Leon Reporter, Leon, Iowa
Thursday, July 22, l90l

In the Methodist Episcopal Church at Boulder, Sunday morning at ll:30 o'clock, occurred one of the prettiest church weddings seen in that city for some time. The contracting parties were MISS MARY JEANETTE MARTIN, of Leon, Iowa, and HENRY M. MOSS, a prominent young man of that city. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Marquis D. Hornbeck. The edifice was beautifully decorated and the nuptials were witnessed by many friends of the young people. MISS MARTIN has lived in Boulder for the past five years, being connected with the public schools the last four years. She is a prominent member of the Women's Club of Boulder and the Hypathia Club. The couple will make Boulder their future home.


Copied by Nancee(McMurtrey)Seifert
"With permission from the Leon Journal Reporter"
January 27, 2003