Decatur County Journal

March 22, l906

Wednesday, at high noon, at the home of MR. and MRS. MARION WOODARD,

occurred the marriage of MR. EDGAR ELMER BELL and MISS HATTIE HASKETT.

Only relatives and a few intimate friends were present to witness the

ceremony. The guests were received informally by the bride and groom.

Promptly at noon, "O Promise Me", was sung in a very impressive manner

by MISS BERTHA LESTER, of Salem, an aunt of the bride. After which the

bridal party took their places when the ceremony was performed by Rev.

Montgomery in a solemn and impressive manner. The bride looked very

dainty gowned in white silk eoleon carrying white roses, a gift of the

groom. The groom wore the conventional black.

Following the ceremony came congratulations, and then a six-course

dinner was served. In the afternoon, the bridal party was driven to the

home of MR. and MRS. JOHN BELL, the groom's home where a large reception

was tendered them. From 3:30 to 4:30 the older married people were

entertained; from 4:30 to 5:30 the young married people; from 5:30 to

6:30 the young people. The home was made especially attractive,

florally speaking, by arrangement of potted plants, cut flowers, etc.,

green and white the predominating colors. Receiving the guests was MISS

LUCILLE ALEXANDER, who ushered them to the stairs where the ladies were

received by MISS KATE OGDEN, and the gentlemen by MR. ELI HUTCHINSON. A

luncheon was served in the dining room, presided over by girl friends of

the bride. MRS. GRACE ROWELL and MISS MARGARET HURST served at the

punch bowl. MISSES JESSIE PRYOR and SADA PENNIWELL presented each guest

with a box of bridal cake. Here the color scheme was especially

attractive, each box having the monogram H. & B. stamped in green and


The bridal couple departed on the evening train for a two weeks' tour in

Chicago and other points when they will return to Leon and be "at home"

after May lst. These young people were both born and raised in this

city, consequently a host of friends predict a happy union and extend

showers of congratulations and best wishes for a generous share of God's

blessing through life.


Copied September l3, 200l by Nancee (McMurtrey) Seifert