Bloomfield High School Publication Volume XVL 1939-1940

97 Freshman enrolled-

Doris Adams, Susie Albertson, Frances Aleshire, Lois Altheide, Robert Axtell, Phillip Babcock, William Bailey, Donald Birchmier, Billy Boatman, Roy Bohi, Roy Boyd, Donald Bremer, Betty Brown, Dora May Burch, Ruth Burton, Mildred Carpenter, Betty Carter, Alice Chadwick, Cleda Channel, Harold Christy, Helen Christy, Leonard Coy, Harold Cruikshank, Roy Dickson, Gene Dixon, Rose Mary Dixon, Eugene Eby, Max Figge, Jack Finley, Richard Fisher, Robert Fitzgerald, Jack Fleming, Esther Foster, Donald Francis, Mary Ellen Francis, Eli Fuller, Christine Games, Rex Games, Charlotte Gay, Irene Gilland, Charles Good, Frances Good, Mary Goodson, William Grinstead, Lowell Hancock, Helen Harris Margaret Hastings, Athene Henderson, Florence Henderson, Cloy Howell, Robert Hudson, Lena Huffman, Will Mae Hufford, Helen Inskeep, Derald Jones, Estalene Jones, Mary Christine Jones, Viola Marie Jones, Ova Kinnamon, Edward Lamb, Mildred Lamb, John Lough, Lester Lough, Peggy Lunsford, Irvin Myers, Ormer Nemitz, Deloris Norton, Margie Orman, Kenneth Patterson, Naomi Prevo, Jeanette Reaves, Betty Jean Richard, Rosalie Rime, Paul Roberts, Roy Roberts, frederick Rogers, Cecil Rudd, Helen Rupe, Rowena Shook, Mary Ellen Smallwood, Helen Smith, Orval Smith, Carl Spilman, Dean Spilman, Ramon Sprouse, Ronald Spurgeon, Rula Spurgeon, Lester Stogdill, Opal Stogdill, Russell Swearingen, Forest Thompson, Rose Marie Thompson, Lee Wardlow, Doris Werts, Leona Wilkinson, Wilma Wilkinson.



Published Every Monday

Established October, 1923

Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jean Tucker

Associate Editor . . .  . Thomas Hardy

Business Manager . . .  .James Swank

Assist Bus Mngr . . Gordon Merchant

Circulation Manager . . .Dick Schlegel

Assist Circ Mngr. . .. . Lorraine Dixon

Humor Editor . . . . . . . Mary Vaughn

Sports Editor . . . . . . Joe Thompson

Feature Editor . .. . . . .  Mary Leyda

Exchange Editor . . . . . .Bernice Potts

Faculty Advisor . . . . . . .Miss Beuter



Class of 1937





The Bloomfield Maroons . . . .

Football Player, Position, and Jersey #

Lowell Jones Back 55
Gene York Back 50
Willie Campbell Back 60
Don Hamerle Back 20
Harold Weede Tackle 88
Verne Hubbartt End 10
Rex Goldizen Guard 25
John Burton Guard 65
Bill Gandy Center 75
Bob Berry End 85
Bob Fitzgerald Tackle 77
Bob Bunton Tackle 80
Jewell Bain Tackle 66
Bob Huffman End 35
Dee Thompson Guard 40
Lowell Spurgeon Back 70
Gordon Werts Back 30
Pete Johnson Back 44
Gleandean Fresh Back 11
Victor Jones End 34
George Denny Guard 99
Bob Lobbins Back 15
Harold Craig Guard 22
Russell Dabney Guard 20