Decatur County Journal
Thursday, January 3, l9l8

At l0 o'clock on new year's morning the marriage of MISS LEAH TEALE and DEAN GATES was solemnized at the pleasant home of the bride's parents, MR. and MRS. E.W. TEALE, of Davis City.

Rev. Shugg, Pastor of the M.E. Church was the officiating clergyman. The ceremony was beautiful in its simplicity. The bride and groom were unattended, but the ring service always so impressive, was used and the vows that made these well-known and popular young people man and wife were pronounced in the midst of relatives and friends of both.

After the hearty congratulations of the entire company, a two course breakfast was served by MISS GRETCHEN TEALE, sister of the bride, assisted by MISSES MAUDE TEALE and DOROTHY BRANT. The bride is the eldest daughter of MR. and MRS. E.W. TEALE and has spent her entire life here. She was graduated from the Davis City High School, spent two years at Drake University and has since been a very successful teacher. The groom is the eldest son of MR. and MRS. JOHN GATES and also grew to manhood here. He graduated and later engaged in business in Greybull, Wyoming, at which place the young couple will reside. The esteem in which these young people were held was attested by the number and beauty of the gifts lavished upon them and the kindest wishes of the entire community accompany them to their new home.

The out of town guests for the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Raymond, of Leon, and Miss Ina G. Wilson, of Colfax, Iowa.

Copied April 3, 2002 by Nancee McMurtrey Siefer