Decatur County Journal, Leon, Iowa
Thursday, November l0, l92l

MISS GLADYS SHELTON, only daughter of MRS. TINCIE SHELTON, of Decatur, was married on Friday of last week to MR. GILBERT RICKETTS, of Excelsior Springs, Mo. The wedding took place at the home of the groom's sister, MRS. HAWKINS, of Kansas City, Mo., the Rev. Lawrence Proctor, Pastor of the Independence Baptist Church, officiating, using the impressive ring ceremony.

After the ceremony, a sumptuous dinner was served by MRS. HAWKINS. The happy young couple left Saturday for Excelsior Springs where MR. RICKETTS has an excellent position as department manager in the gents furnishing department of the large Lewis Department Store. The groom has a cozy nest all ready prepared and they will go to housekeeping at once.

Copied by Nancee(McMurtrey)Seifert
May l8, 2002
"With permission from the Leon Journal Reporter"