Decatur County Journal

October 2, l907

FRED H. KEMP, of Des Moines, and MISS MABEL BROWN, of Pleasanton,

daughter of Ex-County Recorder BROWN, were married in this city Tuesday

morning of this week at the home of the bride's sister, MRS. C.R.

TURNER. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J.L. Boyd, Pastor of the

M.E. Church, at ll o'clock, and the happy young couple departed on the

afternoon train for Osceola. After a visit there with MR. KEMP's

parents, MR. and MRS. A. KEMP, they will go to Des Moines where they

will soon be at home at 606 24th Street. MR. KEMP, with his parents,

was a resident of Leon many years, but has been in Des Moines for some

time. He is a young man of excellent qualities. The bride has many

friends in Leon and is a most charming and accomplished young woman.


Copied by Nancee(McMurtrey)Seifert

October 9, 200l