eon Reporter, Leon, Iowa
Thursday, May 5, l898

MISS DELILAH KONKLIN and MR. RICHARD O. HUGHES were united in marriage yesterday at the home of the bride's mother, in High Point Township, the ceremony being performed by Rev. R.W. HUGHES, of Des Moines, father of the groom.

The bride is one of the most popular young ladies in Decatur County. For several years she has been one of this county's best teachers and she will be sadly missed both in educational and social circles where she was a prime favorite.

The groom is a sturdy young man, a member of one of the east side fire companies at Des Moines, where the happy young couple will reside.

The congratulations of many friends all over Decatur County go with this worthy young couple to their new home.

Copied by Cordelia Suzann
"With permission from the Leon Journal Reporter"
December 7, 2002