CENSUS:  1856 State Census;  Eden Twp., Decatur County, Iowa
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July 1999

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               1856 Iowa Census for Decatur County
               Transcribed by Pam Shelton-Anderson  July 1999

               Eden Township

               Dw ... Dwelling Number                  NVV... Native Voter
               Fam... Family Number                    Ali... Alien
               Sx ... sex                              Mil... Military
               Ma ... Married                          D/D... Deaf/Dumb
               Di ... Divorced                         Idi... Idiotic
               YIS... Years living in State of Iowa    LO ... Land Owner
               NLV... Naturalized Voter

Line Page  Dw Fam Given Name       Surname      Age Sx Ma Di   YIS Born     Occupation     NLV NVV Ali Mil D/D Idi LO  COMMENTS

   1  298   1   1 Seth             Webster       20 M  1         4 MI       Farmer         1           1                 First name is very very faint and very hard to read.  It looked like
   2  298         Lucinda          Webster       19 F  1         4 IN
   3  298         Johan            Webster        3 M              IA                                                    First name is very faint and hard to read
   4  298         ***ler           Webster        2 M              IA                                                    First name is very faint and hard to read
   5  298   1   1 Phillip          Marshall      50 M  1        21 TN       Farmer                                       Should be Dwelling 2/Family 2
   6  298         Jane             Marshall      47 F  1        21 OH
   7  298         Phillip T        Marshall      19                IA                                  1                 No sex or years in state marked
   8  298         Mary J           Marshall      19                IA
   9  298         Charity Ann      Marshall      15                IA
  10  298         ***ney J         Marshall      11                IA                                                    First name is very very faint, no sex or years in state marked
  11  298   1   1 D**              Gammon        23 M  1         6 IN       Farmer         1           1                 Should be Dwelling 3/Family 3
  12  298         Emma             Gammon        22 F  1         6                                                       Place of birth is blank
  13  298         Elvira           Gammon         3 F              IA
  14  298         John W           Gammon         2 M              IA
  15  298         * W              Gammon      half M              IA                                                    First initial is too faint to decipher
  16  298   1   1 Jacob            Spellman      43 M  1           PA       Farmer         1                             Should be Dwelling 4, NO years in state marked
  17  298         Sarah            Spellman      37 F  1           OH
  18  298         Hyrim            Spellman      17 M              OH
  19  298         Amanda J         Spellman      14 F              OH

Line Page  Dw Fam Given Name       Surname      Age Sx Ma Di   YIS Born     Occupation     NLV NVV Ali Mil D/D Idi LO  COMMENTS

  20  298         Selestine        Spellman      12 F              OH
  21  298         Centhan          Spellman       8 F              OH
  22  298         Clarinda         Spellman       6 F              OH
  23  298   1   1 Joseph           Boyer         36 M  1         7 MO       Farmer         1           1                 Should be Dwelling 5
  24  298         Mary D           Boyer         36 F  1         7 IL
  25  298         Leander          Boyer          8 M            7 IL
  26  298         Isabella         Boyer          5 F              IA
  27  298         Amanda           Boyer          3 F              IA
  28  298         Mary             Boyer          2 F              IA
  29  298   1   1 Elisha B         Mann          26 M  1        10 TN       Farmer         1           1                 Should be Dwelling 6
  30  298         Amanda J         Mann          27 F  1         6 TN
  31  298         Sarah E          Mann          11 F              IA
  32  298         Wm P             Mann           6 M              IA
  33  298         Nart H           Mann           2 F              IA
  34  298   1   1 James            Hatfield      66 M     1     14 TN       Farmer                                       Should be dwelling 7
  35  298         James R          Hatfield      16 M           14 MO
  36  298         John K           Hatfield      18 M           14 TN
  37  298         Sley             Kilgore       23 M           14 KY       Farmer         1           1
  38  298         Elisabeth        Johnson       29 F     1     12 NY

Line Page  Dw Fam Given Name       Surname      Age Sx Ma Di   YIS Born     Occupation     NLV NVV Ali Mil D/D Idi LO  COMMENTS

