Leon Reporter, Leon, Iowa
Thursday, January 28, l904

MISS STELLA CHAMBERLIN, a young lady who has made her home in Leon for a number of years, was married at St. Joe., Mo., on Wednesday evening of last week, the ceremony being performed at the home of Mrs. Anna Fales, 9l0 Penn St., the ceremony being performed by Rev. McNeir, Pastor of the Presbyterian Church in that city.

The bride was dressed in white silk, trimmed in faggoting and white satin ribbon, and was attended by Miss May Spain as bridesmaid, who was attired in a costume of blue crepe dechine. The groom was attended by Mr. J.J. Spain as best man.

The ceremony took place in the archway of the parlor which was decorated with smilax and carnations, the wedding march being played by Miss Pearl Gouden.

The groom is a well known traveling man with headquarters at St. Joe., and the newly married couple will go to housekeeping at l3l6 South 9th Street. Many friends in this city extend hearty congratulations.

Copied by Nancee(McMurtrey)Seifert
"With permission from the Leon Journal Reporter"
April 6, 2003