Garden Grove Express
May 17, 1894
Garden Grove, Iowa


Al CRAGO went to Allerton Tuesday after his household goods.

Mrs. A. C. NORTHRUP and Harvey went to Tingley Saturday.

Mrs. A. C. SIGLER of Leon came Tuesday on a visit to her daughters, Mrs. J. J. EVANS and Mrs. MCPHERRIN.

Ed PARR went to Des Moines last week, and returned Monday riding a new wheel, he having rode that day from Madison county.

John NISH of Weldon was in town Saturday on business and remembered the Express. He is the kind of a subscriber that maketh glad the heart of the newspaper man.

Mrs. Alice CULVER, Mrs. W. H. STILES, Mrs. L. H. THOMAS, and Mrs. Geo. M. MILLER went to Leon Friday in a double seated carriage. Master Ted CULVER was their driver.

L. S. EVANS and R. W. BRUCE went to Cincinnati, Iowa, Saturday, and were accompanied by J. E. EVANS and J. R. MCPHERRIN to Nauvoo, Ill. They returned Monday afternoon.

Mrs. Hattie ELTER UPSON and the baby arrived from California Friday on a visit to her mother, sisters, and scores of friends, who all extend to her and the little stranger a hearty welcome.

Our good friend and former townsman, J. B. SIMMONS of Marshalltown, was here last week visiting his sisters, Mrs. ZOOK and Mrs. FLANAGAN, and other friends. The people of Garden Grove are always glad to see him.

D. E. SMITH and family and L. M. SMITH and family have moved to Wayne, Neb., where they have gone into merchandising. They will run a large store in a county seat of 2000 inhabitants. Their many friends regret that they have moved away, but wish them success in their new home.

The carpenters have just completed a large new barn for M. V. STEWART. W. H. WEBSTER had the contract. This fact proves that the building is a good one.

Harry THOMAS has been having a nice trade on carriages. He got in a fine surrey yesterday that will make some farmer's heart glad when taken out on the farm for a family carriage.

A. B. STEARNS' fine residence is taking on a new dress these days and will present a most elegant and tasty appearance. Uncle Buck always keeps his premises in good shape.

Richard BAKER had quite a runaway experience Tuesday. He was on his return home from Dr. WEMPLE's farm and was driving at a good gait, when something got wrong with the tongue of the wagon, which scared them, and they becoming unmanageable, Dick was thrown out, the wagon running over his left leg, injuring the knee somewhat. The horses and wagon escaped injury.

Copied by Stacey McDowell Dietiker
December 30, 2003
Garden Grove Express
Thursday, May 17, 1894
Garden Grove, Iowa

High Point.

Corn all planted. Pastures fairly good. Fruit prospect is very good. Strawberries are beginning to ripen, and Coxey's army did not pass this way; so what have we to complain of. Indeed, we have much to be thankful for.

Last Friday being Mrs. Bert WILLIAMS birthday, some of the friends and relatives concluded they would remind her of it, and got together at S. WILLIAMS armed with baskets, etc., well loaded with the good things of this world, then marched in a body to residence of Mr. and Mrs. Bert WILLIAMS. Well, to make a long story short the surprise was complete, the preparation for refreshment was complete, and all went merry as a marriage bell. After all had partaken of the sumptuous repast they returned to their homes, leaving behind them numerous tokens of their love and esteem for Mrs. W.

Some of our young people tripped the light fantastic toe at G. W. TRAUPLE's Friday night until the wee small hours.

Miss Jennie WOLVERTON, who had been visiting the past two weeks with friends and relatives at Humeston and Derby, returned home Sunday.

F. T. MCKIBBEN spent two or three days in this vicinity this week.

J. W. ATEN and Fred WOOLLEY were Leon visitors last Friday.

Supervisor Sam MENDENHALL has been doing some good work grading the roads the past few days.

A. P. SWOPE was quite unwell last Sunday, but has nearly recovered.

Two traveling dentists were in this locality a few days last week seeking whom they might make toothless and then fit them out with new teeth. We understand they got some work to do.

Mr. and Mrs. B. M. MORTON of near Woodburn, visited friends at this place from Saturday to Monday.

Mrs. KESSLER, who has been quite sick, but is somewhat better.

Mr. and Mrs. Will MORTON of Leroy, spent Saturday night and Sunday with friends at this place.

A number of the young folks attended church at Woodland Sunday night.

Our schools are progressing finely. The teachers report a good attendance and excellent work.

Mr. MCVEY, form near Lewisburg, was in this place buying goods Saturday. He says he goes where he can buy the cheapest.

Mrs. H. HITCHCOCK will entertain the Ladies Aid Society Thursday afternoon of next week. Please take due notice and govern yourselves accordingly.

Copied by Stacey McDowell Dietiker
December 30, 2003
Garden Grove Express
Thursday, May 24, 1894
Garden Grove, Iowa

In response to an invitation from our bachelor friend, R. D. PIPER, we in company with our better half drove out to his residence last Friday evening at which time he had planned to entertain his Sunday School class of thirty-six young ladies and gentlemen. We reached his place about 7 o'clock in the evening and found most of the guests had arrived. In addition to the class and their chaperon, Mrs. M. V. STEWART, there were present Rev. R. BEER and daughter Belle, Rev. and Mrs. G. H. BENNETT, and a number of the neighbors, making a company of about forty-five persons. Our host soon had supper ready and the guests were invited to partake thereof. The meal was a good one and showed Mr. PIPER's skill as a cook as well as his generous hospitality.

