How to Read the List of Names

FIRST, Name; SECOND, Post Office; THIRD, Township; FOURTH, Telephone Number and Exchange; FIFTH, Location and Distance From Town; SIXTH, R for Renter, O for Owner.


Imhoff, ClydeLeonDecatur T.46-M Vn Wt.7NW LeonR.
Imhoff, Geo. P.Van WertLong Creek 3 1/2S Van WertR.
Ingram, BertLeonHigh Point 6 1/2E LeonR.
Ingram, C.L.Garden GroveGar. Gr. T. 1S Gar. Gr.R.
Ingram, MaeDecaturBurrell 3SE DecaturO.
Irving, FredVan WertLong Creek 3SW Van WertR.
Ivie, L.E.Davis CityBurrell2F4 D.C.1W Davis CityR.
Ivins, DeanLeonHigh Point 4 1/2SW High PointR.
Ivins, G.C.LinevilleMorgan 9NW LinevilleR.
Ivins, GlenLinevilleWoodland917 Linev.8NW Linev.R.
Ivy, JeanetteHumestonFayette 1 1/2W 1S LamoniO.
Ivy, L.S.HumestonGar. Gr. T.11F111 G.G.1/4E LeRoyO.
Jackson, D.I.Van WertLg. Cr.44-J V.W.2 1/2SW V.Wt.O.
Jackson, ElmerWeldonFranklin 6N 1E 1/4N LeonR.
Jackson, J.E.WeldonFrank.3F3 Gar. Gr.6N 3E LeonO.
Jackson, J.O.LamoniBloomington 3/4N LamoniR.
Jackson, RussellLeonCenter 3 1/2W LeonR.
Jackson, T.A.LeonCenter1F32 Leon3 1/2E LeonO.
Jamison, DeweyLamoniFayette 3W 1S LamoniR.
Jennings, C.C.HumestonGar. Gr. T. 1W 1/2S HumestonO.
Jennings, D.A.Grand RiverRichland 5NW Gr. RiverO.
Jennings, J.M.LeonHigh Point 7SE LeonR.
Jensen, Olin W.LeonWoodland2F13 Leon10SE LeonR.
Jimmerson, ElbertGrand RiverRich. 3 1/2NE Grand RiverR.
Jimmerson, H.S.Gr. Riv.Rich.71on29 G.R.3NE G.R.O.
Joy, JohnLamoniGr. Riv. T.27F5 Dec.6NW LamoniR.
Johnson, AlvaLeonWood. T.68F25 Pls.2 1/2W 1S Wood.R.
Johnson, Chas. E.DecaturBurrell 3S DecaturR.
Johnson, Charlie J.WeldonFrank.92-N VW10N LeonR.
Johnson, George O.Linev.Wd. T.822 Linev.3E 1 3/4S WdR.
Johnson, Harry D.Hum.G.G.T.7F31 G.G.4W Hum.R.
Johnson, J.M.LeonEden 7S LeonO.
Johnson, J.W., jr.Lam.Fay.36F1 Lam.1W 1 1/2S Lam.R.
Johnson, LeonardLamoniFayette in corporationR.
Johnson, Nels B.Gar. Gr.G.G.T.14F2 G.G.1/2S Gar. Gr.O.
Johnson, Ralph W.LamoniFayette49F14 corp.R.
Johnson, RaymondLeonEden 7S LeonR.
Johnson, WilliamLeonWoodland T. 4W WoodlandR.
Johnston, Chas.PleasantonMorgan 7E PleasantonO.
Johnston, Clyde E.LinevilleWoodland 3/4S WoodlandO.
Johnston, ElmerLinevilleWoodland 1 1/4S WoodlandR.
Johnston, JakeGrand RiverRichland 6 1/2 N Grand RiverO.
Johnston, LaurelLInevilleMorgan 4NW LinevilleR.
Johnston, PerryLeonEden 2SW LeonR.
Johnston, VerlinPleasantonMorgan 5E PleasantonR.
Jones, D.L.Garden GroveWoodland T. 3W 1/4N Gar. Gr.O.
Jones, E.M.DecaturDec. T.95F11 Dec.3W DecaturR.
Jones, E.R.Davis CityNew Buda 3 1/2S Davis CityR.
Jones, Everett L.Garden GroveFranklin 3W Garden Gr.R.
Jones, FredLeonEden 9SW LeonO.
Jones, G.L.LeonEden 5S LeonR.
Jones, JoeDecaturDecatur T. 2W DecaturR.
