Leon Reporter, Leon, Iowa
Thursday, April l5, l897

Our readers will remember of the case of a young girl who gave her name as LILLIE DAVIS who came to Leon last fall and was taken to the Poor Farm where she gave birth to a child. A couple of months ago a young man appeared who claimed to be the girl's brother and made arrangements for the girl to return to her father's home which he claimed was in Des Moines. The Board of supervisors finally gave permission for the girl and baby to leave the Poor Farm and the girl came to Leon and remained at the home of MRS. WALKER in north Leon a few days before going to Des Moines, and asked to leave the baby with MRS. WALKER for a short time until she arranged for a home for it with her father. She left the baby and went to Des Moines but failed to send for the child, and the authorities were finally notified that MRS. WALKER would have to be paid for boarding and caring for it, so last week the child was sent to Des Moines in care of a daughter of MRS. WALKER, who delivered the baby to its mother, thus relieving the county of the charge. As the girl was never a resident of this county an effort will be made to collect from Polk County all the expense the county has been put to.

Copied by Nancee(McMurtrey)Seifert
List Administrator; Decatur County, Iowa GenWeb
"With permission from the Leon Journal Reporter"
November 2l, 2002