The Lewis Publishing Company, l887.

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The town of Davis City is located on the west bank of Grand River, onsection 33, Burrell Township. Its water privileges are the best of anytown in the county, making it a very desirable point for manufacturingpurposes. The town was laid out in l855 by W.H. CHEEVER, but thepreceding autumn WILLIAM DAVIS had built a log residence and a saw-mill,propelled by water-power. In the spring of l855 he built a framedwelling, and in the autumn of l856 he erected the first store. In thisthe first stock of goods was opened by G.W. JENRE. He sold to Arnold &Davis, which firm was succeeded by Davis & Bowman. The second store wasput up by J.R. FRISBIE, in l872. HENRY BOWMAN built a hardware storethe same year. Davis City, named in honor of its first inhabitant, wasas yet but a small village of not more than fifty people.

OSCAR SEVERE's harness shop came soon after the above named, and withinthe succeeding three years were erected Archibald Rankin's drug store,Young & Wren's "Chicago Store", and Morris & Clark's store, which wasthe first brick building here.

The original town contained four blocks, 60 x l24 feet, and about l870Clark's addition was laid out. Other additions have been made since, asneeded. The village has grown gradually and steadily, having 348inhabitants in l880, 5l9 in l885, and at present writing nearly 600.

The post office was first at the house of W.F. CRAIG, he holding theappointment. Those commissioned since have been HENRY BOWMAN, JAMESTEALE, CARTER SCOTT and HENRY BOWMAN.

The first school was taught in l857, by MRS. J.S. WARNER. The presentschool house is a two-story brick, costing $2,200. It stands in thewestern part of town. There are three rooms, and three teachers areemployed. Eight months school is maintained.

There is but one church, but it is a fine brick house. It was built byJOHN CLARK, in l878, at a cost of $4,500 and is by him owned. It isopen to any and all denominations, without charge for use. It is 36 x56, and will seat 250. The Methodists and United Brethren hold serviceson alternate Sundays, regularly, while occasional meetings are held bythe Latter Day Saints, Christians, Baptists and Adventists. Rev. D.H.K.DIX is the Methodist pastor, and Rev. A.G. WRIGHT the United Brethrenpastor.

The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad was built through Davis Cityin l879, and quite an impetus was thereby given to the growth of theplace.


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Davis City Post, No. 306, G.A.R., was organized March 3l, l884, withtwenty-two members, and was mustered in by HUGH WHITE, of Mt. Ayr, underdirections of department mustering officer W.T. WILKINSON. The officersfor l886 are: J.E. TEALE, Commander; J.W. SPARGER, SeniorVice-Commander; GEORGE D. VAN BEEK, Junior Vice-Commander; W.C. SHEELER,Surgeon; A.H. ANSON, Officer of the Day; W.H. FORTUNE, Adjutant; S.RADWICH, Quartermaster; W.F. CRAIG, Chaplain; THOMAS IMES, Officer ofthe Guard; J.W. MILLIGAN, Sergeant-Major. The total enrollment is nowforty-six, and the active membership forty-one. The post has lost onemember by death, A. LOSEY, who was adjutant from the date oforganization. In the spring of l885 the post purchased a building, 24 x66, for meeting purposes. The hall is 24 x 42, and there is aconvenient ante-room at each end. The post meets twice a month.

Davis City Lodge, No. 375, A.F. & A.M., has a membership fromtwenty-five to thirty, and meets Friday evening on or before each fullmoon. The officers for l886 are: J.B. HORNER, worshipful Master; SAMUELBOWMAN, Secretary; J.S. CLARK, Treasurer, G.B. KESHLER, Senior Warden;J.H. BOWMAN, Junior Warden.

Davis City Lodge, No. 3l4, I.O.O.F., was organized in l876, and WILLIAMASBACH was the first Noble Grand. The officers at present writing are:G.P. CAMPBELL, Noble Grand; O.A. PARMALEE, Vice-Grand; H.R. CAMPBELL,Secretary; CARTER SCOTT, Treasurer. The membership is about thirty, andmeetings are held on Saturday evenings.

Davis City Lodge, No. 89, I.O.G.T., was organized in December, l885,with fourteen members. The membership is now increased to forty, andmeetings are held on Tuesday evenings, at Grand Army Hall. The officersfor the current quarter are: W.F. CRAIG, Chief Templar; JOSIE KLING,Secretary; MAY CAMPBELL, Assistant Secretary; JOHN KLING, FinancialSecretary; WALTER MCCULLOUGH, Treasurer, MRS. S. L. LOSEY, Marshal.

W.W. PEASLEY practiced law here from l875 to l885. J.H. KLING is herenow and J.H. GATES, of the firm of S.A. Gates & Bro.

Drs. J.B. HORNER, J.H. BARBER and W.C. WHEELER are the physicians ofDavis City. In the past have been here I.O. DAY, his son-in-law,MURPHY, and N.M. SMITH.

The Citizens' Bank was established here in l879, by the Decatur CountyBanking Association. J.M. ARNOLD is cashier.

The business of Davis City is represented in l886 by the followingfirms:

Adams Bros., Davis City Tidings; F.J. Arnold, drugs; Mrs. S.D. Adams,photographer; Gil. Blue, blacksmith; C.W. Browning, blacksmith; J.H.Bowman, postmaster; William Bradley, restaurant; J.H. Barber, physician;Bowman & Keshlear, general store; Citizens' Bank; Clark & Harvey,lumber; Clark Brothers, mill; F.M. Freeman, tinner and barber; S.R.Frazier, groceries and hardware; S.A. Gates & Bro., attorneys; J.B.Horner, physician and surgeon; E. Hynds, restaurant; J.P. Horton, HortonHouse; J.H. Kling, attorney; Mrs. J.W. Mather, millinery; McCullough &Sylvester, meat market; O.H. Parmalee, restaurant; J.H. Robinson, drugs;Mrs. Rasmussen, hotel; O.M. Severe, harness; L.E. Sweeten, Davis CityHotel; J.N. Sylvester, blacksmith and farm implements; A.M. & F.M.Severe, dry goods; Sutherlin & Shaffner, general store; W.W. Sparker,shoe shop; A.G. Scott & Son, general store; Mrs. J.M. Shepherd,millinery; Teale & Kramer, hardware; T.L. Tullis, livery; W.C. Wheeler,physician; C.L. Yost, drugs and groceries.


Copied by Nancee(McMurtrey)Seifert




Photo of Davis City submitted by Wanda Myers