Leon Reporter, Leon, Iowa
Thursday, February 4, l896

On Wednesday evening at eight o'clock, Jan. 29, at the home of the bride's mother, MRS. M.E. NOBLE, of Davis City, occurred the marriage of her daughter, MISS BESSIE NOBLE to MR. W.D. MITCHELL, of that city, Rev. Chas. F. Stevens, of the Christian Church of Albany, officiating.

Exactly at eight o'clock the bridal party entered the room to the beautiful strains of the wedding march played by Miss Nellie Davis, of Lamoni, and in the presence of about 30 invited guests took the solemn vow which made them one. After the ceremony the guests repaired immediately to the dining room where they partook of a most sumptuous repast such as MRS. NOBLE and her charming daughter know so well how to prepare. The room and table were beautifully and tastefully decorated with white carnations and bridal roses from California.

The bride was most beautifully attired in white henrietta trimmed in white silks and crystal passamentria. She wore fresh primroses in her hair and corsage and looked the picture of purity and innocence. The bride belongs to one of the best families in the county, and is well known as an energetic and more than successful teacher in our public schools, having taught for some time in Davis City and vicinity. She is also a fair and accomplished leader in the social circle of Davis City and has many warm friends in our own city. The groom is the son of MR. and MRS. L.D. MITCHELL, who are among our oldest and best citizens. The groom is among our best and most industrious young farmers who has many friends in the county who will congratulate him on having secured such a sweet and charming bride. Many useful and handsome presents were received.

The young couple will immediately begin house keeping in their cozy and charming little cottage l/2 mile north of Davis City, where they will be at home to their friends after Feb. 5th. May their maried life be a long and happy one.


Copied by Nancee(McMurtrey)Seifert
"With permission from the Leon Journal Reporter"
November 3, 2002