   1  300   7   7 Enus C           Trembly       24 M  1         3 OH       Farmer         1           1                 Should be dwelling 8 but it is marked as 7
   2  300         Catharine        Trembly       24 F  1         3 MO
   3  300   1   1 Samuel           Still         29 M  1         8 OH       Farmer         1           1                 If the above is Dwelling 7 then this should be Dwelling 8
   4  300         Livina R         Still         27 F  1         8 KY
   5  300         Mary             Still         18 F            8 MO
   6  300         Caroline         Still         10 F            8 MO
   7  300         Martin V         Still          8 M            8 MO
   8  300         Loucinda         Still          6                IA
   9  300         Louisa           Still          4                IA
  10  300   1   1 Francis          Wisdom        38 M  1         1 KY       Farmer         1           1                 Should be Dwelling 9
  11  300         Margaret G       Wisdom        32 F  1         1 KY
  12  300         Susan C          Wisdom        17              1 MO
  13  300         Virgina M        Wisdom        15              1 MO                                                    First name is as it is spelled on the census
  14  300         Thomas H B       Wisdom        13 M            1 MO
  15  300         Francis M        Wisdom         8 M            1 MO
  16  300         Rebeca L         Wisdom         6 F            1 MO
  17  300         John W           Wisdom         4 M            1 MO
  18  300         Henry H          Wisdom         2              1 IA
  19  300   1   1 Andrew P         Rader         46    1         2 IA                      1                             Should be Dwelling 10.  Birthplace is dittoed from the one above whi

Line Page  Dw Fam Given Name       Surname      Age Sx Ma Di   YIS Born     Occupation     NLV NVV Ali Mil D/D Idi LO  COMMENTS

  20  300         Margaret         Rader         26    1         2 IA                                                    Birthplace is dittoed from above
  21  300         Mary C           Rader          4                IA
  22  300         Elisabeth        Rader          3                IA
  23  300   1   1 John             Trembly       52    1         3 PA                      1                             Should be Dwelling 11
  24  300         Jimmima          Trembly       48    1         3 PA
  25  300         David            Trembly       21              3 OH                      1           1
  26  300         Nelson           Trembly       18              3 OH
  27  300         Mahaly           Trimbly       15              3 OH
  28  300         Benjamin         Trembly       13              3 OH
  29  300         Catharine        Trembly       11              3 OH
  30  300         Maryan           Trembly        9              3 OH
  31  300         Ezekiel          Trembly        7              3 IN
  32  300         Wesley           Trembly        5              3 IN
  33  300   1   1 Asale            Stanberry     34    1         5 OH                      1           1                 Should be Dwelling 12
  34  300         Sarah            Stanberry     34    1         5 MO
  35  300         Martin           Stanberry     14              5 MO
  36  300         Marion           Stanberry     12              5 MO
  37  300         Estivella        Stanberry     10 F            5 MO
  38  300         America          Stanberry      8 F            5 MO

Line Page  Dw Fam Given Name       Surname      Age Sx Ma Di   YIS Born     Occupation     NLV NVV Ali Mil D/D Idi LO  COMMENTS

  39  300         Lindia           Stanberry      6 F            5 MO
  40  300         Caroline         Stanberry      4                IA
   1  302         Nov*inbley       Stanberry      2 M
   2  302  13  13 Cartlin          Harris        45 M  1        10 OH                      1                       1
   3  302         Mary             Harris        45    1        10 OH
   4  302         Wm F             Harris        20             10 IN                                  1
   5  302         James W          Harris        18             10 IN                                  1
   6  302         Stephen F        Harris        16             10 IN
   7  302         Almanda E        Harris        13             10 IN
   8  302         Oliver           Harris        11             10 IN
   9  302         Mary E           Harris         9                IA
  10  302         Samantha J       Harris         7                IA
  11  302   1   1 Isaac M          Blaxley       25    1         8 IN                      1           1           1     Should be Dwelling 14
  12  302         Abagale          Blaxley       24    1        10 OH
  13  302         Cartland H       Blaxley        4                IA
  14  302         John M           Blaxley        2                IA
  15  302   1   1 Joseph A         Bales         31    1         1 OH                      1           1           1     Should be Dwelling 15
  16  302         Miney D          Bales         27    1         1 OH
  17  302         John W           Bales          8              1 IN

Line Page  Dw Fam Given Name       Surname      Age Sx Ma Di   YIS Born     Occupation     NLV NVV Ali Mil D/D Idi LO  COMMENTS

