N M Glasgow has purchased the Dr Jay property and will move soon.
Chester Ross of Indiana is visiting his grandmother, Mrs S A Evans.
George Roby has bought the Norris store building and will put in a stock of goods.
Dr Swinney was a business caller in Bloomfield Monday.
Miss Bertha Evans entertained a few of her friends Wednesday, it being her birthday. She received several nice presents.
Ellis Darnell has moved with his father, Will Darnell, for a short time. 
Miss Esta Roby and Mrs Glasgow are on the sick list.
Mrs Campbell, a highly respected old lady, died Sunday and was buried south of Bloomfield.
Elmer Hesket and family are moving west of town on the Dus McKee farm.
Mr and Mrs George Hall were in Keosauqua on business this week.
Steve Roby of Milton visited his brother, George Roby, a few days this week.
Mr Carrothers, the liveryman of Birmingham, delivered two Shetland ponies to W B Shreve, which he purchased at 
the Gilchrist sale north of Birmingham Tuesday.

MARCH 3, 1910

Oral Lowery and family moved to the J P White farm last week.
Mrs Carl Trout was in Bloomfield Saturday shopping.
Kenneth Siler was in West Grove Saturday shopping.
E G Barnett made a trip to Bloomfield Friday.
Arthur Dabney was in West Grove on business Tuesday.
Carl Trout went to Ottumwa Tuesday to attend the banker’s convention.
Walter Howard and wife of near Bunch was visiting at the W L Foster home Tuesday.
R H Listetor was a Belknap caller Saturday evening.
Newton Losey returned home from Missouri Friday.
Miss Hazel Roberts of Ottumwa visited in the city over the weekend.
Miss Mabel Hunt left Saturday for Belknap to visit her sister Mrs Wm Harper.
E M Howard was in Bloomfield on business Saturday.
Roy Clark and wife of near Orleans left West Grove Saturday for Pulaski to visit a few days with friends.
Earl Carey was in West Grove on business Tuesday.
Miss Hattie Shoemaker went to Moulton Tuesday evening to attend the supper at the hall.
Miss Flarence Blakely of Bloomfield was in West Grove over Saturday and Sunday visiting relatives and friends.

W D Millisack of Ottumwa spent Sunday here with his parents.
Mr and Mrs Walter Guthrie of Stiles spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs Guthries parents, Mr and Mrs George Sloan.
The box supper given by the school last Friday night was a financial success.
Mrs Ruth Jones spent Sunday with Sallie Townsend.
Miss Garnet Inlan spent Sunday with Clara McConnell
H T Truitt and family have moved to the Etta Clyman farm.
Last Saturday being the sixty-first birthday anniversary of Mrs Martha Housley, her sisters, Mrs Harriett Truitt and Mrs Emma Williams and her daughter Miss 
Nellie Dodge and family: Miss Nellie truitt and Etta Williams took her by surprise and made her a visit. She was also surprised by a post card shower from her sister Rebekahs.
Mr and Mrs D L Bunten of Kansas are visiting at the parental Bunten home with other relatives.
Mr and Mrs Will Putman and daughter Dorothy, Miss Anna Clark and Wm and Mrs D L Bunton, were entertained Tuesday evening at the home of Mr and Mrs A H Boles.
Miss Sylvia Fleming enrolled at the S I U last Monday.
A F Smock of Bloomfield was a business visitor here last Tuesday. Mr Smock expects to locate here the first of March.

Mrs Charles Altheide of Bloomfield preached here Sunday evening at the Congregational church and Mr Altheide sang.
Mr and Mrs A E Finley are moving to a farm below Bloomfield. They made many friends while here, who are sorry to have them leave.
Mr and Mrs Frank Roberts left Friday for Marshalltown. Mrs Roberts and daughter will spend some time in Ottumwa before going to their new home. 
Mrs C D Rime and children are spending the week at the home of Mrs Rime’s parents Mr and Mrs I Ware.
George Johnston and wife of near Drakeville moved last week into the Putman house in the west end of town. 
School closes here this week with a program.
G H Middleton left for West Grove to do some papering and painting.
Mr and Mrs T D Munn spent Sunday at Drakeville with Will Putman and family.
L E Turpin and family expect tomove to Bloomfield this week.
Mr and Mrs Wm Battin of Drakeville were the guests Friday and Saturday of the latter’s grandparents Mr and Mrs J T Munn.
Miss Olive Putman who has spent the past two weeks at Quincy, Ill., came home Monday for a two weeks’ or ten days’ visit when 
she expects to leave for Sullivan, Ill., to engage as a trimmer in a millinery store.
Miss Anna Hughes received a letter from Mrs H C Rankin, from Hardin, Montant, stating that they are working in a Congregational 
Sunday school, and that she is assistant superintendent and that Ira is secretary and Blanche recently won second premium for 
an essay in a contest held by a local paper.

MARCH 8, 1910

FLORIS R. F. D. No 2
Mrs Charley Evans and son of Monterey, Mr and Mrs Frank Amelang spent a few days last week with their sister and daughter 
Mrs Evan Minor and family at Ottumwa.
Mr and Mrs A V Baker and childrenof Bloomfield, Mr and Mrs Albert Stodgill and children of Laddsdale attended the 
Swinney-Harward wedding here Feb 16.
Mrs Mont Grinstead and son Herold spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents Dug Clark and family.
Ed Collier and wife of Ottumwa spent Sunday with the former’s brother Jason Collier and family.
Ed Amelang wife and children Albert and Annie spent Sunday at the parental W H Dyer home.
Christy Heckart and wife4 are visiting the home of the later’s parents James Hawkins and family.
Ray Waller of Ottumwa spent Saturday and Sunday with home folks.
Mrs J W Carter who has been ill the past week is better.
Mrs Albert Pence spent Friday with Mrs John Rominger.
Ira Swinney has moved to his farm near Belknap which he purchased from Leslie Turpin. Levi Kennedy will move where Mr Swinney lived 
having purchased that farm.
Mont Grinstead has moved to the Herb McVey farm north of Floris.
Sam McClure has his residence almost completed and will move in the near future.
Isaac and John Wilcher expect to leave here Wednesday for Nebraska to spend the summer.
John Rominger was a caller in Bloomfield Monday.
Word was received here of the death of Willie Weed who died at his home near Pulaski.

