Leon Reporter, Leon, Iowa
Thursday, November l9, l903

On last Monday, at the M.E. Parsonage in Osceola, Rev. T.J. Wright pronounced the ceremony which united in marriage MR. JAMES H. ALLDREDGE and MISS LAURA M. HOUSH, of Leon, Iowa. MISS HOUSH is the accomplished daughter of ALEX HOUSH, Esq., a prominent farmer and stockman of Decatur County, while MR. ALLDREDGE is the celebrated athlete and wrestler of Leon. He is one of the magnificent specimens of physical mankind in all the world, and is also a pleasant, genial gentleman. MR. ALLDREDGE has met in the ring some of the best known athletes in the country and has proven himself among the best. A short time ago at Los Angeles, California, he received $300 for standing up for three rounds against James J. Jeffries. MR. ALLDREDGE has an engagement to meet in the ring and wrestle with Percy McClellan, a professional with a good record, next Saturday evening at Lincoln, Illinois, and the sporting world will watch to see whether a man can wrestle as well within a week after he is married as he could a week before.


Copied by Nancee(McMurtrey)Seifert
"With permission from the Leon Journal Reporter"
March 3l, 2003