Leon Reporter, Leon, Iowa
Thursday, March 22, l900

MR. THOMAS MOORE and MISS RETTA STILL, two of the best young people in Eden Township, were united in marriage at the home of Squire B.F. Robinson of Eden Township, on Wednesday evening, March l4, the Squire doing himself proud by the artistic manner in which he performed the ceremony.

The groom is a son of MR. and MRS. C.W. MOORE, Sr. and was born and raised in Eden Township. He is an industrious farmer. His bride is the daughter of MR. and MRS. A.J. STILL, respected residents of the same township.

MR. and MRS. MOORE will make their home for the present on a farm in Eden Township, but expect to leave in the summer for Kingfisher, Oklahoma, where they will make their future home.

Many friends of this worthy young couple extend hearty congratulations.

Copied by Cordelia Suzann
"With permission from the Leon Journal Reporter"
December 23, 2002