Subject: Myrtle Cartwright Scott's Autograph Book

Date: Thursday, May 10, 2001 10:31 PM

Thought I'd submit some of the autograph's from my great-aunt's autograph book.

Myrtle Cartwright, dau of Christopher and Rebecca A. Kerr Cartwright was born 10 July 1868 in Decatur Co. IA.

She married Linus Lincoln Scott 11 July 1890 at Sterling, Rice Co. KS. She died 22 Nov. 1904 at Great Bend, Barton Co., KS and is buried in the Bazine Cemetery, Ness Co, KS.

Christopher Cartwright is the son of Peter and Geneta (Butman or Beetman) Cartwright. He was born 20 Nov. 1840 in Pike Co., Ohio. Rebecca A. Kerr Cartwright is the dau of Edward and Jane Swanson Kerr, b. 23 Feb. 1840 in Gallia Co., Ohio. Christopher & Rebecca were married 3 Mar. 1867 in Decatur Co., IA.

If any one wants more info on this branch of the Cartwrights's let me know.

Jackie Moore Goeken



Ness City, Kan. July 23, 1888

Friend Myrle

When this you see

Remember me.

Your Friend

Wiley Clouston


Let your motto be,

Onward and upward,

Your Aunt Maggie

Bazine, Kan. Jan. 25, 1887

Friend Myrtle,

What write in your album;

The ideas absurd

My mind is at random,

Can't think of a word.

Ever Your Friend

L. W. Garber

Spring Valley, IA

When you are sitting all alone

And thinkin over the past

Remember that you have a friend

Whare (sp) friendship long att the last.

L. R. Perkins

January, 22; 87

Myrtle, Remember the hunters ball.

Every cloud hath a sunbeam,

Every bird hath a nest,

Every grief hat a solace,

And every care a rest.

Your friend,


March 3, 1886

Arthur W. Broadbrooks

to Cousin Myrta.

Lillie E. Broadbrooks

to Myrta.

Schoharie, Kansas

March the 17th, 1886

To Myrtie

Compliments of

C. E. B.

Forget Me Not

& I will not forget you


Spring Valley, Iowa

April 16th, 1890

Friend Myrtie

One is sufficient

for memory.

Flora Bright

Friend Myrtle,

The girl of my choice must be

free from pety disguise; Show her heart in her face and

her soul in her eyes.

4-19-86 James Armstrong

Bazine, Kansas

Ness City, Kan

July 28, 1888

Friend Myrtie

These few lines to you are tendered

By a friend sincere and true

Hoping but to be remembeered

When I'm far away from you.

Lillie Broadbrooks

Myrtie, My sister

When years that has

past by, think of Me

Harry L. Cartwright

Signatures only: Harry L. Cartwright(brother)

Luie Cartwright (brother)

Bazine, Kans. 1889

(NOTE: Harry is my grandfather and buried in the Davis City Cemetery. Davis City, IA.)

April the 17, 1887

Myrtle, may usefullness, goodness, and happyness, be yours through your lifen and committment in death.

Is the wish of your Mother.

R. A. Cartwright.

Jan 18th 1889

Bazine, Ness Co., Kan.

Friend Myrtle

May fortune smile and faith attend

Dear Myrtle my respected friend

May the God who rules above

Grant you his fluency and his love

Remember me when years have fled

and am remembered with the dead

and but these few lines remain

to tell of one who loved you oh so well.

Mrs H. E. Hicks

Friend Myrtle,

The talent of success is nothing more than doing what you can do well without a thought of farewell

Your friend

Aggie Ranes

Aug. 28 - 1886.

Remember the time you were caught "sniffin",

Where you bid farewell to Griffin.

Keep still Myrts'

Spring Valley

Feb 19 1890

Dear Myrtle

Love is like a piece of gold,

Hard to get and hard to hold

Your Sincere Friend

Greta Barr

To Miss Myrtle

Remember your friends and neighbors in Ness County whereever you live or dwell.

Your Friend

Wm H. K.

Ness City, Kan.

Jan. 6th, 1886

To Myrtle

Remember the time we visited the debate at Walnut Hill and who went home with us and how Jim Hall and Bill Burchard played the loops?

This is from your ever loving cousin

Miss Hattie Broadbrooks

Schoharie, Kansas

March 18, 1886

Nov. 24, 1889

Dear Myrtie,

Live for those who love

You for those whose heart

Is true, for the Heaaven

That shines above you

And the good that you may do.

Your Friend,

Dora (I think this may have been her half-sister, Dora Cartwright Barber).

June 6th, 86

Friend Myrtle,

It is very kind of you to claim

this record of my honorable name.

Jno T. Reed

Bazine, Kans

Ness City the 12th, 1889

Dear Cousin Murty,

Remember me way out in Ness County,

your cousin Bertha

Remember all of us.

