Leon Reporter, Leon, Iowa
Thursday, February 5, l903

Ground Hog Day was celebrated at the Clerk's office yesterday by the marriage of O.J. WILBUR CLYMER and MISS CECIL BELLE FULTON, both of Decatur City. Justice J.N. Lineburg officiating. When the ceremony was over Clerk Stranahan proclaimed that all residents of other States who were present were entitled to kiss the bride. The provision was made for the benefit of L.P. Elsmer, the New York broker who has been here on land business for the past few days. Mr. Elsmer was about to avail himself of this privilege when he happened to wonder what his wife would think about it, so he contented himself by giving the bride a wedding present in the shape of a brand new $l.00 bill.


Copied by Nancee(McMurtrey)Seifert
"With permission from the Leon Journal Reporter"
March 3, 2003