

16.   High school record at doing our bit:  One hundred per cent Junior Red Cross; $4,250 in Liberty Bonds; $876.66 War Saving Stamps; $55 Thrift Stamps.
17.   Tennis tournament in progress.
18.   Organization of Girls' Patriotic League.
23.   Spring rains begin.
25.   Barnard, Tilton, Kelly and McKay draw the lucky slips.  Treats? or lessons.
29.   If it is springs, "the tardy bell rings just the same."


May, the last month of the year,

With hikes and Mother's Day,

With banquet and baccalaureate,

Commencement and class play.

3.   Girls of H. S. entertain the H. S. mothers.  Interesting program given and refreshments served.
6.   Girls' tennis tournament.
7.   Warm spring weather proves too much for some H. S. lads.
9.   Girls hike.
10.   Some of our instructors don't appreciate the fact that we all enjoy the libary.
14.   Senior Apron and Overall Day.
15.   Normal Training exams.
17.   Juniors entertain Seniors.
19.   Baccalaureate service.
20.   Senior class play.
24.   Commencement.

And now, farewell, dear Perry High,

We all would like to stay;

But we've more work in this world to do,

And must be on our way.




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