The evening proved a very enjoyable one to all present, and although it was near eleven o'clock when we left, the time spent seemed much shorter than it really was.

We congratulate Mr. PIPER in having under his tuition such a large, bright and intelligent class of young people, and we feel certain that the work of the teacher and class will be of mutual profit. May success attend both teacher and scholar is the wish of all present.

Copied by Stacey McDowell Dietiker
December 31, 2003
Garden Grove Express
Thursday, May 24, 1894
Garden Grove, Iowa


Geo. A. AMOS of Horton, Kans., was here yesterday on business.

S. J. WOLFE of Saxon, Wayne Co., was in town Wednesday on business.

Mrs. J. R. WHITE went to New Sharon Friday on a visit to her parents.

Dr. and Mrs. J. D. BURNS and son Dana went to Clearfield, Wednesday, on a visit to relatives.

Uncle George STEARNS started for his home in Ohio Monday. He will stop at Chicago a few days.

Harry ARNOLD started for Chicago, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. BECHTOLD will probably return with him.

Mr. and Mrs. L. W. SULLIVAN and the children visited over Sunday at Milo with a brother of Mrs. SULLIVAN.

T. J. SHEFFER, our popular furniture merchant, went to Des Moines Tuesday to attend a convention of undertakers.

A. J. HANES arrived from Des Moines yesterday morning. He has quit railroading and expects to work for a nursery firm.

Dr. DUFF went to Springfield Mo., Monday, where Mrs. DUFF and Charley have been visiting friends the past two weeks.

John MCPHERRIN came home from Cincinnati, Iowa, Tuesday. He has fully recovered his health and is looking well.

T. B. DANIEL came down from Des Moines and remained at home over Wednesday night with his family. He is carpentering at the Capital City.

Mrs. SANDERS is visiting her sister, Mrs. S. H. BRILEY, and family. She has been ill for several weeks past, but we are glad to learn that she is improving.

Mr. and and Mrs. S. E. WILSON and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. STILL went to Grand River the first of the week on a fishing excursion, but report poor success. Fish seem to be scarce in the river.

Rev. D. H. K. DIX of Indianola, came Saturday and remained over Sunday with friends at High Point. His many friends at Garden Grove and High Point are always glad to see their former pastor.

The item appearing in last week's issue in regard to the visit of J. B. SIMMONS, omitted the name of Mrs. M. L. STEARNS, by mistake of the typo. Such errors will occur, sometimes through the fault of the editor, at other times by mistake of the printer.

Copied by Stacey McDowell Dietiker
December 31, 2003
Garden Grove Express
Thursday, May 31, 1894
Garden Grove, Iowa


Mr. and Mrs. JAQUIS visited his brother John the first of the week.

Postmaster WARNER's father and mother of Leon visited their son over Sunday.

Rev. and Mrs. John GIBSON visited over Sunday with their brother R. M. GIBSON and family.

Mrs. A. J. HANES and daughter came from Des Moines Monday. Mr. HANES went to Des Moines yesterday.

L. P. SIGLER was here Friday on business. We had the pleasure of riding from Leon that morning with him.

Mrs. Frank FISHER of Saxton has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. Saml. WHEELER and family and other friends in town this week.

J. F. BLACK went to Leon Monday expecting to work at wagon making, but as there is plenty of work here he returned the next day.

R. D. PIPER and Thos. QUAYLE shipped their cattle yesterday. They both accompanied them to Chicago. The cattle are fine ones and we hope they struck a good market.

M. V. STEWART, L. J. EDE and the editor expect to start to Cedar Rapids, today, to attend Masonic Grand Lodge. The School of Instruction will convene tomorrow and remain in session until Monday evening. The Grand Lodge will convene Tuesday morning and remain in session three days.

Mr. and Mrs. Emil BECHTOLD and family arrived from Chicago, Thursday, Mr. BECHTOLD has been unable to walk but very little since the first of January. The trouble is with his hip. He has been under the care of the best specialists in Chicago, but they were unable to give much, if any, relief. We hope the change of place and climate will prove beneficial to him.

Copied by Stacey McDowell Dietiker
December 31, 2003
Garden Grove Express
May 31, 1894
Garden Grove, Iowa

A Cornet Band was organized at this place Monday evening with the following members:

Geo. E. JENNINGS, tuba.
J. R. WHITE, baritone.
Geo. STEARNS, tenor.
Fred W. MCCAULL, tenor.
L. H. THOMAS, alto.
Ed H. JENNINGS, Bb cornet.
S. E. WILSON, Bb cornet.
Roy HOADLEY, Bb cornet.
W. E. BATTLE, Eb cornet.
G. E. METIER, bass drum.
Walter MILLER, snare drum.
The following officers were elected:
Manager - J. R. WHITE.
Treasurer - L. H. THOMAS.
Leader - Ed H. JENNINGS.

Copied by Stacey McDowell Dietiker
December 31, 2003
Garden Grove Express
May 31, 1894
Garden Grove, Iowa


Having sold out the EXPRESS to Mr. W. S. JOHNSON, the partnership heretofore know as the 'Express Printing Co." is this day dissolved by mutual agreement. The subscription list is the property of our successor. All owing us on account will make settlement with S. H. AMOS, he having charge of the books. Dated the 31st day of May, 1894.

Copied by Stacey McDowell Dietiker
December 31, 2003
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