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Civil War Diary of James Pleasant Shannon

May 1, 1864 to May 17, 1865

The following was taken from a diary kept by J. P. Shannon. The original is in the hands of his grandson Paul J. Shannon of Glendale, California. Leona B. Shannon Miller, a granddaughter and Millard (Kelly) Shannon with some help from Burton B. Shannon, both grandsons, made this copy possible. circa 1950s

James served in Co. I of the 78th Illinois Vol.

From the Diary of James P. Shannon - May 1, 1864 to May 17, 1865

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From the First of May 1864 to March 4 - 1867 I have no auggouty (sic) to say what. Turn to page 35. J. R. Shannon

Page 2 - May 2, 1864
today arrived at Ringold. this village is now in a mass of ruin. Piles of brick and lumber shoes (sic) that this has been a nice place. this town is county seat Catoosa County (Georgia).
on the Sixth of May 1864 found me on the east side of ringold. there is a railroad bridge which they are bilding rite along. 16th the army all moved (advanced) to tunnel Hill ___ ___ on til reach Rocky face mountain. May 8th found me at tunnel hill station 8 miles from Ringold. This village is nicely situated but has been tore up by soldiers. This village is in Whitefield, Ga. rocky face mountains lays on the southeast(?) of the tunel. I went in the tunel which I found it was so dark I cud not se one inch before my face. It was cool and dank and they was a nice spring run thrue the tunel. This tunel is 1477 feet long.

May the 9, 1864
the cares came in to tunel Station from ringold. There has been several trains thru (?) today ____.

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they run thru the Station which was rite at our lines of batal which we ___? all along the lines with gladness to hear the coles rite out with them.

May 11, 1864
At nite we started out southwest keeping rite in about to miles of rokey face. men stoped about sun up. The next morning and got a ___? to eat and then we set out - southwest direction. We don't find many mountains along this road.

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We campt in Walker county at nite. There is a small rolling hills, nice land for this contry.
On the 13th of May we started on and went one mile and turn east after some few miles travel past large church and then turned a rather north east direction we past thru smoke gap today and campt on the south side of the gap, this gap is about four miles long I think these mountens runes from Rocky Face camp Chattahoochee Ga.

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July 23 1864 the report is now that Atlanty has fallen and I think it has, we have marching orders now. July 24. today we moved in bout 3 miles of Atlanty. July 25 nothing today, a fast cannon ___? I was out to regiment today and the are all wel and harty Augest 11-64- In camp near Atlanty Ga. (cannonading to party free today. I don't no the result

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August 21 '64 (very dim) Sunday. Was raining We pat today
Aug.24, 1854 - We moved about (?) miles southwest ___ being taken road to hospital.
Aug. 25 - This morning we started to Atlanty - frait rail road which take ___? about 10 miles from Atlanty. They are taking out the rails and buring the ties and rails and bending them. Today we moved all day and nite and went in camp in the morning and ___ ___

August 31, 1864 - morning. we started again and to ___? We are in about 2 miles off the Makin railroad. September (the 1). today we are a layin in Fort and I went out the country and bought a chicken for ten cents. 50cts. and then went out and bout a bee hive for .60 cents and sold a dollar and a half worth and a large bucket full left. wk every nite.

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Sept. 2. '64 Today we moved about ten miles and landed on the Makan railroad at James bouro. Our regiemtn stays there and the day before the regiment had a despart fite and charge the rebels nearby and tuck thare works and about 800 prisnors. all together made about 5000 prisnors. Sept 4 - today we loded out to move and order was countremanded. this is Claton County, Ga.
Sept 7th today we moved about five miles north Janesboro. Sept. 8th today we moved to Atlanty this is a nice plase as much of it as is saved. Some nice fartes and large ___ ___

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Sept 12. Atlanty Gas. today we moved out commissary in the edge of town in a nice place. Oct the 3 we moved to the east side of town. the regiment moved a few days ago. They went back out the (cars gess) they went to Chattanooga, Ga.
November 16 1864 Sanetown Station is all burned This station is 24 miles from Atlanta and at nite we past Conies station 31 miles from Atlanty, 18th we past thru Covington. Came 18 miles the 22. We crost crick a bout 3 rodes wide today. 24th today we thrugh Milledgeville the capital of Ga. Altahand(?) river. 25th to day we crost the Ogeechee river at Stanville camped on the edge of eastern Ogeechee river Nov. 28 we crost thre miles of swap.
November 30 1864 - today we start on a move to the direction of Augusts want in camp about 8 miles from town.

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February 14, 1865 today we are a laying still. February 16, 1865 today we past thrue Covington. This village it had been a nice place but badly burned out. February 17, 1865 today we moved on toward Columbia.
We left Columbia to this fort. We crost the Savanha river and went thrue the Savannaha river south east. February 18 today we started on north direction.

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and we are now a laying on Broad river. February 19, 1865 today we cross the Broad river and there was a man shot for not obeying the guard adn cild the man and muel which he was on. killed them both instantly. We traveld on til about 12 o'clock and a bout 4 miles.
February 20, 1865 - To day we moved about 5 miles and went in camp
February 21 -

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Today we move on north direction. We went in camp a bout 8 o'clock. We had a nise time a 'forign'. We got some nise meat. February 22, 1865 today we moved on a bout a north direction to large white houses was burned and a large quantity of money was burned in one of the houses. February 25, 1865 - Today we moved about 6miles and past over vary hilly country and we found 9 barrels of molases and a very nice house burnt.
February 26, 1865 - today we laed in camp on til nite and then we started to cross the river and mired out and they hade to take the muels out and pull the wagons out with ropes.

