Leon Reporter, Leon, Iowa
Thursday, September 24, l903

A number of our people are considerably stirred up over the treatment which the old lady, MRS. LOVELL, is said to have received during her stay at the poor farm last winter and spring. These allegations should not pass without the people knowing whether or not they be true. It is alleged she was treated badly in many ways; slept up stairs in a cold room with no carpet on the floor, all winter and it was in the effort to get down these stairs in her almost blind condition, that she fell l4 feet and broke her arm, that she was scolded and shaken and compelled to do work for which she was physically unable. It is also alleged that the bed which she occupied and the bedding she used, when brought away were infested with parasites; and some of her bedding was never recovered at all. It is scarcely necessary to say that a woman of 8l, almost blind and nearly helpless, should not be expected to work and that it is not suitable for such a woman to sleep up stairs if necessary to go up and down for meals. As to physical punishment, it is outrageous. In justice to all concerned the matter should be investigated.


Copied by Nancee(McMurtrey)Seifert
"With permission from the Leon Journal Reporter"
February 28, 2003