Leon Photos & Images

Click on images below for larger views

1894 Leon Plat
Leon, year unknown

Leon, year unknown


Leon, year unknown

Decatur County Courthouses

3rd Courthouse, 1875

3rd Courthouse, 1875

3rd Courthouse, 1877

Female Accomplice

County Recorder


1904 County Officers


Cornerstone Dedicated

May 23, 1907

Cornerstone Dedicated

May 23, 1907

Cornerstone Dedicated

May 23, 1907

4th Courthouse


Grand Jury


County Officers

year unknown

4th Courthouse


Court House


Court House




Court House

flagpole added

County Officers

year unknown

Band Stand

courthouse lawn

Leon Employees

April 1, 1946

Tax Board of Review


North Main Street

facing north

Statue of Liberty


Statue of Liberty

2003 plaque







Auditor's Bag

year unknown

Decatur County "F.B.I."

1941 - 1946

Former Sheriff John A. Fulton




Decatur County Jail

present-day Dollar Store site

Leon Depots
NOTE: At one time Leon had three depots ~ each railroad passing through had its own depot.

Early Leon Depot

Leon Depot, 1909

Leon Depot, 1909

Leon Depot, 1918

Leon Depot

"35 lbs." By Depot, 1937

Depot, Courtesy of Mike Avitt

CB&Q Depot, 1957

Leon Depot

Whistle Markers

Leon Depot, 2003

Ticket Office, Leon Depot

Bridge Sign

Water Tower

Depot's Water Closet

year unknown

Around the Square

4th of July, 1898

Cigar Factory

Leon, year unknown

North Main Street, 1900

Conrey & Son, 1900

Leon Bus Line, 1902

Parlor & Meat Market


Leon's Band Wagon


N. Main Street, 1908


N. Main Street


N. Main Street


Main Street facing south


Edwin Bevins beeyard

S. of Leon, 1905

Freight Team

year unknown

Leon Businesses, 1910


South Main Street

Main Street, ca. 1903

Main Street, 1911

Idle Hour Theater, 1916

Main Street, 1918

Clarinda Produce Company


Clarinda Produce Company

East Side of Square


Leon Roller Mill


McQueen's Hall

Eagle Clothing Co.

North Main Street

South Main Street

4th of July

4th of July


Farmer's Union Parade, 1920

Prize Float

Band Wagon

6-Horse Hitch

4th of July Parade, 1920


Swift Band Wagon

4th of July, 1920

South Main Street, 1922

North Main Street, 1920's

North Main Street facing west

Main Street, Leon

Main Street, Leon

Main Street, Leon

Biggs Block, Leon

Swift's Meat Packing Plant

United Foods, Christmas Time

United Foods Window

United Foods, 1920s

United Foods, 1930s

Building Riddle Bros. Store

Riddle Bros.

West Side of Square

North Main, 1930s

West Side of Square, 1960's

Looking South on Main Street

Epperly's IGA, 1940's

Epperly's IGA, 1940's

Hutchinson Plant

West Side of Square

Centennial Parade, 1955

Main Street, 1940's

Main Street, 1960's

West Side of Square

North Main Street

Intersection of Hwys 69 & 2


Leon Creamery


Stewart Funeral Home


Pyfers Food City

Highway 2

Interstate 35


Arch's Lunch Menu

year unknown

4th of July Parade

Funeral Hearse

4th of July Parade, 1980

Sara & Sharon Becker
Strand Theatre, 1954


Post Office, City Hall and Library

Carnegie Library, ca. 1911

Carnegie Library

Carnegie Library, Leon

Penniwell House & Library

Leon Library, 2009

Leon Post Office

after the fire

Present-day Post Office site

after the fire

Leon Post Office, 1940's

Leon Post Office, 1950's

Leon Post Office

Cornerstone, Leon Post Office

Leon City Hall

Circus in Leon

Circus Parade, 1900

Circus Parade, 1900

Circus Parade, 1900?

