Decatur County Journal
Thursday, December 2, l920

MISS BERNICE JEWETT and MR. JOHN DOWNS were married October 28, l920, at the home of his brother, LEWIS DOWNS, 5l0 Falls Avenue, Waterloo, Iowa, by the Rev. McCartney. MISS JEWETT is the charming daughter of MR. and MRS. FRED JEWETT, of Quasquiton, Iowa, and although a stranger in this community, we feel is worthy of the man of her choice. JOHN is the foster son of MR. and MRS. M.L. DALE, and was reared from a small boy to manhood in this vicinity and is a hustling young farmer and will make good wherever he is. Their many friends in Decatur County wish them happiness and prosperity in their voyage through life. After a short honeymoon the couple will be at home at 508 W. 4th Street, Waterloo, Iowa.

Copied by Nancee(McMurtrey)Seifert
May 6, 2002