Leon Reporter, Leon, Iowa
Thursday, January 3, l924

On Christmas Day at the home of the bride's parents, MR. and MRS. JOHN FRANK LEWIS, HAZEL MAY, their daughter, was united in marriage with MR. LYNN W., son of WILLIAM A. and ORRA GARDNER, of Leon, by Rev. James Walls, the bride's Pastor. The young couple stood under a pretty bower in the LEWIS parlors and joined their vows in the presence of a large number of friends and invited guests. The single ring ceremony was employed in the wedding.

MISS MARGARET ALEXANDER was bride's maid and MR. ARTHUR E. GARDNER, brother of the groom, was best man. The young couple will make their home in Leon.

MRS. LEWIS, the bride's mother, served a dainty wedding supper to the host of friends gathered to celebrate this happy occasion. The bride and groom were in the midst of congratulations and trying to do justice to their first supper together, when, lo! pandemonium broke loose and the serenade was on in earnest. Guns fired, horns tooted, bells rang, staves slapped against the weather-boarding made the house tremble, and amidst this confused babble, human voices called, "Come out and show yourselves! Where is the groom?" And so the merriment rang along all around the house and in the yard to the great delight of the guests within. The groom, however, quietly continued to the end of his first wedded supper saying that he could not be disturbed by such trifling things as these. When the end of the supper had been reached in quietness and order, the bridal pair arose and went to the front door, and with upraised hand the groom silenced the raging of the multitude without and then announced that treats were in order. The serenaders came to the rear door, filed through the house, congratulated the bride and groom, received treats and melted away into an indiscriminate multitude at the nuptials of a happy pair.

Copied by Nancee(McMurtrey)Seifert
"With permission from the Leon Journal Reporter"
August 22, 2002