The Davis City Advance, Davis City, Iowa
Thursday, May l3, l897

MR. JAS. B. TIPPIE and MISS JENNIE MERRITT were united in marriage at the Methodist Parsonage in Leon, by Rev. Hughes of that place, on Tuesday, May 4th. The happy couple remained in Leon at the Hotel, until the next day, when they returned to Davis City and attended the Rebekah Degree Lodge where a neat surprise was sprung upon them by several of the members presenting them with a fine center table. They are at home on MR. TIPPIE's farm 3 miles east of town. "JIM" as he is familiarly known by his many friends, has a fine place, having recently completed a new house, and is one of our solid citizens. He is a populist and a thorough good fellow, whom all will be glad to see prosper. The bride is one of Davis City's estimable young ladies, who has made many friends in her two years stay among us.

The Advance wishes them enduring happiness.

Copied by Nancee(McMurtrey)Seifert
September 23, 2003