From: "Nancee(McMurtrey)Seifert" <>

To: <>


Date: Monday, May 28, 2001 10:41 PM

Decatur County Journal

January 6, l898

MR. AUSTIN COWLES of Spring Valley, Iowa, and MISS MYRTLE HALL of

Cainsville, Mo., were joined in the holy bonds of wedlock at the bride's

residence at l0 o'clock Wednesday, December 29.

The wedding was attended by a merry crowd of friends and relatives.

After the happy band had prtaken of the good things of this life (the

wedding feast) and passed some time in busy conversation, the young

couple set out for their new home near Spring Valley. When they arrived

they found a table spread with luxuries to suit the occasion, and the

groom's near relatives. When they were rested, they all had the

pleasure of satisfying that longing appetite, which we all have on such


Next was the presentation of presents. We are not prepared to state the

number or to classify them, but among others was a fine set of

queensware, presented by his brothers and sister.

MR. COWLES, having been rocked and reared at this place, will still

remain with us. He has, by his strong and upright character and jovial,

winning ways, won the admiration of all his associates.

MISS HALL comes into our midst no less highly recommended and respected.

We are glad to welcome her into our social circle and our homes. We

extend congratulations to MR. COWLES in making so wise a choice.


Copied by Nancee(McMurtrey)Seifert