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February 27 - to day we lay on the river bak all day and nite at 12 o'clock we crossed the Cataniba river. February 28 - to day we moved and the badest road I ever experencd in my life. to nite we are in camp in a nise place.

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March 1, 1865 - today we moved a long thrue the mud. We crost hanging rock crick and we had to take ropes and pull the wagons out. March the 2 today we moved on eat and crost a small crick and went in camp on the hill at the crick.
March 3, 1865 - today we traveled a bout 24 miles. We are now about the North Carolina line.

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Mar. 4, 1865 - today we travel on about 14 miles and reach the Grate pe de river. Today is my birthday I am twenty three years old.
Mar. the 5, 1865 - today we lay out of the bank of the river.
Mar. the 6 - today we lay out - nothing strang today. March the 8 - today we crost the big pee tee river. This is a large river, broad but shaller. camp on the banks of the river.

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March 8, 1865 No. Carolina today we traveled 22 miles and it rained most of the day. We went in camp about 8 o'clock at nit.
March 9, 1865 - today we moved on good roads on till about 3 o'clock and from that on we hade the worst roads and it rained as hard as it could fore we got in camp at 12 o'clock all night and cold during the day We saw the gratest sight I ever say -turpontine hill a burning, the blaze would flye hundreds of feet high.

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March the 10, 1865 - today we passed thrue vary fars cuntry. nothing but roson. I saw about 2000 bails of roson piled out. March 11, 1865 today we traveled about 10 miles and wen in camp about 5 o'clock. March 12 we arrived fayette ville. this city is a large plase it is over a rite smart place but not very well camped all of the sitezena are in town. March 13 - today we - today we crossed the Cape fear river. this river is navable.

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March 14, 1865 - today we lay in camp across the river from fayette ville.
March the 15, 1865 today we lay in camp. We moved about 1 mile and put the comessary in a house. March 16, 1865 - Today we lay in camp. nothing a going on. Strang.
March 17, 1865 - today we moved a bout 3 miles and it is vary wild riseels the peach trees is in bloom.

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March 19 - today we move on about 8 miles and went in camp a bout 5 o'clock and our division had a deport fite today. this battle is fought about 15 miles from Ringold. I han'te herd the particulars yet.
March 20, 1865 - today we move out clost to the troops and some fiting today but i hadn't heard the particulars yet.
Marsh 21, 18565 - Today we moved on for Goldboro and have many bad roads. We have the wounded of our Division.

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March 22, 1865 - Today we move on and have had luck about the roads getting lost but ___ we got in camp after sundown. (the rest is illegible)
March 25, 1865 - today we moved in to Goldboro. this town is vary scatered an not fine building. We go in camp here for awhile. This town lays on a nice river. This river is a small river but navigable. The Neuse river.

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Half of this page illegible.
May 5th, 1865 - today we crost the Roenoak river and traveling about 21 miles we went thru Limerock? (Two lines illegible)

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May 6th - Today we traveled about 23 miles (2 lines missed) May 6, 1865 sean since I left home we thrue aint may cart on the Petersburg railroad. We travel 34 miles today and go in camp on the Appamatox river, May the 7 - today we crost the river and landed at Richmond. in about 3 miles of Richmond and went in camp.
May 8 - today we lay in camp.
May 9, 1865 - today we lay in camp all day and 3 miles of richmond.

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On the 11 day of May we start for Washington. We past thrue Manchester and crost the James river and rite thrue Richmond and crost the Chick a homeny swaps and went out to the Hanover Cort house and went in camp a offul rain at nite.
May 12, 1865 - today we are laying oup at the Hanover Cort house.

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May the 13, 1865 - today we moved a bout 6 miles and crost the Monkey river and traveled a bout 20 miles and went in camp about 5 o'clock in a nise place.
May 14, 1865 - today we travel a bout 14 miles over vary ruff roads. We goe in camp on a little crick. We are in a bout 15 miles of the Raphanock river. May 15, 1865 - Today we move on arriving at the Rapiden river. This river is a small river about 75 yards wide. We crost at Racoon Ford. We go in camp about 1 miles and 1/2 on the river.

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May the 16, 1865 - today we moved from the Rapidan to the raphanick and crost the river. We forded it and went in camp about 5 miles from the river.
May the 17, 1865 - Today we move on northeast ariving at the Menases Junction a bout 3 o'clock. this place looks lik there had been a hard fite. this is a high place looks like a large frarey the blue mountains lookes hie and ruff. We cross the bull run river and gos in camp.

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May 17, 1865 - today we traveled about 16 miles and went in camp at noon for the nite.
May the 18, 1865 - today we landed at Alexander or in about 3 miles of town. And have went in camp.
June 8, - today we started for home. We landed in Baltamore at 10 o'clock in the evening and left about fore o'clock. June 9 - today past thrue hard Bligie? about 12 o'clock.
June 1865 - today we arrived at pits burg a bout a 11 o'clock and they ..illegible.


Contributed by great granddaughter,  Dorothy Willis, July 11, 2024.

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