MARCH 10, 1910

Sunday at noon, at the home of the bride’s uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs Alfred Turpin, occurred the wedding of John Lough of Locust 
Grove to Miss Sylvia Myers of this place. The ceremony was performed by Rev Edwin Galpin of Des Moines, an uncle of the bride. 
Thirty guests were in attendance. Mr and Mrs Lough have the best wishes of their many friends at this place.
Mr and Mrs W A Wishard left Friday for Lincoln, Neb., to visit Mrs Wishard’s brother Frank Lester and family.
Wm Harper has rented Wm Dodd’s farm land to ten this summer and expects to continue to reside in town.
J W Kneedler and family who returned a few months ago from Colorado have moved to Mrs Patterson farm.
School closed here Friday with a program in the afternoon and a pie supper at night. Bother were well attended.
Harry Howell of Laramie, Wyo., was the guest Sunday of Mr and Mrs O B Snell.
Miss Allie Hawkins entertained the Misses Stella and Zelma Bachman, Minnie Dunlavy and Gerrude Bennett and Lee Conner at supper on Friday evening.
Little Miss Dorothy Putman of Drakeville, is visiting with her Mrs Jane Putman and daughter Olive and Mrs T D Munn.
Mrs Mary McCreery of Ottumwa spent Sunday and Monday here at the Eli Harbour and G H Hughes homes.
J L McCormick of Ottumwa spent Sunday here with his parents, Mr and Mrs J M McCormick.
Mr and Mrs W E Louderback of Stockport spent Sunday here with the latter’s parents, Mr and Mrs Wm Dodd.
I Ware spend Sunday night at Eldon with his sister.
Joe and Fern Starks of Floris visited Sunday at R E Anderson’s.
Mrs Lloyd Springer and little son Floyd of Ottumwa visited the4 latter part of the week at the home of Mrs Springer’s uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs Eli Harbour.
Mrs R H Lisetor is visiting here with Mrs G E Lisetor, R H Lisetor having been changed from West Grove to Cordova. Mrs E B 
Westcott of Ona, Okla., who has been the guest of friends is Missouri is also a visitor a the G E Lisetor home.
Mr and Mrs Will Harper and son Trenton spent Sunday at West Grove with Mr and Mrs C L Hunt
Miss Etta Hawkins of Floris was the guest last week of the Misses Jennie and Bertha Niles.
Miss Sylvia Myers was the recipient of a prenuptial graniteware shower on last Thursday evening.

George Roby has purchased the Hattie Conner and Mary Taylor properties. He will move into the Conner 
house and his sister Mrs Francy of Ottumwa, will live in the other.
Dr Roy Swinney has purchased the Roby residence and will move this week.
The officers of the Troy Telephone co. met today and made their regular assessment and re-rented the same place for 
five years longer from G E Roby. A committee from the Floris Telephone Co. was present with a proposition to 
connect with the Troy switchboard, each company to build half way and the Troy company turned the proposition down.
Charles Thompson has rented the Miller farm north of town for the coming year.
William Brown, east of town, purchased a span of Shire horses at the Ottumwa horse sale Friday.
Mrs Hanna, residing east of town, is quite sick.
Misses Ethel Parks and Bee Stevenson of Milton spent Sunday with Troy friends.
Mrs Hattie Conner and Mary Taylor will move to Bloomfield to make their future homes.
Jacob Young is still in very poor health.
Mr and Mrs Cummijngs have rented rooms of George Howell and will stay here until spring.

C W Mathews left Wednesday morning for Grand Junction, Colorado, where he expects to make his future home.
Miss Mary Miller has returned home from a ten days’ visit at Lamar, Mo.
Miss Vine Blake and daughter, Helen, visited their brother and uncle, James Altheide, and wife from Monday until Wednesday of this week.
Miss Maud Corrick of Bloomfield visited her sister, Flora, Friday night, returning to her home Saturday morning.
Mrs Ira Brunk and Barnie Brunk of Chicago arrived Tuesday morning for a week’s visit with Mrs S Brunk and other relatives.
Herbert Lee visited his sister, Mrs H H Helsel of Bloomfield last Sunday.
A J Burnaugh traded his farm of 240 acres to a Walthers for his grocery and meat market and took immediate possession.
A F Meredith was a county seat visitor Tuesday.
Rev Black of Des Moines will preach at the Christian church next Sunday morning and evening.
Bloomfield, March 8.-  (Special) – At a mass temperance meeting held in Bloomfield Sunday afternoon in the 
Methodist Episcopal church a Constitutional Amendment club was organized and J A Williams was chosen president 
and T P Bence secretary. Mrs Naomi Day was selected to attend the state convention at Des Moines, which convenes 
Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. The club will hold a meeting once every month.

MARCH 12, 1910

Misses Daisy and Blanche Dunning are spending a few days with Mrs Henry Rupe near Floris.
Mrs Jane Rhyne is on the sick list this week.
Messrs, Linsey Lloyd, Henry Rupe and Halm Cuboard were in Ottumwa Saturday on Business.
Mrs Fitzgerald is very ill this week.
Misses Stella Post and Florence Wood called on Misses Daisy and Blanche Dunning Sunday.
Miss E P Jeanne of near Carbon is spending a few weeks in Minnesota with her sister.
Mr and Mrs Perry Heckard and family of Carbon have moved to Ottumwa.
Mrs Florence Post is improving rapidly.
Miss Bell Haron has closed a very successful term of school at the Pleasant Ridge schoolhouse.
Mr and Mrs Thomas Orman have moved to the Mason Lewis farm.
James Findley is improving slowly.
George Loughridge is confined at his home with rheumatism.
Mr and Mrs W M Walker will soon move from here to make their home in Ottumwa.
Roy Fitzgerald is very ill with the mumps.

Invitations to the wedding of Miss Mamie Young of Bloomfield and Guy Pettit were issued to friends Tuesday. The marriage will occur at high noon, Wednesday March 16.
The high school pupils have accepted a challenge from the students of the college for a debate to take place soon on the question: Resolved, that it is for the good of all the people for the government to own the coal mines. Twelve of the high school pupil are taking the preliminary, out of which three will be chosen to debate.
The P E O society held its regular business meeting with Mrs H C Leach and elected the following officers: President, Mrs Ruth Burchetter; vice-pres.; Mrs Henrietta Wray; recording secretary, Miss Anna Duffield; corresponding secretary, Miss Audrey Burgess; treasurer, Mrs Flora D McAchran; chaplain, Mrs Alma Young; guard, Miss Mary Hinkle, Miss May Hinkle was chosen delegate to attend the state convention, which will be held in Albia in May.
A new club called the Salmagundi club has been organized in Bloomfield, composed of twelve young ladies and twelve young men. They organized at the home of Miss Ruth Owsley, where a most pleasant evening was spent.


