Leon Reporter, Leon, Iowa
Thursday, November 25, l897

A very pretty home wedding was solemnized yesterday at high noon at the residence of the bride's parents, MR. and MRS. A.J. BELLIS, of north Leon, the contracting parties being their daughter MYRTLE and MR. WM. ARTHUR ALFORD, of Albia. Only the family and two couples of young folks, Misses Stella Allen and Lou Bellis and Messrs. L.S. Evans and O.T. Conrey, witnessed the ceremony which was performed by Rev. G.D. Gurley, Pastor of the Presbyterian Church. After the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served and the happy couple departed on the afternoon train for Albia, their future home.

The charming bride has only been a resident of this city for the past two years, but in that time has become one of the most popular young ladies in Leon, a favorite with all who knew her. Many friends are sorry to see her leave the city for she will be sadly missed in social circles.

The groom is one of the rising young business men of Albia, and is not a stranger to our city, having visited here on numerous occasions, and made friends with all whom he met.

MR. and MRS. ALFORD will board until spring when they will go to housekeeping at Albia. Many friends accompanied them to the deopt and showered them with congratulations. It is the wish of all that their married life may always be pleasant and prosperous, and that no clouds shall ever mar the brightness of their promising future.

Copied by Nancee (McMurtrey) Siefert
"With permission from the Leon Journal Reporter"
November 28, 2002