The Lamoni Chronicle
October 28, 1909

J. C. Sincoe has bought a half interest in the Harding & Enslow granite and marble works at Chariton, the new firm to be known as Harding & Sincoe, and will move his family to that place in about two weeks. Mr. Sincoe has been a resident of Ringgold county for fifty four years, settling here in 1855, and he and his wife lived on a farm south of Kellerton for forty years, moving to town in March, 1908. They built an elegant, and modern residence here, and unless it is sold within a few days he has it rented. Mr. and Mrs. Sincoe and daughter Jessie are fine people, and we wish them success in their new home.

-Kellerton Globe.

Copied by Stacey McDowell Dietiker
March 28, 2003