Leon Reporter, Leon, Iowa
Thursday, November l5, l900

MR. DAVID ROBISON and MISS HATTIE MCDANIEL were united in marriage at the residence of Justice B.F. ROBISON last Saturday afternoon. The groom is the youngest son of WM. ROBISON, a prosperous farmer of Eden Township. He spent the past summer in Des Moines learning the blacksmith trade. His bride is a charming young lady from Des Moines, not much acquainted in this county, but well liked by all who know her. She will make a fitting helpmate for the man of her choice. A large circle of friends extend congratulations to this worthy young couple. They expect to make their future home near Blockley where MR. ROBISON will engage in the blacksmith trade.

Copied by Nancee(McMurtrey)Seifert
"With permission from the Leon Journal Reporter"
January 11, 2003