Yesterday morning at ll:30 o'clock MISS KATE SANKEY and THEODORE SMITH,
of Lamoni, were married at the home of the bride, on north School
Street, in the presence of a number of friends and relatives, by REV.
The bridal costume was pink. The decorations of the room
were smilax
and lillies of the valley.
The young couple is well known to our readers, the bride being a
daughter of E.J. SANKEY and prominent in the social circles of our
The groom is a son of J.R. SMITH, a leading farmer and stock raiser
Lamoni. They received many elegant and useful presents.
They left on the afternoon train for Kansas City and other points, where
they will enjoy a brief honeymoon, after which they will make their
near Lamoni. Our best wishes go with them.
Copied by Nancee(McMurtrey)Seifert