From: "Nancee(McMurtrey)Seifert" <>

To: <>


Date: Friday, May 18, 2001 7:08 PM

Decatur County Journal

March ll, l897

HARRY MCDOWELL and MISS LILLIE BRYANT, Grand River Township young

people, were married at the clerk's office yesterday afternoon by REV.

D.G. BRUCE. The young couple belong to the best families in the county

and are both deservedly popular. HARRY has rented MRS. MARY ANSTEY's

farm three miles southwest of Grand River where he and his new wife will

commence housekeeping at once.

The JOURNAL joins with many friends in wishing them a long life of

happiness and prosperity.


Decatur County Journal

March ll, l897

Last evening at 7 o'clock, at the home of the bride's parents, MR. and

MRS. J.M. STILL, occurred the marriage of ALBERT FARNES and MISS FANNIE

STILL, ELDER S.J. FLUKE of the Advent Church, officiating. The young

couple will reside in Leon.


Decatur County Journal

March ll, l897

JOHN W. GIBSON and MRS. MARTHA HUTSON, both of Richland Township, were

married by Justice W.H. ALBAUGH Friday in his office.


Decatur County Journal

March ll, l897

Married, at Crown, Decatur County, Iowa, March 9, l897, by REV. G.D.

GURLEY, MR. WM. H. ALDRICH of Green Bay, Wisconsin, and MISS MARY C.



Copied by Nancee(McMurtrey)Seifert

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