Bazine Kans.

Friend Myrtle,

Compliments of

David T. Criswell.

Ever your true friend

As Ever good bye,

Oct the 19th, 1887

April the 15th, 1889

Dear Myrtle

If ever though hast a husband

And he these lines should see

Relate to him the trip to day,

And kiss him once just for me.

Miss Ollie Farver


Dear Myrtle,

Live for those that love you

For those whose hearts are true.

For the Heavens that smiles above you

And the good that you may do.

Truly yours

Nellie Armstrong

October 1, 1891

Wellmanville, Kan

Friend Myrtle,

Remember me and i will

You as long as i can whistle

i would just as soon

forget to cry when stepping on a thistle.

Your Friend,

Sadie M. Yount


In after years when this you see,

I wonder what your name will be.

Your Friend,


April 16th, 1886

Feb 4th 1888

Jacob C. Reed

Bazine Ness CO, Kans

Friend Myrtle,

May you through life remain the same

Unchanged in all except your name.

Your friend

Frank Ginn

Aug 14 1887

Dear Myrtle,

When far away in distant clime

And other friends you see

Remember the one who wrote this here

To waken memory

Your Friend,

Ella Bledsoe

Spring Valley, IA.

Apr 15, 1890

Friend Myrtle:

When years have passed

And you look these pages oer

May I remain A Friend

If nothing more.

Yours Truly

Frank Mallory

Bazine, Kan.

May 12, 1888

Oct. the 2d, 1888

Dear Myrta,

This day one year ago was a sad one and one we will never

forget. It's return each year will bring sadness to our hearts. It is over but--the sad recollections will never be erased from our minds.

Your Aunt - M. J. B.(Myrtle's mother passed away Oct. 2, 1887)

"Dear Myrtle"

As you are many miles away

And your album's at hand

We will tell you it is New Year's Day.

"Hallie" and Della

Bazine, Ness Co. Kan

Dec the 19,1886

A friend in need

Is a friend indeed.

Our greatest friend is Jesus.

Dear Myrtle Remember this

And enjoy the bliss

Of eternal life and Hapyness.

Is the best wishes of

Albert Hicks

Dear Myrtle,-

True friendship is like a rainbow,

Brightest when the clouds are darkest.__


Bazine, May 18, 1891


Remember me

The humble lines, which here I trace,

Years may not change nor age eface,

They may be read or valued not,

When she who wrote them is forgot.


Sadie M Bazine, Kas,

Sep.18, 1887

June 6th, 1886

Dear Myrtle,

May your life be long and happy

Void of care and strife

For the man will gain a treasure

who can win you for his wife.

If these lines accepted be

read them and think of me

Remember May 30th, 1886

L. B. Read

Friend Myrtle.

When Months and years have glided by

And on this page you cast your eye.

Remember, it was a friend sincere

That left this fond remembrance here.

Your sincere Friend,

Jas A. McCrumb

Bazine, Kans

Oct 17th, 1888

Walnut Hill Oct.26- 1886

Friend Myrtle

Long may you live

Happy may you be

When you get married

Think once of me.

Don O. T.

Cozin Myrtle

When you get old

and can not see

Put on your specks

and think of me.

Yours Truly

Cranson Comer

(NOTE: The penmanship is beautiful in the book, but the ink is really fading on some of the pages)

April 28th, 1886

Remember the great times we had at the Walnut Hill. L. B.

Did we ever have any fun at Walnut Hill

Art Nature

These lines are written, no dates, no signatures.

Be a good girl and mind your mother.

May joy be yours.

Perchance in the distant future

Mertie will look this album o'er

Reading the names here in recorded

Of friends you had in day of yore

Tho your eyes will dwell the longest

On the names of those you loved most dear

While with your thoughts, will be commingled

Joy, Sorrow, Hope and Fear

Dare I hope while thus employed

You will have a kindly thought of me

Ir would give to the greatest joy

Your friend and neighbor. S. T. C.

Friend Myrtle

Womans love is like scotch snuff

They take a pinch and thats enough.

Sure enough

J. M. Cowder,

Ness City, Kansas

March 2and, 1886

April 28th 1886

Many Congratulations

Miss Myrtle:

On this leaf, in memory first

May thy name forever rest.

Linus L. Scott

Bazine, Kans.

Spring Vallwy, IA

Dec. 10, 1889

Dear Myrtle,

Honestes in action est

Honestes in menta, in

The game of life Cavaet empton

Yours Truly,

Lucy B. Barr

Myrtle - Never of never forget Sunday Dec. 8 and that black team, from Mike Snethen

That's the end of the autograph book. A few notes I would like to add. Walnut Hill was the school the homesteader's children near Bazine attended. They had a literary society, I have one of there papers dated: January 1887. It is really interesting.