How to Read the List of Names

FIRST, Name; SECOND, Post Office; THIRD, Township; FOURTH, Telephone Number and Exchange; FIFTH, Location and Distance From Town; SIXTH, R for Renter, O for Owner.


McBroom, C.R.Garden GroveGar. Gr. T. 2 1/2W LeRoyO.
McBroom, G.D.Garden GroveGar. Gr. T. 2N 1W Gar. G.O.
McBroom, H.A.Gar. Gr.G.G.T.22F13 G.G.3 1/2W LeRoyO.
McBroom, Mrs. J.G.Garden GroveG.G.T. 2N 1W LeRoyO.
McCarl, DickDecaturLg. Cr.81on50 G.R.4E Gr. Riv.O.
McCarl, PeteGarden GroveG.G.T. 4NW Garden GroveR.
McCarty, E.G.Pleas.Ham.4403 Linev.3 1/2N Pleas.O.
McCaull, W.S., jr.Gar. Gr.G.G.T.23F13 G.G.1N G.G.O.
McCay, G.B.WeldonFranklin 6N 2E LeonR.
McChesney, C.N.Van WertFranklin 6N 3/4W LeonR.
McCleary, C.W.LeonHigh Point 1 1/2NW High PointR.
McClain, FloydDecaturDecatur T. 3 1/2N DecaturR.
McClaran, BentonDavis CityNew Buda in corporationO.
McClaran, JamesDecaturDecatur T. 3NW DecaturR.
McClaran, John E.Davis CityBur.2F21 D.C.3W D.C.O.
McClintock, LillieVan WertFranklin 1 1/2E 1S Van WertO.
McClure, DaroldDecaturBur.5F2 D.C.6NW Davis CityR.
McClure, Louis L.DecaturDec. T.98F31 Dec.4NW Dec.R.
McClure, WadeDecaturDecatur T. 3NW DecaturO.
McConnell, A.G.Van WertLong Creek 3 3/4SW Van WertO.
McConnell, H.C.Grand RiverRich. 3NE Grand RiverO.
McConnell, HoyleGrand RiverRichland 1 3/4E 1/4S Gr. R.R.
McConnell, LeoGrand RiverRichland 3N Grand RiverR.
McCroskey, Chas. C.DecaturDecatur T. 2N DecaturO.
McCullough, Etta MaeLeonEden 5SE LeonR.
McCullough, GuyGar. Gr.H. Pt.15F11 G.G.4SW G.G.R.
McCullough, HowardLamoniFayette 2 1/2W 1 1/2S LamoniR.
McCullough, W.C.LeonFranklin 5N 3E LeonR.
McCutchan, DaltonGr. Riv.Rich.72on74 G.R.7 1/2N G.R.R.
McDaniel, CarlDavis CityNew Buda 4 1/2S 3/4W Davis CityO.
McDaniel, C.W.Davis CityNew Buda   
McDaniel, E.L.DecaturBurrell 2 1/2N Davis CityO.
McDaniel, J.B.LeonEden 9SE LeonR.
McDaniel, J.G.Davis CityNew Buda 4 1/2SW Davis CityO.
McDaniel, J.H.Davis CityNew Buda 2 3/4S Davis CityR.
McDaniel, J.L.Davis CityNew Buda 4 1/2S Davis CityR.
McDaniel, RoyLeonEden 7SE LeonR.
McDaniels, W.Z.WeldonFranklin 1 1/2W 1S WeldonR.
McDonough, B.M.LeonCenter12F11 Leon4 1/2NE LeonO.
McDowell, DeanLinevilleWood. T. 1 1/4S 1 1/4SW Wood.R.
McDowell, FloydBeacons.Rich.3on46 G.R.3 1/2W G.R.R.
McDowell, FrankGr. Riv.G.R.T.17on35 G.R.5 1/2S G.R.O.
McDowell, FredDavis CityNew Buda 3S 2W Davis CityR.
McDowell, George E.Gr. Riv.GRT10on45 GR2SW GRO.
McDowell, H.W.Gr. Riv.Rich.5on46 G.R.2 1/2NW G.R.O.
McDowell, J.L.Gr. Riv.Rich.11on45 G.R.2 1/2SW G.R.R.
McDowell, MatthewG.Riv.G.R.T.16on22 GR4SW GRR.
McDowell, RalphLinevilleWoodland T. 1 1/4S 1SW Wood.R.
McElwee, W.H.WeldonFrank.3F4 G.G.2 1/2E 3S Wel.R.
McElyea, RobertDecaturDec. T.34F21 Dec.3NE Dec.O.
McFarland, C.A.Wel.Frank.20F4 Wel.2 3/4E 1S Wel.R.
McFarland, S.A.WeldonFranklin 2E 1/2S WeldonO.
McFarland, WayneLamoniFayette 2 1/2W 3/4S LamoniR.
McGauhey, Sant & M.B.LamoniBloom. 3W 1N LamoniR.
McGauhey, RaymondDecaturDecatur T. 3N DecaturR.
McGee, BertHumestonG.G.T.1F12 G.G.1/2E 1N Gar. G.R.
McGraw, RaymondGr. Riv.Rich.23on74 G.R.2N G.R.O.
McGuire, C.L.Gar. Gr.G.G.T.47-W corp.O.
McGuire, ClaudHumestonGar. Gr. T. 1E 1/2N Gar. Gr.R.
McGuire, GeneLeonCenter 2N 2E LeonR.
McIlnay, E.B.WeldonCenter 4N LeonR.
McIntosh, WilbertGr. Riv.Rich.72on115 G.R.5N G.R.O.
McJimsey, Mrs. Wm.Van WtFrank.78-S V.W.1/2E V.W.O.
McKee, L.L.LeonHigh Point 3NW High PointR.
McKeehan, C.E.Garden GroveWood. T. 1 1/4W 1N Wood.O.
McKeeman, James H.LeonEden 11SE LeonR.
McKern, Chas. E.LeonEden140-M Leon4 1/2SE LeonR.
McKibben, J.O.Gar. Gr.G.G.T.7F21 G.G.4NE Gar. G.R.
McKinney, O.G.PleasantonHamilton 3 1/2NE PleasantonR.
McKinney, Thomas E.Gar. G.G.G.T.23F12 GG1W GGO.
McLain, J.L.Davis CityNew B.80 D.C.1 1/2S 1W D.C.R.
McLain, O.D.Davis CityNew Buda 2S 1W Davis CityO.
McLane, ClaudeLinevilleWoodland T. 3/4E 1/2S Wood.R.
McMorris, FredDecaturDecatur T. 2NW DecaturO.
McMorris, H.A.LeonEden 2 1/2SW LeonO.
McMorris, JayLeonEden 2 1/4SE LeonR.
McMurtrey, I.S.WeldonLong Creek 4NW WeldonO.
McNeil, LloydPleasantonHamilton 1 1/2NW PleasantonR.
McNelly, F.W.LeonEden 2NE LeonO.
McNelly, W.N.LeonEden   
McPhetridge, RayGar. Gr.G.G.T. 4 1/2NW Garden GroveR.
McVicker, Glenn H.LinevilleWood T. 10NW LinevilleR.
McWilliams, A.A.PleasantonHamilton 1NE PleasantonO.