Leon Reporter, Leon, Iowa
Thursday, April 26, l900

On Wednesday afternoon, April l8th, at the residence of MR. and MRS. N. CAVEN, in Oskaloosa, Iowa, occurred the marriage of their daughter, NELLIE to MR. J.D. HULL, of Des Moines, Rev. J.M. Baugh, officiating.

The bride has been one of the valued teachers in Crocker School of Des Moines for several years, from which position she resigned April lst.

MR. HULL is one of the traveling representatives of the Mutual Life Insurance Co., of New York.

Both of the contracting parties are well known to many Leon people, the groom being at one time the senior editor of The Reporter, and the bride has visited in this city on several occasions. Their friends extend hearty congratulations.

Copied by Cordelia Suzann
"With permission from the Leon Journal Reporter"
December 29, 2002