lodge, No. 165, A. F. & A. M., having served in that
chair during the years 1910 and 1911. He is a member of
the chapter, council, commandery and Iowa Consistory, No. 2. He also belongs to the
Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Knights of Pythias and the Modern Woodmen
of America. For the past nine years he has served on the school board. He has
attained material success to an unusual degree, but he has also attained that
which is even more to be desired, the unqualified respect and esteem of his
fellow citizens. |