Mrs Lottie Burnette Earhart. Lottie Musetta Burnette was born near Belknap, Ia., November 13, 1888 and died in Kansas City, Mo., March 4, 1910, age 21 years, 3 months and 21 days. She was united in marriage to Ralph Earnhart July 4, 1908. 
She was converted at an early age and united with the Methodist church, later uniting with the Christian church at Drakeville, Ia. She leaves to mourn their loss, a husband, one child, a mother, three sisters and two 
brothers besides a large number of relatives and friends. She died a firm believer in Christ and her last words were “It is all right with me.” The body was brought back to Drakeville, her old home. Funeral was conducted by Rev A D Huff on Sunday March 6th. Interment in the Drakeville cemetery. –Contributed [2005 No stone found in cemetery for Mrs Earhart [D.B. transciber]].
Miss Ivah Allen of Udell is staying at the A L Russell home.
Mr and Mrs George Pickett and son Donald of Ottumwa, amd Mr and Mrs L C Pierrard and daughter Katie of this place, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Hanshaw.
W D Millisack of Ottumwa spent Sunday with his parents.
Mrs Nannie Bunten and sons, Dwight and Keith, visited last week in Eldon.
Mr and Mrs Tim Wilcox from near Belknap spent last Friday at the parental A F Smock home.
Mr and Mrs Will Putnam spent Sunday in Belknap.s
Misses Agnes Hanshaw, Amy Botts, Gladys Jennings and LaRue Turner visited the Clay college school last Friday.
Tom Chatman and family now occupy the Wr Robertson property.
The remains of Miss Adaline Piper, who died at Moulton, were brought to this place last Monday for burial.
Mr and Mrs Kelsie and Mr and Mrs Stanford attended the funeral of their relative, Miss Piper.
Rev Sea is quite ill at the present. She was unable to fill her appointment last Sunday.
Miss Clara Hannah is staying at the John Fouts home.
Mrs Le E Sayles of Ottumwa spent last Tuesday here at the Wm Sayles home, the occasion being the birthday anniversary of Mrs Addie Sayles of Ottumwa and Mr and Mrs Logan Bunten and baby of this place.
A cottonwood tree which sprang up for the seed, dropped at the rear of L J Goodlander’s drug store the first year McKinley was president, now measure fifty feet and four inches in height.
The remains of Mrs Lottie Earnhart who died in a hospital at Kansas City, were brought to the home of her mother. 
George Taylor came home Wednesday from a trip to Seward, Neb.
Mrs Rhoda Countryman of Selma passed through the city today en route to West Grove, where she will visit her parents, Mr and Mrs A Gableman.


BERRY IN THE FIELD, Present May or Bloomfield is Republican Caucus choice for another term. Bloomfield, March 16. – (Special)- 
At the Republican caucus last night the following were nominated for the City offices: Mayor-S L Berry, Treasurer-J K Warrington, Assessor-A J Bingaman, Councilmen-First ward, Homer Rankin; 
second ward, Frank Black; third ward, George Pearce. Councilman at large- D M Wise and James Rouch.

Monday evening 18 ladies of N Washington Street and North Washington avenue surprised Mrs H Rankin by going in an sewing about twenty pounds of rags for rugs.

The case against Mrs Blanche Snoddy charged with adultery, has been dismissed.
Attorney T J Bryant of Des Moines returned home Monday from a short visit with his wife who is staying with her parents Joe Swift and wife.
Dr Clara Cronk was in Ottumwa on professional business Monday.
John King is quite ill at this time, threatened with pneumonia.
Mrs Webb White and daughter Zaida, who live five miles east of town left Monday for a short visit with the former’s parents W T Bottorff and wife of Hedrick, who are in very ill health.
Mrs Byron Battin and daughter Mrs Ed Rogers left Monday for a visit with the former’s son, Clark Battin of Ottumwa.
Miss Julia Schrader received the sad news Monday of the death of her mother which occurred in Tulas, Okla. She left the same day for Mt Pleasant, at which place the deceased will be interred.
Mrs S G Gaumer who has been visiting her son Dr A W Gaumer left Monday for her home in Fairfield.
Sheriff Johannessen was in Ottumwa Monday hunting one of the witnesses in the Tracksel case who had disappeared.
Mrs Wm Anson and grandson Harry Secrist, who have been visiting the past week with the former’s sister Mrs Wm T Brown, left for their home in Muscatine today.
Mrs Ware of Moulton visited Monday at the parental Capt. Warrington home.
Miss June Lorenz of Kirksville, Mo., returned home Monday from a brief visit with her brother S A Lorenz and Sister Mrs A C Bigsby.
Dr Rosser of Des Moines visited with friends in this city Monday on his way to Milton.
Mesdames H C Black and Henry Hancock returned Monday from a visit with their brother Will McClure of Eldon.
Otis Rector, Charley Curl, Jack Shelton, W A Fleck and Fred Yakle attended the Odd Fellow initiation and banquet at Moulton Monday night.
Mrs Mary Sommers and daughter Mary and Miss Minnie Bickel of Pulaski were visitors in the city Monday.
B B Burchett made a business trip to Milton Tuesday.
Alva Bryant, wife and two sons of Ottumwa visited from Saturday until Monday at the Ed Munn and Homer Parson homes west of town.
Miss Irma Plank of Floris visited Monday with Miss Mamie Cox, enroute home from a short visit with her grandmother, Mrs J J Plank of Pulaski.

Gov B F Carroll visited Saturday and Sunday with his sister Mrs Hiram Black and brother Rev Lafe Carroll.
The case of the State vs. Ed Thacksel and Mrs Blanche Snoddy, charged with adultery, has the attention of the court this week.
The grand jury adjourned Saturday. Under special instructions from Judge Anderson to thoroughly investigate and sift the acid throwing affair, they worked for several days on the case, but failed to get any definite information.
Paul Tomey of La Plate, Mo., visited Sunday with his parents, John Tomey and wife.
Mrs Ellen Milligan and brother Jack Elder of Des Moines visited Sunday and Monday with their mother Mrs Nancy Elder of Pulaski.
Andy Shields returned Friday from a business trip to Etna Mills, Calif. He visited on his return with his sister Mrs E A Childers of Cedarvale, Kans.
Harry Southern of West Grove is helping Agent Haney at the Burlington Depot.
Prof B O Spillman visited over Sunday with his brother W E Spillman of near Moulton.
Miss Anna Baggott who teaches the Kinney school visited friends in Ottumwa Saturday.
Chas Young shipped an extra fine two year old jack to Madison, Mo., on Saturday. It was sent by express and delayed the train forty minutes for loading.
Mrs Louisa Sloan of Mark visited Sunday with her daughter, Mrs Anderson York.
Andy Colliver and family were the guests Sunday of John Collier and wife of West Grove.
P C Bond and family of West Grove made a brief visit Sunday with Mr Bonds’ mother, Mrs A J Bond who is at the hospital.
The Epworth leaque of the M E Church will hold a St Patrick’s social.
April 2nd is the day the Iowa Wesleyan Glee club will be here, under the auspices of the Epworth league.
Methodist church choir practice will be held this week on Friday evening, instead of Saturday at the home of Miss Hazel Walton.
The K of P’s will stage the opera “Tycoon” in the near future.
Walter Davis is now the official correspondent for the Courier. 
Miss Margaret Maloney of Ottumwa spent Sunday with her friend Mrs Fae Lawson.
Elbert McAchran has resigned his clerkship with Peach & Creswell, of Ottumwa and has accepted a position with McKee & Potter as city salesman for that firm. 
Mr and Mrs John Higbee of Ottumwa visited over Sunday with HIgbee’s parents, Joseph Higbee and wife.
Mr and Mrs W H Taylor left today for Little River, Kans., where Mrs Taylor will visit her sister, Mrs Ella Broughard. Mr Taylor will continue on to Kossa, Texas, where he has a farm. They expect to return in a few weeks.
At the school meeting Friday night, W F Shannon was nominated to succeed T P Bence as director and Chas Skinner to succeed John Burgess as treasurer.
W B Taylor and wife are expected home Wednesday from their three month’s pleasure trip in California and other western states.
Mrs W H McAchran returned Saturday from Des Moines, where she attended the meeting of the Re-Submission Club.
Geo Norris has sold his property just south of the National bank to Wm Spurlin.
Mrs Sam Shields leaves Tuesday for Enid, Okla., where she will visit her sister Mrs Alva Downing.
T A Dunlap is still very ill with the grip and heart disease.
Claude Shields of Ottumwa spent Sunday with his parents, Mr and Mrs Sam Shields.
Tom McIntire is ill with the measles.
Mrs A M Wilkinson and daughters Arah and Beulah of near Shunem, were the guests Saturday and Sunday of their aunt, Mrs Mattie Hicks of Unionville.
Miss Ella Dunlavy who teaches at Keswick, spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents, John Dunlavy and wife. Walter Brown of near Troy accompanied her as far as Ottumwa.
Mr and Mrs Ed Songer of Ottumwa spent Sunday with Mr Songer’s father, Wm Songer.

