Leon Reporter, Leon, Iowa
Thursday, November l5, l923

MR. and MRS. MARION DINGMAN entertained a large number of relatives at their home in southeast Leon, Nov. 5th in honor of the golden wedding of the latter's parents, MR. and MRS. CHARLES EATON, of Decatur. Two large tables were spread with good things to eat of which they did justice. They went to the living room where they were entertained by songs suitable for the occasion. MRS. MEAD, a sister of the groom, gave "They Are Left Alone In The Old Home." MRS. RYAN also gave a reading, "Full Fifty Years Have Come And Gone." MR. and MRS. EATON were then presented with several very useful articles. MR. EATON had four sisters, three of them celebrated their Golden Weddings.

Those present were Mrs. Ruth Mead, Mr. Clifford Ryan and Miss Ruth Mead, sister and nieces of MR. EATON, all of Manchester, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Eaton, of Decatur, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jones and son Earl, of Kellerton, Iowa, Mr. Ira Eaton and family, of Ames, Iowa, Mrs. frank Selby and two children of Trenton, Mo., Chas. Christensen and family, Alvia Durrell and family, L.A. Durell and daughter Frances and Misses Laura and Mabel Dingman and Winford Dingman. Members of the family, in going back to their several homes, carry with them pleasant memories of this ideal Golden Wedding and leave behind them heartfelt petitions for blessings on the "Old Home with the table set for two."

Copied by Nancee(McMurtrey)Seifert
"With permission from the Leon Journal Reporter"
August l9, 2002