  18  302         Wm W             Bales          6              1 IN
  19  302         Phebe            Bales          5              1 IN
  20  302         Martha           Bales          3              1 IN
  21  302         Curtis P         Bales          1                IA
  22  302   1   1 Jackson          Smith         26    1         1 OH                      1           1           1     Should be Dwelling 16
  23  302         Julia            Smith         20    1         1 OH
  24  302         George           Smt            5              1 OH
  25  302   1   1 Samuel           Mcdowell      34    1         6 KY                      1           1           1     Should be Dwelling 17
  26  302         Perlina          Mcdowell      33    1         6 KY
  27  302         Sarah L          Mcdowell      11              6 IN
  28  302         John W           Mcdowell       9              6 IN
  29  302         George           Mcdowell       6              6 IA
  30  302         Mary E           Mcdowell       3                IA
  31  302   1   1 Milton           Burrel        24    1        14 IN                      1           1                 Should be Dwelling 18
  32  302         Rachiel          Burrel        19    1         9 MO
  33  302         Elisabeth        Burrel         3                IA
  34  302         Larkin           Burrel         1                IA
  35  302   1   1 Halden L         Cook          34    1         4 NY                      1           1           1     Should be dwelling 19
  36  302         Sarah S          Cook          36    1         4 NH

Line Page  Dw Fam Given Name       Surname      Age Sx Ma Di   YIS Born     Occupation     NLV NVV Ali Mil D/D Idi LO  COMMENTS

  37  302         Halden           Cook          11              4 NY
  38  302         Elen             Shay          14              3 MI
   1  304  21  21 Martin           Cox           25 M  1         4 IN       F              1           1           1     Marked as Dwelling 21, Family 21
   2  304         Sary E           Cox           24 F  1         4 IN
   3  304         Sarah L          Cox            3                IA
   4  304         Mary E           Cox            2                IA
   5  304   1   1 John             Vanderpool    36    1        11 MO                      1           1           1     Should be Dwelling 22
   6  304         Mary             Vanderpool    33    1        11 KY
   7  304         Solomon          Vanderpool    16             11 MO
   8  304         Catharine        Vanderpool    13             11 MO
   9  304         Quincy           Vanderpool    10                IA
  10  304         Margaret         Vanderpool     8                IA
  11  304         Gillom           Vanderpool     7                IA
  12  304         Alford           Vanderpool     6                IA
  13  304         Emma             Vanderpool     5                IA
  14  304         Delila           Vanderpool     3                IA
  15  304         Emaline          Vanderpool     2                IA
  16  304   1   1 Solomon          Kislin        39    1         1 VA                      1           1           1     Should be dwelling 23
  17  304         Nancy            Kislin        40    1         1 KY

Line Page  Dw Fam Given Name       Surname      Age Sx Ma Di   YIS Born     Occupation     NLV NVV Ali Mil D/D Idi LO  COMMENTS

  18  304         Margaret         Kislin        16              1 IN
  19  304         Anna B           Kislin        15              1 IN
  20  304         Barbara          Kislin        13              1 IN
  21  304         Nancy            Kislin         9              1 IN
  22  304         Sarah H          Kislin         8              1 IN
  23  304         Antrum F         Kislin         6              1 IN
  24  304         Georg O          Kislin         4              1 IN                                                    Middle initial could be a C instead of an O
  25  304         John W           Kislin         2              1 IN
  26  304   1   1 Wm               Bright        40    1         2 IN                      1           1           1     Should be dwelling 24
  27  304         Susan            Bright        38    1         2 IN
  28  304         Daniel           Bright        10              2 VA
  29  304         Margaret         Bright         6              2 VA
  30  304         Andrew           Bright         4              2 VA
  31  304   1   1 Philip           Miller        23    1         1 IN                      1           1           1     Should be dwelling 25
  32  304         Sarah            Miller        18    1         8 OH
  33  304   1   1 Wm               Wiley         38    1         1 PA                      1           1           1     Should be dwelling 26
  34  304         Mahaley          Wiley         34    1         1 OH
  35  304         Henry            Wiley         16              1 OH
  36  304         Howard           Willey         8              1 OH                                                    Surname spelling varied from parents

Line Page  Dw Fam Given Name       Surname      Age Sx Ma Di   YIS Born     Occupation     NLV NVV Ali Mil D/D Idi LO  COMMENTS