Mr and Mrs J B McCormick have purchased Mr and Mrs J W Miller’s house and three lots and are moving to them this week. The lot lying to the west of the three and north of the Woodman hall was purchased Saturday from Mr and Mrs Miller by J C McConnell and will make a fine business situation. Mr McConnell’s plans are not known.
At the telephone meeting last Friday it was decided to put in a through line to Floris, also to Drakeville. It was also decided to purchase a new switchboard. The care of the switchboard was given to Mrs Emma Hawkins.
J H Oneal of Symour and Obe Burns  of near Bunch spent Sunday at the G H Middleton home.
Mrs Emma Hawkins and little daughter Opal spent Friday and Saturday at the Harrison Hawkins and Henry Bachman home.
Miss Alva Hawkins took supper Sunday with Miss Stella Myers.
Odas Wilson of Pulaski and Willie Speese of Downing, Mo., called at O B Snell’s Sunday.
Ethel Wilson of Dunville spent last week with her sister Mrs Rhena Snell.
Miss Orpha Morris visited at the McVay home near Drakeville last week.
Carbon will soon boast of a new grocery store.
Mrs Joseph Waller spent one day last weel near Carbon with her son Joe Waller.
Mr and Mrs Thomas Munn and Mr and Mrs J B McCormick spen Sunday with Mr and Mrs Walter Woolwine.
The young people of Sherman Chapel are preparing for an Easter entertainment.
Frank Waller of near Carbon spent Sunday with his grandmother, Mrs Joe Waller.
Caleb Martin and family of near Bloomfield moved the latter part of the week to the Owens place north of Belknap. Mr Owens and family moved this week to Floris.
The intimate friends and school mates of Miss Pearl Hawkins gathered at her home March 0.
The annual school meeting of the Belknap independent school district was held Monday. J V Howard and HC Bell were elected to take the place of J M Eberline and J Foster whose terms had expired. The board will now consist of the following members: O J Burns, Eli Harbour, O C Bell, J C Howard and H C Bell. G L Hancock was elected treasurer.
Mrs C H Altheide and husband filled their appointment here Sunday morning and evening at the Congregational Church.

C E Ten Eyck of Kansas City was transacting business here last week returning home Saturday.
A V Smith and wife of Bloomfield visited relatives here.
John Saunder5s left Tuesday with his household goods for Castleeavery, Canada. His family and mother will follow in about a week.
Alva Hunt returned home from San Francisco, Calif., having been call there on account of his brother being injured there several weeks ago.
Mrs John Lang of Bloomfield visited her parents Mr and Mrs James Burns over Sunday.
Mr and Mrs A F Meredith visited their daughter Mrs C E Stockham and family south of Bloomfield.
Miss Elsie Waters of Moulton visited over Sunday at the Mrs S Brunk home.
Rev Paul Black of Des Moines preached at the Christian church.

School closed here Friday with a nice program.
John Lemon has purchased the Cramlet property. Mr Cramlet will move to his brother’s farm south of town.
Charley Knuse of Chapen, Ill., was here a few days looking after the interest of his farm.
Will Jennings is visiting his parents and other relatives at Troy.
Daily Wilson and family north of town are moving this week to the farm he purchased of Mr Hays northeast of town.
Will Russell, principal of Bloomfield school spent Saturday and Sunday at Troy with relatives.
Guy Archer and sister Ollie were called here by the sickness of their mother who is not recovering.
Mrs N M Glasgow is improving slowly.
Cards are out announcing the marriage of Miss Fae Darnel; to Charles Ridenour. They will go to housekeeping on his father’s farm west of here.
Davy Brown moved to the Maggie Pearson farm south of town.
I C Evans was in Bloomfield.
Wesley Parks visited in Bloomfield last week.
Merne and Doris Evans are visiting Milton relatives.

Mrs O H Cresup of Eldon returned home Tuesday form a week’s visit with her brother Henry Lerow.
Miss Nellie Diggs, who has been visiting her grandfather Dan Smith returned to her home near Drakeville Tuesday.
Plasterers will begin work this week on the new Baptist church.
Miss Carrie Evans of Moulton arrived Tuesday for a week’s visit at the Frank Smith home.
Chas Jacobs was in Queen City, Mo.,
Mrs Cora Ellegson of Pleasant Plain, Ia.,. arrived Tuesday to spend a few days with her sister Mrs Paramore.
Wm Benge attended a sale of Jersey cattle at Calio, Mo., Wednesday.
Clint and Ed Bradberry of Washington state visited their mother, Mrs Margaret A Bradberry the first of the week.
About forth of the GARs and WRCs of the local order met at the Mrs O E Appleton home.
The passenger on the Wabash due here at 8:50  a.m. was delayed today on account of one of the trucks on the baggage car jumping the track.

BLANCHE SNODDY DRINKS POISON, Bloomfield woman takes concentrated lye and is in critical condition. Bloomfield, March 18. –(Special)- 
Mrs Blanche Snoddy, who with Ed Traxell was charged with adultery, but who later was discharged when her husband refused to 
prosecute, attempted suicide this morning by drinking concentrated lye. Dr C C Heady was called immediately and applied restoratives, but 
her condition is critical and there is small hope of her recovery. She gave as her reasons that she has had so much trouble that she did not car to live longer. Traxell, who was charged with adultery as a result of his affair with Mrs Snoddy, is now on trial. His case went to the jury this morning and the jury was still out at 1 o’clock.