Leon's Hotels

Hotel Denison, 1908

Hotel Capitol, 1909

Hotel Central, 1900's

Hotel Central, 1920's
Hotel Central, 1940's

Hotel Leon

Leon's Medical

Early Decatur County Hospital & Clinic

"Old" Decatur County Hospital

"Old" Decatur County Hospital
Doss Clinic
across highway from hospital


Leon High School, 1901

Leon High School, 1876-1902

South Side School

year unknown

Leon High School, 1903


Caster Lake, 1904

Noel Park

July 14, 1938

Municipal Swimming Pool

Municipal Swimming Pool

Harvey Park, Leon

Harvey Park

Harvey Park

Harvey Park Camp Site

Decatur County Museum

Former Dairy Queen

DQ Momma Elephant, 1950s

DQ Momma Elephant

Street Brick Paving Project, 1911

A Muddy Main Street, 1908

Brick Paving Crew, 1911

Brick Paving Crew, 1911

Brick Paving Crew, 1911

Paved Square, 1920's

Former Square's Paving Bricks

Its People

Andrew Jackson & Anna Still

First Sheriff 1850-52

Leon Men

year unknown

Leon Women


Leon Ball Team


Leon Girls with

Mae Epperly

K of P Band


Normal School Grads?

Sept. 5, 1898

Dr. George Woodmansee


Group of Fine Ladies

year unknown

Almyra Epperly
& Jane Gardner

Orel Estes
Ford Dealer

unknown Leon family

early 1900's

Odd Fellows Convention

Tripolis Commandary

Dr. J. B. Horner

circa 1902

Francis Varga Family

year unknown

Francis Varga home

(Slade-O'Donnell Funeral Home)

Edwin & Elvia Lane


Sons of Dr. Harry R. & Martha Layton
, Orr H. & Raymond G.

unknown resident

year unknown

Leon, Iowa

year unknown

Leon Girls

year unknown

Clark, Clark & Booth

year unknown


year unknown


year unknown


year unknown

1907 Leon Band

Supt. V. Decker, Director

Dr. McAlister, 1910

County Coroner

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bowsher

50th Anniversary

Owen and Mary Parsons


Mr. Young


Elizabeth (Larkey) Dillon


Leon Boarding House

Myrtle & Edythe, 1916

French, Waight & Wright


Louise & Mary Jane French


Mary Jane French &
Mary Jane Penniwell

Grandstaff, 4 generations

circa 1918-19

Mr. & Mrs. George Hall

year unknown

Helen Van Werden

1st female banker

Dr. Foxworthy's home

year unknown

Jonas Hoffhines

1840 - 1940

Amiee (Hoffhines)

1867 - 1957

Binding oats

The Hubbard Farm, 1916

Hubbards and Smallwoods

in a Maxwell

Bernita Barnum

circa 1920

Hansell Store Dinner

year unknown

Armour Employees

Leon, 1924

F. M. Cummons

Civil War Veteran

Elmer L. Shira

Supt. Decatur County Home

Back row L to R
Mr. Garr - Manager, Minnie Arney - Secretary, Joe Adair - Poultry Dresser, Ezra N. Ewman - Poultry Dresser, Alin Forsythe - Poultry Dresser, Harold Pickering - Poultry Packer, Bud Owens - Poultry Feeder, Raymond Pickering - Cooler Packer, George Barnes - General Forman, George Lamb - Picking Room Foreman, Gustave Brun Otte - Receiving Floor Grader, Ralph Pickering - Receiving Room Foreman