  37  304         Mary             Willey         6              1 OH
  38  304         Albert           Wiley          4              1 OH
  39  304         John             Wiley          2              1 OH
   1  306  27  27 Johnathan        Tindle        25    1         1 IN       F              1           1           1
   2  306         Susannah         Tindle         2    1         1 IN                                                    Married is marked and age is written as 2 on the census
   3  306   1   1 Wm               Maxwell       31    1         5 KY       F              1           1           1     Should be dwelling 28
   4  306         Jane P           Maxwell       31    1         5 IN
   5  306         Sarah K          Maxwell        6              5 IN
   6  306         John P           Maxwell        4                IA
   7  306         Martha L         Maxwell        1                IA
   8  306   1   1 John             Mcnelley      39    1         1 NJ       F              1           1           1     Should be dwelling 29
   9  306         Jane P           Mcnelley      35    1         1 OH
  10  306         Adam G           Mcnelley      14              1 IN
  11  306         Richard C        Mcnelley      12              1 IN
  12  306         Maryan           Mcnelley       9              1 IN
  13  306         Wm H             Mcnelley       3              1 IN
  14  306         Nancy            Mcnelley       2              1 IN
  15  306   1   1 Alvin            Daley         31    1         1 IN                      1           1           1     Should be dwelling30
  16  306         Mary F           Daley         25    1         1 KY

Line Page  Dw Fam Given Name       Surname      Age Sx Ma Di   YIS Born     Occupation     NLV NVV Ali Mil D/D Idi LO  COMMENTS

  17  306         Sidney           Daley         10              1 IN
  18  306         Allis L          Daley          7              1 IN
  19  306         Amity            Daley          4              1 IN
  20  306         Wm C             Daley          2              1 IN
  21  306   1   1 Asa              Burrel        49    1        14 OH                      1           1           1     Should be dwelling 31
  22  306         Elisabeth        Burrel        51    1        14 KY
  23  306         Martha P         Burrel        22             14 IN                                                    Middle initial could also be a J
  24  306         Maryan           Burrel        20             14 IN
  25  306         Elisabeth        Burrel        19             14 IN
  26  306         L F              Burrel        17             14 IN
  27  306         Aca              Burrel        14             14 IN                                                    First name is spelled as it appears on the census
  28  306         Sarah Ann        Burrel         9                IA
  29  306   1   1 Eisa             Natson        29       1     12 KY                                                    Should be dwelling 32
  30  306         Lutinian         Natson         3                IA
  31  306   1   1 Wood             Osbern        56    1         3 VT       F              1           1           1     Should be dwelling 33.  Birthplace is listed as Ver (but for this en
  32  306         Catharine        Osbern        54    1         3 VT
  33  306         Mary             Osbern        14              3 VT
  34  306   1   1 Samuel           Osbern        19    1         3 VT                                                    Should be dwelling 34.  Birthplace is listed as Ver
  35  306         Sarah L          Osbern        21    1         9 VT

Line Page  Dw Fam Given Name       Surname      Age Sx Ma Di   YIS Born     Occupation     NLV NVV Ali Mil D/D Idi LO  COMMENTS

  36  306   1   1 Michel           Rader         57    1         3 TN                      1           1           1     Should be dwelling 35
  37  306         Catharine        Rader         52    1         3 VA
  38  306         William          Rader         18              3 IN                                  1
  39  306         Michel           Rader         16              3 IN
  40  306         David            Rader         13              3 IN
   1  308  36  36 Edwin            Pitmon        21 M  1         4 KY       F              1           1           1
   2  308         Louisa           Pitmon        20 F  1         3 VA
   3  308   1   1 Anthna           Vanderpool    45 M  1        12 TN                      1           1                 Should be dwelling 37.  First name could be this enumerators version
   4  308         Easter           Vanderpool    46 F  1        12 KY
   5  308         Lulitt           Vanderpool    14             12 KY
   6  308         Maryann          Vanderpool    12                IA
   7  308         Caroline         Vanderpool    10                IA
   8  308         John             Vanderpool     7                IA
   9  308         Oliver           Vanderpool     1                IA
  10  308   1   1 John *           Stanley       39    1        11 KY       F              1           1           1     Should be dwelling 38. Middle initial could be L, P, F or J
  11  308         Nancy W          Stanley       32    1         3 VA
  12  308         Alford L         Stanley       18             11 TN
  13  308         Benjamin         Stanley       16             11 TN
  14  308         John A           Stanley       14             11 AL
  15  308         Jesse T          Stanley       12             11 MO
  16  308         Margaret G       Stanley       10                IA
  17  308         Aaron L          Stanley        8                IA