Dr C C Heady took Miss Leonora Minks of West Grove to Ottumwa on Tuesday to be operated on for appendicitis. 
Riley and Claude Spicer left Wednesday for Tulford, Canada, where they will farm this summer. 
Miss Ola Jacobs left Wednesday for a month’s visit with her grandmother, Mrs Will Jacobs of Downing, Mo.
Ress Graham, who has been spending the winter with relatives in Bloomfield and Savannah, left Wednesday for Hamilton, Montana, where he expects to stay this summer.
Miss Hazel Roberts of Ottumwa spent Sunday with home folks.
Thomas Cameron of Cordovia, Ia., is the new agent at West Grove he taking R H Leisitor’s place on March 8, Mr Leisitor going to Cordovia.
Born to Mr and Mrs C G Gleason, a boy Sunday morning.
H J Southern spent Saturday in Ottumwa on business.
Mr and Mrs Chas Hutchings spent Sunday with Chas Nighswangers at Moulton.
The teachers who have been selected for the spring term of school are Miss Zeo McConnell, Miss Mea Hartwick and Miss Selmon of Bloomfield and Miss Wm Brown and Miss Dooley of West Grove.
G W Gamer was a business caller in Bloomfield Friday.
Mr and Mrs Niblock left Saturday for their home in the west, after spending a few months at the home of G W Gamer.
Frank Carry was in Ottumwa Friday attending the horse sale and bought a span of 4-year olds for $380.
Agent Cameron and family arrived Friday and moved into the E G Barnett place.
Born Sunday to Mr and Mrs Noel Harris, a boy.
C E Fenton of Mark spent Sunday at West Grove to meet his wifes father Sam Wilcox of Norakesville.
Mrs Florence Blakly of the mutual switch board of Bloomfield, spent Sunday at West Grove with friends.
The West Grove school meeting was held at the township hall.  H J Southern and j E Yeales were the retiring members.
Mr and Mrs  E K Pitt was a Bloomfield callers Saturday.

Miss Nannie Newkirk of Ottumwa spent Sunday with her parents at this place.
Mr and Mrs J W Housley spent last Tuesday with Mrs Harriet Truitt.
Mr and Mrs J U Thompson and son Dale left last Saturday for  Calif., they stopped over Sunday in Trenton at the home of their neice, Mrs O M Housley.
Mrs Lara DeMar came home Monday from an extended visit in Kansas city.
Quite a number in our vicinity are on the sick list among those are: Mrs Carrie Smock, Mr and Mrs J P Gaston, Frank Updike, and Mrs Sea.
Mr and Mrs C F Adams entertained Misses Edith Roudybush and Ivah Allen at dinner last Sunday.
BLOOMFIELD HAS SOLVED MYSTERY, ARREST OF Elderly Single Women follows recent Disturbances. Bloomfield, March 18. –(Special)- Evidence secured today points to Hattie and Ella Miller, the two women sent to the asylum last night, as the assaillants of Mrs Jack Noble, who was badly burned by carbolic acid some time ago. The women were arrested through mailing a threatening letter to Marshal Harvey. The postmaster saw the women mail the letter and notified the marshal. A comparison showed that the handwriting was practically the same as that on the anonymous letters received by Mr and Mrs Noble before and after the recent attack.
Misses Hattie and Elle Miller, two elderly women living alone in the eastern part of the city, were arrested by the sheriff and placed before the insane commissioners of Davis County. They were declared insane and removed to Mount Pleasant. It is thought these two old ladies were the cause of all the night prowling and mysterious visits which have troubled the ladies of this town for some time. Only circumstantial evidence was used in declaring these women mysterious persons. They were seen by neighbors to leave their cottage every evening, dressed in black with shawls over their heads and go somewhere. The ladies were suspected for some time, but no direct clue of evidence can be placed on them.
The misses Miller declare their innocence of night prowling. The have lived alone in their cottage for many years and have acted rather queer, especially in the last few months.
Between the hours of 7 and 8 o’clock each evening there appeared on the streets of Bloomfield, a strange spectre in the guise of a woman. It might have been a woman or it might have been a man dressed in feminine attire, and it might have been something else, but fake or no fake, the wome of the city were becoming alarme3d. The object is garbed in black, a shawl of the same hue thrown over her head. It has frightened three women, Mrs James Warrington, Mrs L L Pitman, and Mrs Benjamin Garwood. Anonymous letters have dropped here and there promiscuously, some of them being addressed to the most prominent citizens. About a month ago carbolic acid was thrown generously over Mrs Jack Noble, whose face and right eye still bear scars. All kinds of stories were heard, but no definite evidence.

Bloomfield, March 19. – (Special)- After being out twenty-four hours the jury in the case of Ed Traxell, charged with adultery, returned a verdict of guilty this morning. T A Goodson assisted County Attorney Davis and T P Bence conducted the defense. The case consumed five days. The case dates back to last July when Traxell and Blanche Snoddy, wife of Bert Snoddy, ran away. There were gone five months. Mrs Snoddy returned about two months ago and her husband took her back. Traxell continued to write letters to the woman after she had returned and these letters were intercepted. March 1 Traxell returned and on the afternoon of March 2 he was discovered with the woman and the case was put before the grand jury, then in session. Mrs Snoddy, took poison and since has been at the point of death. Mr Traxell has not yet been sentenced.

