Leon Reporter, Leon, Iowa
Thursday, April l4, l898

Decatur County Board of Supervisors Report;

E.W. Teale - coffin for MRS. BAKER - $l0.00
Charles Franklin - labor at funeral of MRS. BAKER - $5.25.

T.W. Sheffer - coffin for TENNESSEE GOCHENOUR - $l0.00

E.W. Teale - coffin for DOWNEY - $l0.00

Cost to County for paupers (as the county called them.)

The claims of J.A. Caster and L. Van Werden for mdse. furnished MRS. TABLER during quarantine were referred to Leon Board of Health.

W.W. Potts - digging grave for TABLER child - $2.00

Hamilton & Gammill - mdse for burial of TABLER child - 60 cents.

Copied by Cordelia Suzann
"With permission from the Leon Journal Reporter"
December 4, 2002