Leon Reporter, Leon, Iowa
Thursday, August 20, l903

MR. GEORGE L. JACKSON, the popular junior member of the grocery firm of Caster & Jackson, and MISS EDMONDINE JACKSON, of Davis City, slipped away quietly and were united in marriage at Garden Grove last evening, after which they will take a trip to Des Moines and the eastern part of the State.

The friends of this estimable young couple will not be surprised to hear of their marriage, and will hasten to extend their congratulations. The groom has resided in this city for about eight years, and has firmly established himself as one of the progressive young business men of the city. The bride is the daughter of MRS. ELLA PATTERSON, of Davis City, and is a refined and lovable young lady, and one of the foremost teachers in this county.

Upon their return from their wedding trip, MR. and MRS. JACKSON will go to housekeeping in this city.

Copied by Nancee(McMurtrey)Seifert
"With permission from the Leon Journal Reporter"
March 2l, 2003