Mrs Elizabeth Gnash died Friday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs Frank Shelton. Interment in the Milton cemetery.
Mrs Jane Hale died Thursday evening at five o’clock at the A J Munn home, west of town. The deceased was an elderly woman over three score and ten and had been sick only since last Monday. Pneumonia fever was the cause of her death.
Russell Palmer and wife passed through this city Thursday enroute to Ottumwa where they will visit their son E D Palmer who is quite ill.
Court reporter J O LInaberry and wife visited Friday with the former’s mother, Mrs Mary Young, Mr Linaberry left the same day for Centerville for a visit.
Mrs E A McGary of Cook Station, Mo., passed through here Friday on her way to visit her brother, Jacob Sedor of near Milton.
Mr and Mrs P C Martin were Ottumwa visitors.
Mrs J W Altheide visited friends in Ottumwa Friday.
A D Smith was in Moulton on business yesterday.
Print Thompson and daughter Miss Maude were Ottumwa visitors Monday, Miss Maude is receiving medical treatment in Ottumwa.
Wm Stogdill left friday for Moose Jaw, Canada, where he will spend the summer.
Paul Willard spent friday in Ottumwa attending the horse sale.
C W Hining of Floris passed through here on Friday enroute to Ottumwa where he will visit.
Emery Berry returned Friday from Des Moines where he attended the state convention of the managers of the Swift & Co;s prduce houses.
Miss Naomi Brown who attends the Normal spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents at Pulaski.
Mrs A F Holden of Cantril visited friends in this city Friday.
Mrs Jim Sutton is in Milton today visiting her mother Mrs W M McIntosh.
Jessie Fisk was an Ottumwa visitor Friday.
The wreck on the Wabash delayed the trains considerably Friday.
H C Black left Friday for Eldon, where he will spend a few days on his farm near there.
The C W B M's met with Mrs Lue Wilkinson Thursday and initiated Mrs Sherman Rouch. "Isle of Pines" was the subject.
Miss Florence stoke of Moulton returned home Thursday from a week's visit with Mr and Mrs Geo Mather, who live four miles south of town.
Dr Clara Cronk returned Thursday from a professional visit in Des Moines.
Dick Swinney was a passenger to Ottumwa Thursday. His father Isaac Swinney of that place is very ill.
Wm Hassenpflug has sold his tow residence properties near the normal, the larger one to Geo Hutchings, who lives southwest of town and the smaller one to County Recorder U S Scott.
Mr and Mrs J CCruckshank and baby, who live three miles southeast of town were the guests Wednesday and Thursday of the former's sister, Mrs Chas Warrington of Ottumwa.
Miss May Kline of six miles west of town spent Wednesday with her cousin Philip Mast of Ottumwa.
John Games has accepted a position with the Des Moines Daily News and is moving to that place this week. His mother and sister, Mrs J M Games and Mrs Blanch Murphy wre in Ottumwa Wednesday to see them before they left for Des Moines.
Roy C Peppers and family left on Wednesday for their home in Brighton, Colo.
Mrs Henry C Taylor very pleasantly entertained a number of her friends at a dinner.
Fred Sax was an Ottumwa visitor.
Walter Shelton visited friends in Ottumwa.
Geo Goode was a visitor in Ottumwa Thursday.
Peter Smith left Thursday for Billings, Mont., to spend the summer.
At the Democratic city primary Wednesday night, a strong city ticket was nominated. Morrow and Jarvis were nominated for re-election. The ticket is as follows: Mayor, H C Leach; treasurer, E Z Morrow; assessor, P P Jarvis; councilmen-1st ware, J R Williams; 2nd ward, Chas Skinner; 3rd ward, G W Rokey; councilmen at large A W GAumer, Harvey Wray.
Sam Durflinger and family moved Friday to their newly purchased farm, six miles from Mt Sterling.
Mrs S A Whited who lives near Steuben is visiting this week with her daughter Mrs Edith Wright of West Grove.
T R Bradberry and Mother Mrs M A Bradberry of this city and Mr and Mrs D E Bradberry of Pulaski visited Sunday at the J Barnes home near Coatsville, Mo.
Mrs E F Bridges was the guest on Sunday of Mrs Jane Evans of Moulton.
Mr and Mrs Hunt of West Grove returned home Saturday. Mr Hunt was on the jury and Mrs Hunt has been visiting her daughter Mrs Will Harper, who lives on the Wilkinson farm near the Junction.
J C Wright and wife of Moulton, were city visitors Saturday.
Mrs S Olson and children of Pulaski were in Bloomfield on business Saturday.
Miss Grace Burrows of Milton was in this city Saturday. She contemplates taking a course at the Normal in the near future.
Mrs Ada Wagler and son of Pulaski visited Saturday with her mother, Mrs Mary Caldwell.
Mrs Minerva Rhodes spent Sunday with her son Paul and daughter Mrs Fred McNeal of Milton.
Miss Verda Wheeler and Roy Anderson of Ottumwa, Miss Murrie Denny, Mr and Mrs Roy Denny and Mr and Mrs Walter Warthen of north of town
spent Sunday with Miss Alma Denny.
Miss Anna Goode of Ottumwa spent the day Sunday with her mother.
Mr and Mrs O B Galpin of Ottumwa visited Sunday with the latter's parents Fred Yahnke who live norhteast of town.
Mrs Clarissa Hamilton of Ottumwa was the guest Sunday of her father, Tom Randolph.
Mr and Mrs Will Hamilton of Ottumwa visited the former's uncle Tom Randolph who live two miles northwest of town.
Mrs H C Parks of Troy visited Friday and Saturday with relatives in this city.
Lloyd Summers of Milton was a city visitor Saturday.
The wedding of Miss Fay Shook of three miles east of town, and Otto Sayles of Ottumwa occured Sunday
at one o'clock a the home of the brides parents, Mr and Mrs John Shook. Rev Ferrall of the Christian church of this place p
officiating. Mr and Mrs Sayles will be at home to their many friends in Ottumwa after April 10.
Guy Humphrey and Kenneth Moore spent Sunday at the home of Misses Bell and Beulah Biggs of near Memphis, Mo.

Mrs James Ashworth who has been visiting her som Jim of this city returned to her home in downing, Mo., Monday.
Wm Brenneman and wife spent Scunday at the JC Brennerman home in Pulaski.
Miss stella Young fell Thursday and broke two bones in her ankle. She did not think it was serious until Saturday
when it painer so she went to the doctor.
Marriage licenses were issued Saturday to Carl M Camp and Miss Gertrude BArnett and to Miss Blanche King and W H Bell,

Miss Effie Peden of Floris passed through Ottumwa today en route to Agency, where she will resume her position as teacher.

Mr and Mrs W A Wishard returned Saturday from a visit at Lincoln, Nebraska, with Mr and Mrs Frank Lester and from REd  Oak where the visited Mr and Mrs George Shull.
Mr and Mrs John C Lough of near Bloomfield spent sunday afternoon here with the latter's sister and brother, Miss Merna Myers and Cecil and Alva myers.
Mr and Mrs J W Miller left this morning for their new home at St Cloud, Florida, having purchased lots there in the soldier settlement.
Marion Christy of Des Moines visited here last week.
Mrs Will Eakins and children of Ottumwa and Mrs Mary Creat of Sherman Chapel spent Thursday with Mrs Emma Hawkins and family.
Mrs Oscar Snell and little son, Vernette, spent last week at the J B Pence home near Bloomfield.
Erie and Orin Thompson of Floris were guests Sunday at the R E  Anderson home.
A E Finley and Wm Harper of Bloomfield were business visitors at this place Friday.
Mrs Aaron Gray and Mr and Mrs Van Landingham of Drakeville were guests last week of Mrs Elmira Morris.
W L Woolwine was on the sick list last week.
Miss Emma Brookshire of Locust Grove is visiting the C G Myers and Mrs Margaret Myers families.
Lowell Anderson is visiting his parents, Mr and Mrs R W Anderson this week.
Mr and Mrs J W May and baby visited in Bloomfield Sunday.
Dr Finch of Hitt, MO., visited her daughter, Mrs C E Wagner and family one day last week.
Miss Irma Plank of Floris, visited her grandmother, Mrs J J Plank and other relatives over Sunday.
Jack Elder of Des Moines visited his mother, Mrs Maney Elder, over Sunday.
H C Taylor and family came down from Bloomfield in their auto Sunday afternoon.
Mrs M E Jones and grandson, _eo Boyd, spent Sunday at the Mrs M W Bean home near Waneta.
Mrs Jim Heskett left Monday for Grand Junction, Colorado, where she expects to spend a couple of weeks with her mother, Mrs Sarah Meide.