Middle row:
Jim Poland - Dresser, Curt Bigley - Dresser, Harry Spicer - Dresser, Matt Perks - Dresser, Cliff Peters - Dresser, Harry Fuller - Dresser, Earl Bigley - Dresser, Tom Forsythe - Dresser, Earl Neeman - Dresser, Lewis Bright - Box Maker, Tracy Bigley - Receving Floor Clerk, Jim Swim - Poultry Packer, Pearl Perks - Poultry Packer, Charles Peters - Poultry Picker, Earl Dodge - Poultry Feeder, Sunshine Cole - Poultry Picker, Orel Frost - Sr. Feeder, Steve Givens - Picking Room Helper, Clarence Goble - Poultry Picker, Roy Goble - Poultry Picker, Sherman Peters - Poultry Picker, Lester Forsythe - Poultry Picker, Blue Jay Simpson - Poultry Picker


Drs. Bowman & Eiker

year unknown

George Farquhar
& Charley Hurst

Dancers & Dance Program

year unknown

Sorosis Club's 50 Years


Leon Women's Group


Stacey, Sharon & Bob

at Decatur County Museum


Sam Downey & John P. Rumley, 1908


Business Directory, 1892
Courtesy of Decatur County Historical Museum

Leon Businesses and Business People, 1890's through Early 1900's
Decatur County, Iowa

Courtesy of Decatur County Historical Museum & Bob Bixby

Alexander Novelty

Wm. Alexander Store

W.A. Alexander Store

W.A. Alexander Store


Unknown Store, Leon

Leon Cafe

Albaugh Confectionary, 1923


Conrey Shoe Store
Coe's Jewelry

Bank - Tom Arnold





Bashaw's Jewelry

E. E. Bell Store, 1905

Bigg's Store

Bill Craig, Blacksmith

Blacksmith Shop

Jerry Pickering, lft

Blacksmith Shop

William Craig, 2nd Rt.

Bowman Harness Shop

Samuel L Keller, 2nd lft.

Bradfield & Gardner Store


Brian Hamilton, Barber

& Strawder Chandler

Carmean Cafe

Avery Tharp & Lou Carmean

Caster's Store

Doss Caster, rt.

Cigar Factory


Cigar Shop

Forrest Lorrey, Mgr.

Clarinda Swift & Co.


Clark's Roller Mill


Clark's Roller Mill



Mr. Langreder, lft.

C. W. Hoffman


Narrow Gauge Depot


Dr. McAlister

Dr. Rowell's Office

Dr. Layton & Dr. Bowman

Possibly the Drake Store

Ed Brooks

Eva Rhea

Farquhar & Son Hardware, 1916

Geo. Denger, Salesman; E. Madin, Prop.

Forbes Store

Geo. Gardner Store

Francis & Stephen Varga

Fred Connery
Dry Goods & Notions

George Baker


Gibson Organ Shop

Gould Wallace, rt.

Grandstaff Furniture

Grandstaff Furniture

Mark Grimes Clothing Store, 1931

Grocery Store

Lou Craig, Telephone Operator



Harness Shop

Samuel Keller, 2nd rt.

Otten's Meat Market

Henry Otten lft.

Otten's Meat Market


Hurst's Store


Hurst's Store, 1897

Hoffhines's Grocery


Horace & Sam Farquhar

middle & right

Herb Fletcher, barber

by Post Office

Hotel, E. J. Sandusky

Idle Hour Theatre, 1911

J. Gibson Organ Shop

John Bernard, Barber

with Lennsus Hamilton

Judge John Harvey


Layton Sewing Machine


Leon Clothing Company

Leon Journal

Leon Journal

Leon Light Plant


Leon Light Plant

George Sears Standing

McGinnis Law Office


McGinnis Law Office


Carl Long Clothing


Mike Mayes Clothing



Millard Stookey

Penniwell Carraiges & Sleds


Post Office

Ledgerwood Family

R. W. Bruce, Recorder,

Bess Bruce, Dept. Recorder




Claude Rubiem, Ed Bell

Store, Ed Kemp, 2nd lft.

Frank Owens Store

Hammy Tullis, 1916

Unknown Leon Business

Unknown Leon Business

Van Werden Drug

Vogt Grocery


Warner Dry Goods, Main St.


William Albaugh Woodard, Attorney


W. A. Alexander Store


History Index   ***   Decatur County IAGenWeb