Leon Reporter, Leon, Iowa
Thursday, April l8, l90l

MR. ROY GOULD and MISS DORA FIERCE of Van Wert, Decatur County, came to this city yesterday, procured a license and were married at the Clerk's office by Justice W.S. Long. This occurred about 9:30 and they intended to take the south branch train at l2:20 to return to Van Wert. They had gotten aboard the train and thought all was well. Meanwhile a telephone message was received here from the young lady's mother asking that they be arrested and brought back to Van Wert but the message came too late, for they had been pronounced man and wife almost an hour before it was received. They came back to the city again and remained here for a time when they left for Van Wert.


Copied by Nancee(McMurtrey)Seifert
"With permission from the Leon Journal Reporter"
January 2l, 2003