The P E O's entertained their husbands and friends monday evening at the Teed house at a supper and program.
Mrs Wm Caldwell entertained on Tuesday afternoon in honor of her sister, Mrs Loie Ethel, of Topeka, Kans.
The recent article in regard to Ed Tracksel having been place in the penitentiary was incorrect. He gave bail and now awaits the decision of the supreme courts.
Rev Tucker held meeting at the M E Church in West Grove Tuesday night.
Mrs Gus Blomberg who has been ill for the past week is recovering.
Newt Losey of Mark was an Ottumwa visitor Tuesday.
Born, to Mr and Mrs Roy Rhodes Sunday morning, a son.
Mrs Etta Ware of Ottumwa was in Bloomfield Tuesday on business.
LR Hutton of Floris visited the last of the week with his brother, S A Hutton.
Mrs Nathan Kinman visited the first of the week with her mother, Mrs J M White, of West Grove.
Harold and Roland Stansberry left Tuesday for a short visit with their uncle John stansberry of Moulton.
Mrs Blanche Canbron visited Tuesday with her parents Mr and Mrs Fletch Stansberry of West Grove.
Mrs A J Bond of near West Grove was able to return to her home, she has been in the hospital for the past three weeks.
Mr and Mrs O R Premier returned to this city from a few weeks' wedding trip
Mr and Mrs B B Burchett visited Tuesday with the former's brother Ed of moulton.
Mrs Joe Weiny of Ottumwa made a short visit in this city.
Mrs Wilbur Carroll and Miss Stella De Vault were Ottumwa visitors.
M Owsley was in Ottumwa Tuesday on business.
C C Baird of Fairfield returned home Tuesday after a four days' visit with his mother Mrs g eo BAird.
The horse belonging to P D Rhodes became frightend Tuesday and ran away, throwing Miss Rhodaes and her little brother out.
The accident happened on the West side of the square.
Mrs Mable Fine of Floris visited on Tuesday with her aunt, Mrs John Bond on her way to visit her parents, Mr and Mrs A J Bond of WEst Grove.


Mr and Mrs Wilbur Carroll gave a farewell surprise party for Mrs G P Fryburger Tuesday eveining. Her Sunday school class was invited. Mrs Fryburger 
and daughters left for their new home in Washington.
The death of John Perry Gaston, another of Davis County's pioneers occurred Tuesday morning. HIs burial took place Wednesday under th auspices of the 
Masonic Order. T P Bence, Duff Burchett,  J P Tooms and John Ethell of this city attended.
J W Kime, state lecturer on tuberculosis, will be in Bloomfield April 15 and deliver one of his lectures.
Miss Margaret Leach, who has been at the state hospital at Mt Pleasant for a number of years, died WEdnedsay. Her burial will take place at this city Friday.
Tom McIntire's three children are sick with the Measles.
Robert Barber who lives near town is very ill withy liver trouble.
Mrs Chas Walton, who was operated on a the hospital is doing very nicely.
Ed Miller, wife and little baby returned to their home in Caldwell, Idaho, Wednesday after a few months visit wiht her parents Hohn Lain and wife 
and his parents Wm Miller and wife.
Mrs Neff Hill who was operated on at the hospital last week is doing nicely.
The G A R and W R C will hold a joint meeting friday evening.
Mrs S L Berry is very ill at the hospital.
S E Latimer was in Ottumwa on business Thursday.
Mrs Theo Findley who lives northwest of town is very ill at this time.
Mrs Nancy Elder of Pulaski arrived Wednesday for a short visit with her daughter Mrs Ellen Milligan.
HOllis Canaday left Tuesday for Pierre, s D., where he will work this summer.
G P  Fryberber recieved the sad news of the accidental death of his brother DAn who was killed by a live wire at Colorado Springs.

John Eckerd has bought the coal business sheds and scales of O E Harbor, who recently purchased the same from S A Durflinger.
The Andrews furniture Co., have purchased a new hearse which arrived yesterday.
The Ottumwa Harp Orchestra passed through here yesterday enroute to Pulaski to give an entertainment.
Mr and Mrs Gilbert Taylor returned to their home in Moberly, MO., after a few days visit with the W M Yates southwest of this city. Mrs Gilberts
sister, Mrs Anna Tomy and children returned with them for a short visit.
Mrs Louisa Sloan of Mark is visiting her granddaughter Mrs ARch Dooley.
Samuel Darnielle of near Monterey is visiting his daughter Mrs John Kline.
Mrs Zetta Bingaman and son Harold left Friday to spend Easter with her parents in Exline.
Miss Ethel Rhoades of Ottumwa returned after a brief visit with her parents, P D Rhodes and wife of near Bloomfield.
Mrs Stella Teed and son John visited relatives in Ottumwa.
Mrs J T Dooley spent Saturday with her sister, Mrs A P Chrisman of WEst GRove.
Horace Carlow and family arrived FRiday from WEldon, Ia., and expect to live here for the present.
Mrs C K Gleason of West Grove was a city visitor.
Mrs A E Nash of Pulaski visited in Bloomfield Friday on her wayto Ottumwa.
Mrs John Mier left Friday for a few days visit with her sons Chas and Fred of Des mOines.
Miss Edna Crisman who attend the NOrmal spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents of West GRove.
Mrs Effie Speer returned to Kirksville friday where she is taking treatment at Dr Still's hospital.
Mrs John Pirtle visited the last of the week with her daughter, Mrs fred Mier of Des Moines.


Mrs Ed Higbee returned from Ottumwa Tuesday where she had been visiting friends,.
E J Blume of Mr Union, IOwa, is visiting his sister, Mrs O L Saunders.
Philip Bletzer, living southeast of town, died Wednesday night, after a lingering illness of several mother. The remains were taken to Milton Friday for burial.
Mrs J M Hunt visited relatives in Bloomfield from Friday until Monday.
John Augspurger is quite sick with the la grip this week.
Swan Olson left Tuesday for Laramia City, Wyo., where he expects to locate.
A F Meredith had the misfortune to get injured in a runaway while coming from his farm. The team became frightened and started to run.
Mrs S Brunk was a Bloomfield visitor.
County Superintendant C N Spicer, visited the schools here Wednesday afternoon.
Mr and Mrs Presley Marson of Milton, visited the James Burns home.

James Perry Gaston, an old an respected citizen of this place, died at his home Tuesday morning, about 9 o'clock. Mr Gaston leaves a wife
and two daughters, Mrs A F Smock and Mrs S F Updike, all of this place, with a host of friends to mourn their loss.
The deceased had for years been the undertaker at this place. He was a member of the Masonic Order.Quite a number of the order from other places
were in attendance.Funeral services were held at the M E Church Wednesday at 2:30, conducted by the pastor REv Alvah Huff, after which the remains were interred 
in the Drakeville cemetery.
At the home of the officiating minister, Rev Huff, on Sunday evening, March 20, after church services, occuerred themarriage ofMiss Mollie Goodlander 
and Henry S Thompson,  both of this place.
Miss June Roberts of Eldon visited recently with her grandfather, Charles Scott.
Mrs G W Phillips of Bloomfield attended the Gaston funeral
J H Sayles and wife of Horton, Kans., came in to attend the reception given Mr and Mrs Ottiw Sayles
who were married on Sunday March 20.
Mrs Will Fleming spent several days with her daughter Mrs C F Adams.
Mr and Mrs Will Harrison and Mr and Mrs Hansaw spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Pierrard.

