Decatur County Journal
Thursday, August 9, l9l7

GEORGE MCHARNESS and MISS PEARL STEVENS were quietly married at the Decatur M.E. Parsonage Sunday evening at 5:00 o'clock by their Pastor, Forest H. Perkins. The bride wore a becoming traveling dress of navy messaline trimmed in white messaline. The groom is the son of OREN MCHARNESS, of Decatur and expects to take his bride to a farm, where they will begin housekeeping this fall. The bride is the daughter of MR. and MRS. JAMES STEVENS, near Lamoni. This is a splendid young couple and we wish them success and happiness in their journey through life together. MISS CARRIE STEVENS, LOREN STEVENS and MR. OREN MCHARNESS accompanied them as witnesses.

Copied By Nancee(McMurtrey)Seifert
March 20, 2002