Leon Reporter, Leon, Iowa
Thursday, May 22, l902

A very pretty though quiet wedding was solemnized Wednesday evening, May l4, at the home of MR. and MRS. N.L. CHASE, south of this city, when their daughter, HELEN E., was united in wedlock to MR. GEO. W. KELLER. Only the immediate relatives and most intimate friends were invited. Rev. E.C. Newland performed the beautiful and impressive ceremony and after their troth was plighted the happy couple were showered with congratulations. An elegant supper was temptingly served.

The bride is well known in Garden Grove and has a host of warm friends and acquaintances here who wish her unalloyed joy and prosperity. She graduated from our high school in '98 and is a charming young lady refined and cultured and the nobility and sweetness of her character have endeared her to all who know her. The groom is a worthy young man of many excellent qualities and is highly esteemed by all. He merits the great happiness that has come to him in winning MISS CHASE for his bride. She is a delightful type of true womanhood and she wears her new title with a graceful dignity and is most attractive. MR. and MRS. KELLER will make their future home in Wayne County, where he has a fine farm. The Express joins in wishing them a joyous future.


Copied by Nancee(McMurtrey)Seifert
"With permission from the Leon Journal Reporter"
February l0, 2003