Line Page  Dw Fam Given Name       Surname      Age Sx Ma Di   YIS Born     Occupation     NLV NVV Ali Mil D/D Idi LO  COMMENTS

  18  308         Sarah            Stanley        4                IA
  19  308         Clark            Stanley        2                IA
  20  308         Margaret         Stanley       10                KY
  21  308         Elisabeth        Stanley        9                KY                                                    Age could also be a 5
  22  308   1     Alford M         Stanley       49    1        12 VA                      1                       1     Should be dwelling 39
  23  308         Margarate        Stanley       46    1        12 KY
  24  308         Asither          Stanley       18             12 TN                                                    First name is spelled as it appears in the census
  25  308         Frances M        Stanley       16             12 AL
  26  308         Christopher      Stanley       14             12 AL
  27  308         Elumut           Stanley       13             12 MO
  28  308         Joseph D         Stanley       10                MO
  29  308         Louanna          Stanley        9                IA
  30  308         Ceala            Stanley        8                IA
  31  308         Alford           Stanley        4                IA
  32  308   1   1 Calvin           Stanley       24             13 IN                      1           1           1     Should be dwelling 40
  33  308         Emaline          Stanley       20              5 IL
  34  308         Hareat           Stanley        1                IA
  35  308   1   1 James            Groves        29    1           OH                      1           1           1     Should be dwelling 41
  36  308         Marian           Groves        30    1           OH

Line Page  Dw Fam Given Name       Surname      Age Sx Ma Di   YIS Born     Occupation     NLV NVV Ali Mil D/D Idi LO  COMMENTS

  37  308         Maryane          Groves         6                OH
  38  308         Sarian           Groves         4                IA
  39  308         Elisabeth        Groves         1                IA
   1  310  42  42 John T           Hatfield      27    1        14 TN       F              1           1           1
   2  310         Susan            Hatfield      30    1        15 TN
   3  310         Aleey            Hatfield       7 F              IA
   4  310         John M           Hatfield       6                IA
   5  310         Hirsam           Hatfield       5                IA
   6  310   1   1 Calvin           Hatfield      23    1        14 TN                      1           1           1     Should be dwelling 43
   7  310         Jane             Hatfield      18    1         3 IL
   8  310   1   1 N S              Barns         19    1         5 IN                                  1                 Should be dwelling 44
   9  310         Narain           Barns         17    1        13 IL
  10  310   1   1 Wm               Cambell       29    1         3 Scotland                            1           1     Should be dwelling 45
  11  310         Ann              Cambell       29    1         3 Scotland
  12  310         Charles          Cambell        5              3 Scotland
  13  310         Andrew           Cambell        3              3 MO
  14  310         Agnes            Cambell        7              3 Scotland
  15  310         Mary             Cambell       50       1      3 Scotland                                              Age was somewhat scribbled over but looks like 50
  16  310         Margaret         Cambell       15              3 Scotland

Line Page  Dw Fam Given Name       Surname      Age Sx Ma Di   YIS Born     Occupation     NLV NVV Ali Mil D/D Idi LO  COMMENTS

  17  310         Peter            Crookshanks   12              3 Scotland
  18  310   1   1 John             Scott         27    1         1 NY                      1           1           1     Should be dwelling 46
  19  310         Hannah           Scott         22    1         1 OH
  20  310         Wm T             Scott          1              1 OH
  21  310   1   1 Wm               Kurk          40    1        13 TN                      1           1           1     Should be dwelling 47
  22  310         Rebca            Kurk          41    1        13 TN                                                    First name is as it is spelled on the census
  23  310         Josiah           Kurcah        14             13 TN                                                    Surname is spelled differently than the parents
  24  310         James M          Kurk          12             13 MO
  25  310         Wm Riley         Kurk          11                MO
  26  310         Willis           Kurk          10                IA
  27  310         Mary             Kurk           9                IA
  28  310         Pleasant         Kurk           8                IA
  29  310         Jimmina          Kurk           4                IA
  30  310         Jane             Kurk           2                IA
  31  310   1   1 J T W            Kilgore       43    1        13 KY                      1           1           1     Should be dwelling 48
  32  310         Hannah           Kilgore       29    1        13 MO
  33  310   1   1 John             Beazley       51    1         5 OH                      1           1           1     Should be dwelling 49
  34  310         Mathilda         Beazley       50    1         5 OH
  35  310         Jane             Lane          27       1        OH