W J Steckel is moving the house off the Lorenz property he bought, preparatory to building.
Mrs T H Corrick and four children of Ottumwa passed thrugh here Monday enroute to pulaski where they will visit Mrs Corrick's parents, Mr and Mrs Reed.
Mrs Mary Fix of near Savannah is visiting this week with her daughter, Mrs H C O'Neal of milton.
Mrs Ed Barnett was an Ottumwa visitor Monday.
Miss Ina Darby of Ottumwa returned home Monday from a short visit a the Mose Paris and Ben Selman hojmes.
F H Andrews was in Burlington the first of the week on business.
Wm Cohran who lives near town, left Monday for a week's visit with his neice, Mrs Alva Whitaker of Ottumwa.
Mesdames Kate Sawyers, Bessie Sawyers, Mayme Barnett and Miss L H Sawyers of West Grove visited in the city Mondya.
Mr and Mrs Ollie Garmon of Pulaski returned home monday from a few days visit with her mother, Mrs Mary Henderson of near CArbon.
Mr and Mrs J W Dodge and son J W Jr., returned Monday evening from Stockton, Calif., where they ahve been spending the winter.
Mrs Marley Curry of Clinton, arrived Tuesday morning for a brief visit with her parents  G W Dunn and wife.
Ross Hancock and wife have purchased the John Leasure property, two blocks south of the southwest corner of the square.
Mr and Mrs B C Day were in West Grove on business Tuesday.
Ola Barton of Newton dropped in Tuesday for a surprise on his parents. Mr and Mrs Lee Barton.
Mrs Marley Curry of Clinton is visiting this week with her parents, Geo Dunn and wife.
Mrs J E DeVault, who has been under a specialist care at St Louis has came home.
Mrs J M Eberline of Belknap was a visitor in the city.
Mrs Ralph Sherman returned to her home in Malsom Tuesday from a short visit with her mother, Mrs Grider, and also to attend the funeral 
of her father in law, Andrew Sherman.
Miss Dema Dodge left Tuesday for a short visit with her sister, Mrs D B Armstrong of Pulaski.
The little son of Les Turpin, who lives near Belknap, fell friday and dislocated his elbow.
Andrew Sherman who lived east of town, died Friday, aged 75 years, 7 months, and 12 days. He was born near Painted Post, N Y. HIs body was
taken Saturday to Monmouth, Ill., for burial. 
Will Davis and family and mother in law, Mrs Julia Herman of near Floris, spent Easter at the S F McConnell home.
Miss Virgie Beedle, who teaches at Highland Center visited over Sunday with her father.
Will Holiday of Monmouth returned home Sunday after a short visit with his uncle A B Holiday.
E Kelso and family of Moulton visited over Sunday with Mrs Kelso's parents, Wm Piper and wife who live northwest of town.
Mr and Mrs Earl Evans of Ottumwa were the guests Easter of Mrs Evans' parents, Nathan Kinman and wife.
Ed Songer and wife of Ottumwa visited this city Sunday.
Misses Bessie Honce and Bessie Baird of Fairfield, returned home sunday from a brief visit at the Oscar Kinney home.
Mrs W A Sloan of Ottumwa visited the last of the week at the Chas Barnes home south o town.
Bert Smoots of Stockport was the easter guest of Miss Effie Holiday.
Mr and Mrs Warren Lowe of Ottumwa spent Sunday afternoon with the latter's sister, Mrs Argus Spurgeon.
Arthur Carmichael and family returned to their home in Chillicaother, Mo., Saturday after a two weeks' visit with Mr Carmichael's mother, Mrs Ida Carmichael.
Charley Wright and wife of Centerville, visited over Sunday at the Ray Fox home four miles west of town.
Marriage license was issued FRiday to w T Adams and mIss Tillie Urich.
John Allbirght and family were the guests of Easter of Mr Allbright's mother. Mrs Sarah Allbright of Ottumwa.
Paul Collins who attends school at Kirksville, Mo., spent Sunday with his mother Mrs Retta Collins.
Ole Petit who has been helping  conduct a revival meeting at Kansas city, visited Sunday in this city on his way homme to Mt Sterling.
Mrs Retta Collins and family were the guests Sunday of Mr and Mrs frank fenton who live east of town one mile.
Mr and Mrs Guy Petit spent Sunday with Miss Jennie Ferguson.
Mrs Cliff Atwood returned to her home in ottumwa Sunday from a week's visit a the Monroe Atwood home west of town.
J A Williams, Frank Kline, Chas Curl, Walter DAvis, Wm Fuller, Wm Hellier, Wm Dilliner and Jesse Owsley were initiationd at the Odd Fellow
Camp friday night.
Will Dunlap and ARthur Welch were elected to take the Masonic work Friday night.
The eighth room orchestra, composed of Misses Opal Lorenz and Eula Harter, Messrs. Herbert Young, Keith Hotchkiss, Will Hazelwood and Henrich Taylor plyed at the
commencement exercises at Drakeville Friday night.
In the debate Friday night between the S I N and the high school, the latter won.
County Auditor Anderson spent Sunday at his old home near Eldon.

Miss June Roberts of Eldon visited last week with relatives here.
Miss GArnette Downing left Sunday evening for Eldon enroute to Des Moines to enter Drake University for the summer.
School closed on Friday after a very successful seven months' term with C N Hull, principal, and GArnett Downing, assistant.
The graduation excercises of the school held at the Christian church was well attended.
The sick of this community are improving, namely: Mrs F C Adams, Rev A M Sea, Frank Updike and Loyal Henderson.
Misses Ora and Florence Lowe and Wilford Lowe returned home from des mOines.
Mrs C E Swinney of Floris was in this city one day last week.
Mrs H H McVey returned home today after a few days' visit in Douds with her daughter, Mrs Emma Davis.
Charles scott, one of the oldest persons int he county, is very sick with the grip and old age.
Miss Faye Roberts of Eldon came to help care for her grandfather, Charles Scott.
Mrs Elizabeth Gaston has a public sale advertised for April 2 at her home at this place.
Ralph and mIlree Huff are the only cases of whooping cough reporter near here.
Mrs E N Kirkendall of Bloomfield is visiting with Drakeville people this week.
Wm Smith, formerly of this place, but a resident of Des MOines at present, and his sister, Mrs Anna quigley of Eldon spent Sunday afternoon here.
Mrs Anne Fouts and Miss Anna Fouts and Mrs John Hardy and son, Ross, spent Sunday a the E L Smith home in Bloomfield.
Mrs J M Benge is suffering with erysipelas.
Rev A MM Sea, who has been sick for the past six weeks, was able to fill her appointment a the Christian Church on Easter.
J H Cox is extra foreman and W B DeHaven is timekeeper for  an extra gang on the Wabash railroad near Des moines.

Charles Fletcher spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives in Unionville.
Rev Laur Kennilworth preached at the Hopewell church sunday.
Ed Ross and family spren Sunday at Henry Glosser's.
Miss Vesta simmons has been engaged to teach the Oak Spring school beginning Monday.
Thurman Cassill and Earl Proctor spent Saturday night near Bunch.
Lyceum closed at the Albany school house Friday night.
C E Roberts and children spent Sunday at Green valley.