Leon Reporter, Leon, Iowa
Thursday, March l9, l903

At the residence of MR. J.S. BRIGHT in the east part of town, MR. ALBERT HATFIELD and MISS CARRIE DAVIS both of Leon, were united in marriage by Rev. I.N. Woodward of the M.E. Church. The wedding was a quiet one and took place on Wednesday evening, March ll. A delightful wedding supper was served, being presided over by the genial hostess, MRS. ALICE BRIGHT. MR. and MRS. HATFIELD will take up their residence three miles south of town where the groom has a farm. These young people are industrous and energetic and a bright future is before them. The best wishes of their friends will follow them to their new home and through all their subsequent life.

Copied by Nancee(McMurtrey)Seifert
"With permission from the Leon Journal Reporter"
March 6, 2003