Line Page  Dw Fam Given Name       Surname      Age Sx Ma Di   YIS Born     Occupation     NLV NVV Ali Mil D/D Idi LO  COMMENTS

  36  310         Mathilde         Beazley       22              5 OH
  37  310         Jacob            Beazley       21              5 OH                      1           1           1
  38  310         Elexander        Beazley       18              5 OH
  39  310         Nancy *          Beazley       15              5 OH                                                    Middle initial is an A or an H
  40  310         Wm N             Beazley        9              5 OH
  41  310         James R P        Beazley        5                IA
  42  310         Peter B          Lane           7                OH
   1  312         Sarian           Lane           6                OH
   2  312         John             Lane           2                OH
   3  312         Wm F             Lane           1                OH
   4  312  50  50 Simeon           Harmon        26    1         5 OH                      1           1           1     Says he is married but no one else is listed in his household
   5  312   1   1 R P              Lilley        31    1           OH                      1           1           1     Should be dwelling 51
   6  312         Darotha          Lilly         23    1           OH
   7  312         Charles N        Lilley         8                OH
   8  312         Larnenso         Lilly          6                OH
   9  312         Louis C          Lilly          2                OH
  10  312         James W          Lilley         1                OH
  11  312         Jacob            Harmon        78                PA                      1           1           1
  12  312   1   1 James W          Gammon        36    1         8 TN                      1           1           1     Should be dwelling 52

Line Page  Dw Fam Given Name       Surname      Age Sx Ma Di   YIS Born     Occupation     NLV NVV Ali Mil D/D Idi LO  COMMENTS

  13  312         Armildred        Gammon        27    1         5 IN
  14  312         Lewis L          Gammon         2                IA
  15  312         Lida             Gammon         1                IA
  16  312   1   1 Wm               Combs         45    1         3 TN                      1           1           1     Should be dwelling 53
  17  312         Mary             Combs         35    1         3 TN
  18  312         John W           Combs         16              2 TN
  19  312         James D          Combs         15              2 TN
  20  312         Washington       Combs         13              2 MO
  21  312         Jane K           Combs         11              2 MO
  22  312         Wm G             Combs          7              2 KY
  23  312         Granvill         Combs          5              2 TN
  24  312         Maryan           Combs          3              2 MO
  25  312         Eberly           Combs          1                IA
  26  312         G                Mcdannal      57    1         3 KY                      1           1           1     Should be dwelling 54 even though the household isn't marked
  27  312         Lucinda          Mackdannel    47    1         3 Carolina                                              Birthplace does not indicate North or South Carolina
  28  312         Daniel           Mackadannel   20              3 MO
  29  312         Maryan           Mackdann      17              3 MO                                                    Spelling of this surname varies through this family
  30  312         Barnett          Macdennol     14              3 MO
  31  312         John B           Mackdannal    12              3 MO

Line Page  Dw Fam Given Name       Surname      Age Sx Ma Di   YIS Born     Occupation     NLV NVV Ali Mil D/D Idi LO  COMMENTS

  32  312         Lutisha          Mackden        8              3 MO
  33  312         Mary F           Mackdenel      6              3 MO
  34  312   1   1 Ashael           Edaington     55    1         2 OH                      1                       1     Should be dwelling 55, First name was very hard to read due to scrib
  35  312         Sarrah           Edgington     47    1         2 KY
  36  312         Wm P             Edgington      9              2 OH
  37  312         Nancy J          Edgington      3              2 OH
  38  312   1   1 A J              Randolph      37    1         7 TN                      1           1           1     Should be dwelling 56
  39  312         Lewan            Randolph      35    1         7 TN
  40  312         John T           Randolph       7              7 TN
  41  312         Mary D           Randolph       6                IA
  42  312         Margaret         Randolph       5                IA                                                    There may be another name below this but not enough writing is on th
   1  314  57  57 Daniel           Made          49    1        10 TN       F              1                       1
   2  314         Elisabeath       Made          54    1        10 TN
   3  314         Joseph           Made          20             10 TN       Carpenter                  1
   4  314         Easterann        Made          17             10 MO
   5  314         Thomas R         Made          15             10 MO
   6  314         George D         Made          11             10 MO
   7  314         Beca             Made          22             10 TN
   8  314   1   1 Thomas           Mann          27    1         6 KY                      1           1           1     Should be dwelling 58