Jones, John M.Dav. CtyNw B.25F14 Lm.2 1/2S 1 1/4W D.C.O.
Jones, R.E.DecaturBurrell 4SW DecaturR.
Jones, RonaldGar. Gr.Hh Pt. T.12F3 G.G.3SE Gar. G.R.
Jones, W.F.DecaturDecatur T. 2 1/2NW DecaturR.
Jordon, S.L.LeonCenter 1 1/2N 1/4E LeonR.
Joy, ArthurWeldonGarden Grove T. 1W 1N Gar. Gr.R.
Joy, BruceHumestonG.G.T.8517 Hum.3W HumestonO.
Judd, E.L.LinevilleWoodland 9NW LinevilleR.
Kaestner, HenryLamoniFayette 1 1/2S 1/2W LamoniR.
Kaestner, Reuben M.LeonHamilton 2E PleasantonR.
Kayser, Otto & DonVan Wt.Lg. Cr.8-U VW5 1/2NW V.W.R.
Keeler, M.H.WeldonFranklin7F4 Wel.2 1/4W WeldonR.
Keen, A.L.LamoniFayette 2 1/2S 3/4E LamoniO.
Keeran, J.A.LeonCenter 1/2S LeonO.
Kegg, A.M.Garden GroveHigh Point 3SE High PointO.
Keim, Chas. H.LeonCenter14F3 Leon2N 3E LeonO.
Keller, DoyleLinev.Wood. T.803 LInev.1 1/2E 2S Wood.R.
Keller, E.H.LeonCenter 1 SW LeonR.
Keller, HalsieGrand RiverRichland 1/2NE Grand RiverO.
Keller, J.S.LinevilleWoodland T. 1 1/2E 1 3/4S WoodlandO.
Keller, O.Davis CityHamilton 2W PleasantonO.
Keller, RaymondLinevilleMorgan 6 1/2NW LinevilleR.
Kelley, A.L.WeldonFranklin 4S WeldonR.
Kelly, C.W.LamoniBloomington 2W 3N LamoniR.
Kelly, JamesLinevilleMorgan 4NW LinevilleR.
Kelly, TomLinevilleMorgan   
Kemp, Bert F.Gar. Gr.Hh Pt.4F3 G.G.3 1/2SW Gar. Gr.O.
Kendall, W.E.Garden GroveHigh Point 3SW High Pt.R.
Kennedy, EdDavis CityBurrell91 D.C.1/4W Davis CityR.
Kent, A.H.DecaturDecatur T. 5NW DecaturO.
Kentner, C.B.LeonEden4F2 Gar. Gr.1 1/2E LeonO.
Keown, John R.PleasantonHamilton 2 1/2N PleasantonO.
Kerrins, JohnPleasantonHamilton 6NE PleasantonR.
Kerrins, T.F.Davis CityHamilton 2 1/2NW PleasantonO.
Kimmel, MarionWeldonFranklin 3S 1 1/2E 1/2S WeldonR.
Kindred, C.W.LinevilleWoodland T. 3SW WoodlandR.
Kindred, W.A.PleasantonHamilton 1/4E PleasantonO.
Kindred, W.S.LeonEden 7SE LeonR.
King, CliffordLeonCenter 1SE LeonR.
Kirk, WhiteDecaturLg. Cr.3on50 G.Rv.4NE DecaturR.
Kirkpatrick, DwightKellertonBloom. 4W 3N LamoniR.
Kirkpatrick, GeorgeLeonHamilton 3 1/4E LeonR.
Kline, C.M.WeldonFrank.19-R Weldon1/4S WeldonO.
Kline, GerdaWeldonFranklin in corporationO.
Knight, A.O.LeonHigh Point 2 1/2W High PointO.
Komer, JohnLamoniFayette14-W Lamoniin corp.O.
Kost, IvanLinevilleWoodland T. 1 1/2E WoodlandR.
Kost, OrvilleLinevilleWoodland T. 1 1/2S 1/2E WoodlandR.
Kost, RossLinev.Wood. T.4134 Linev.2 1/2S 3/4E Wood.O.
Kowski, MaxLamoniFayette 1 1/2S 1 1/2W LamoniO.
Kuhns, W.J.Garden GroveHigh Point 1 1/2SW Gar. Gr.R.
Kyle, M.A.Grand RiverRichland 1E Grand RiverO.
Kyner, John E.HumesG.G.T.8707 Hum.1 1/2E 1N LeRyR.
Kyner, R.E.Humes.G.G.T.9422 Hum.3W LeRoyR.