The Davis City Advance, Davis City, Iowa
Thursday, December 22, l898

MARRIED: -- At the residence of CHAS. KELLEY at Leon, Iowa, MISS GRACE KELLEY to MR. HUGH ELLEDGE. The ceremony was performed by Elder Osgood of the Christian Church, at 2 o'clock p.m. Sunday, Dec. l8th, after which dinner was served. Only immediate relatives were present. The bride is the accomplished daughter of our former townsman ROBERT KELLEY. She is a member of the Methodist Church and Epworth League of this place and has many friends here who will wish her well in her future life.

The groom is late of Marysville, Mo. and is an industrious, religious young man and comes of a good family. They will make their home at Leon for the present.

We extend our congratulations and wish them a long and happy married life.


Copied by Nancee(McMurtrey)Seifert
September 29, 2003