Line Page  Dw Fam Given Name       Surname      Age Sx Ma Di   YIS Born     Occupation     NLV NVV Ali Mil D/D Idi LO  COMMENTS

   9  314         Roda             Mann          26    1        10 TN
  10  314         Narcesa Lowe     Mann           4                IA
  11  314         Sarah            Mann           2                IA
  12  314   1   1 George           Mcmagbee      56    1         5 TN                      1           1           1     Should be dwelling 59
  13  314         Martha           Magbee        56    1         5 TN
  14  314         Susan            Magbee        20              5 TN
  15  314         Georg            Magbee        18              5 TN
  16  314         Elisabeath       Magbee         3                IA
  17  314         John             Magbee        23              5 TN                      1           1           1
  18  314   1   1 Israel           Magbee        28              5 TN                      1           1           1     Should be dwelling 60
  19  314         Raciel           Magbee        24              5 TN
  20  314         George           Magbee         3                IA
  21  314   1   1 C                Harmon        45    1           OH                      1           1           1     Should be dwelling 61
  22  314         Susan            Harmon        30    1           OH
  23  314         Amanda           Harmon        16                OH
  24  314         Selestine        Harmon        13                OH
  25  314         G D              Harmon        10                OH
  26  314         Anjaline         Harmon         9                OH
  27  314         Adaline          Harmon         7                OH

Line Page  Dw Fam Given Name       Surname      Age Sx Ma Di   YIS Born     Occupation     NLV NVV Ali Mil D/D Idi LO  COMMENTS

  28  314         Hemon            Harmon         6                OH
  29  314         Clinton          Harmon         4                OH
  30  314   1   1 Elexander        Hines         38    1         1 PA                      1           1           1     Should be dwelling 62
  31  314         Rebeca           Hines         36    1         1 PA
  32  314         Lean             Hines         15              1 PA
  33  314         George W         Hines          8              1 PA
  34  314         Mary E           Hines          6              1 PA
  35  314         Richard          Hines          4              1 PA
  36  314         Jasper N         Hines          2              1 PA
  37  314   1   1 B F              Bird          33    1           PA                      1           1           1     Should be dwelling 63
  38  314         Margaret         Bird          35    1           PA
  39  314         Christian        Bird           5                PA
  40  314         Maryann          Bird           2                IA
   1  316  65  65 C C              Newcommer     38    1           PA       F              1           1           1
   2  316         Matilda          Newcommer     30    1           IN
   3  316         Gach**           Newcommer     10                IN
   4  316         Elisath          Newcommer      7                IN
   5  316         Dalery           Newcommer      2                IN
   6  316   1   1 James            Dunlavy       43    1         5 Europe                      1       1           1     Should be dwelling 66; Birthplace was spelled Urop

Line Page  Dw Fam Given Name       Surname      Age Sx Ma Di   YIS Born     Occupation     NLV NVV Ali Mil D/D Idi LO  COMMENTS

   7  316         Lucinda          Dunlava       43    1         5 MD
   8  316         George           Dunlava       21              5 PA                          1       1                 He is marked as a naturalized voter
   9  316         Rufus            Dunlavy       16              5 PA
  10  316         Wm               Dunlavy       14              5 PA
  11  316         John             Dunlavy       12              5 PA
  12  316         Catharine        Dunlavy        7              5 OH
  13  316         Christopher      Dunlavy                       5 IA
  14  316   1   1 Stanley          Hatfield      38    1        14 KY                          1       1           1     Should be dwelling 67, He is marked as a naturalized voter
  15  316         Martha J         Hatfield      27    1         9 KY
  16  316         Nancy Y          Hatfield      12                IA
  17  316         Wm M             Hatfield       4                IA
  18  316         Reuben           Hatfield       2                IA
  19  316   1   1 Aaron K          Stanley       39    1         4 TN                          1                         Should be dwelling 68, He is marked as a naturalized voter
  20  316         Elisabeth        Stanley       43    1         4 TN
  21  316         Serena           Stanley       19              4 TN
  22  316         Margaret         Stanley       11              4 MO
  23  316         Nancy            Stanley        9              4 MO
  24  316         Letta J          Stanley        7              4 MO
  25  316         Aaron M          Stanley        4              4 MO

