Leon Reporter, Leon, Iowa
Thursday, September 25, l902

Last Wednesday evening at the home of MR. and MRS. JOHN A. STOUT on north Main Street, there was a quiet home wedding, the contracting parties to which were their daughter, MISS KATE and MR. HARRY BRADFIELD. The ceremony was performed by Elder H.H. Hubbell, Pastor of the Christian Church at 7 o'clock, the guests being limited to relatives and a few very intimate friends. After the ceremony and congratulations an elaborate wedding supper was served, and the happy couple departed on the 8:40 train for a week's honeymoon which they are spending with relatives and friends in Chariton and Des Moines.

The groom is a very popular young business man of this city, having resided here all of his life, and for several years has been employed as salesman in the grocery store of Hamilton & Gardner. He has won a prize in the game of matrimony which he rightly thinks is the capital prize, for his bride is one of the best young ladies who claim Decatur County for their home, and is in every way fitted to grace the home of the man who has won her. Many friends of both the contracting parties extend hearty congratulations and wish them a long and pleasant voyage through the sea of matrimony.

MR. and MRS. BRADFIELD will return to Leon the latter part of this week and will go to housekeeping at once in the pretty little cottage owned by the groom in east Leon.

Copied by Nancee(McMurtrey)Seifert
"With permission from the Leon Journal Reporter"
February l7, 2003