Leon Reporter, Leon, Iowa
Thursday, December l5, l898


On the return of MR. and MRS. BENJ. L. SEARS from the city, on Dec. 11, l898, where they had been united in marriage at the Christian Parsonage by Elder C.F. Stevens, they found a company of relatives and friends waiting at the home of the bride's parents, MR. and MRS. E.D. PARKER. After congratulations to start a young couple cheerily on the way of married life, the company was invited to the dining room where a sumptuous repast, such as MRS. PARKER and daughter can prepare, was invitingly spread. During the afternoon the company was entertained by music both vocal and instrumental, rendered by the Misses Parris and Messrs. John and Bert Parker.

The bride is an accomplished young lady of sterling worth, is the only daughter of MR. and MRS. E.D. PARKER, of Center, and the groom an excellent young farmer, of High Point Township. The many friends of the happy pair wish them a long and prosperous life.

Copied by Cordelia Suzann
"With permission from the Leon Journal Reporter"
December l3, 2002