Line Page  Dw Fam Given Name       Surname      Age Sx Ma Di   YIS Born     Occupation     NLV NVV Ali Mil D/D Idi LO  COMMENTS

  26  316         Joanna           Stanley        1                IA
  27  316   1   1 Lomas            Pitman        47    1         3 VA                          1       1           1     Should be dwelling 69, He is marked as a naturalized voter
  28  316         Margaret         Pitman        43    1         3 KY
  29  316         Jeramiah         Pitman        17              3 IL
  30  316         James H          Pitman        12              3 IL
  31  316         Margaret         Pitman        10              3 IL
  32  316         Arina J          Pitman         8              3 IL
  33  316   1   1 Wesley           Pitman        23    1         1 KY                                                    Should be dwelling 70
  34  316         Martha J         Pitman        20    1         1 IN
  35  316         Elisabeath       Pitman         1                IA
  36  316   1   1 John             Evans         62    1         2 KY                      1           1           1     Should be dwelling 71
  37  316         Mary             Evans         57    1         2 KY
  38  316         Evan             Evans         29              2 IN                      1           1
  39  316         Andrew J         Evans         18              2 IN
   1  318  72  72 David            Smith         35    1         5 TN       F              1           1           1
   2  318         Elisabeth        Smith         35    1         5 TN
   3  318         Amanda           Smith         15              5 TN
   4  318         John G           Smith         13              5 TN
   5  318         Isaac T          Smith         11              5 TN

Line Page  Dw Fam Given Name       Surname      Age Sx Ma Di   YIS Born     Occupation     NLV NVV Ali Mil D/D Idi LO  COMMENTS

   6  318         Loucinda         Smith          8              5 TN
   7  318         Andrew J         Smith          6              5 TN
   8  318         Wm P             Smith          3                IA
   9  318   1   1 Abraham          Miller        45    1         9 PA                      1           1           1     Should be dwelling 73
  10  318         Surfrona         Miller        37    1         9 VT
  11  318         Wm H             Miller        20              9 PA
  12  318         Alba             Miller        17              9 MO
  13  318         Jane             Miller        14              9 IL
  14  318         Furnanda         Miller        11              8 IL
  15  318         Flurinda         Miller         6                IA
  16  318         George A         Miller         3                IA
  17  318   1   1 William          Wise          34    1         4 KY                      1           1           1     Should be dweling 74
  18  318         Catharen         Wise          34    1         4 KY
  19  318         Curtis H         Wise          10              4 IN
  20  318         Malisa           Wise           5              4 IN
  21  318         Sarah L          Wise           3                IA
  22  318   1   1 Rubun            Hatfield      73    1        15 VA                      1           1           1     Should be dwelling 75
  23  318         Mary             Hatfield      68    1        15 VA
  24  318   1   1 Clark            Ferrel        33    1         4 OH                      1           1           1     Should be dwelling 76

Line Page  Dw Fam Given Name       Surname      Age Sx Ma Di   YIS Born     Occupation     NLV NVV Ali Mil D/D Idi LO  COMMENTS

  25  318         Sarah J          Ferrel        32    1         4 OH
  26  317         Harnas P         Ferrel        11              4 OH
  27  317         Wm S             Ferrel        10              4 OH
  28  317         Margaret L       Ferrel         2                IA
  29  317   1   1 Wm               Willis        34    1           IL                      1           1           1     Should be dweling 77
  30  317         Delila           Willis        32    1           IN
  31  317         Elbert           Willis         8                IL
  32  317         Verona           Willis         3                IL
  33  317         Robert D         Willis         1                IL
  34  317   1   1 William          Killy         36    1        16 NY                      1           1           1     Should be dweling 78
  35  317         Hannah           Killey        35    1        14 PA
  36  317         Mary G           Killy         13                IA
  37  317         Robert           Killey        11                IA
  38  317         George           Killey         9                IA
  39  317         Elisa J          Killey         7                IA
  40  317         Amila            Killey         5                IA
  41  317         Irene            Killey         1                IA

End of Eden Township

Kermit L. Kittleson

Added to Decatur County IAGenWeb, March 2021.

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