Decatur County Journal
November l0, l904

A pretty home wedding was solemnized yesterday at l o'clock at the home
of MR. and MRS. O.E. MORGAN on Church Street, the contracting parties
being their charming daughter, MISS ALTA MORGAN and LLOYD CONREY, of Des
Moines, Elder Hubbell of the Christian Church, officiating. The bride
is one of Leon's most popular and accomplished young ladies and enjoys
the confidence and esteem of a large circle of friends.

MR. CONREY is a son of MR. and MRS. J.R. CONREY of this city and made
Leon his home until a few years ago. After leaving here, he located in
Des Moines where he has held responsible positions with different
wholesale and manufacturing concerns. He is at present employed by the
Brown Hurley Co., being in charge of a number of men handling large
amounts of goods in their department. The young people left on the
afternoon train amid a shower of rice and good wishes for their future
home on 3rd Street, Des Moines. The JOURNAL extends heartiest
Copied by Nancee(McMurtrey)Seifert
August 20, 200l