1930 U.S. Federal Census Dallas County, Iowa

Perry - Ward 1, Spring Valley Township

Enumeration District: 25-20    Supervisor's District: 9    Enumerator:  Wanda L Judd   Enumerated: April 2-23, 1930

Sheets 30A, 30B, 31A & 31B

30 1 30A Otley Avenue 2003 474 491 Squire Ralph R Head O 3000 R no M W 26 M 25 no yes Iowa Ohio Iowa       yes Salesman Frigidaire W yes   no     Block 7 Enumerated Apr 22, 1930
  2           Squire Edna M Wife-H       x F W 29 M 28 no yes Iowa Illinois Illinois       yes none                  
  3           Hight Elizabeth Mother-in-law       x F W 65 Wd   no yes Illinois Kentucky Kentucky       yes none                  
  4     2009 475 492 Howard Effie J Head-H O 2500   no F W 66 Wd   no yes Iowa Iowa Iowa       yes none                  
  5     2015 476 493 Gibson George V Head O 4000   no M W 32 M 21 no yes Iowa Illinois Iowa       yes Operator Linotype W yes   yes WW      
  6           Gibson Beulah N Wife-H       x F W 32 M 21 no yes Iowa Illinois Illinois       yes none                  
  7           Gibson Emma B Mother       x F W 62 Wd   no yes Iowa Indiana Ohio       yes none                  
  8     2019 477 494 Vanhorn Milo G Head O 3500 R no M W 34 M 32 no yes Minnesota Iowa US       yes Trucker Milk Products W yes   yes WW      
  9           Vanhorn Thelma T Wife-H       x F W 22 M 21 no yes Iowa Iowa Iowa       yes none                  
  10           Vanhorn Dewey Brother       x M W 30 S   no yes Minnesota Iowa US       yes Trucker Milk Products W yes   no        
  11     2023 478 495 Bartlett Willard M Head O 6000 R no M W 59 M 25 no yes Iowa Ohio Ohio       yes none                 Retired
  12           Bartlett Mary F Wife-H       x F W 56 M 22 no yes Iowa Virginia Ohio       yes none                  
  13           Bartlett Ruth P Daughter       x F w 18 S   yes yes Iowa Iowa Iowa       yes none                  
  14     2101 479 496 LeCoeq Everett A Head R 35 R no M W 31 M 22 no yes Iowa Iowa Iowa       yes Manager Ford Garage W yes   yes WW      
  15           LeCoeq Lela M Wife-H       x F W 30 M 21 no yes Oklahoma Germany Indiana       yes none                  
  16           LeCoeq Marjory H Daughter       x F W 8 S   yes   Kansas Iowa Oklahoma         none                  
  17           LeCoeq Gerald E Son       x M W 11/12 S   no   Iowa Iowa Oklahoma         none                  
  18     2103 480 497 Ryner Lola B Head-H O 4500   no F W 52 Wd   no yes California California California       yes none                  
  19     2109 481 498 McDonnell Thomas J Head O 5500 R no M W 32 M 25 no yes Iowa Ireland Iowa       yes Doctor Dentist O yes   yes WW      
  20           McDonnell Anita V Wife-H       x F W 31 M 24 no yes Iowa Italy Italy       yes none                  
  21           McDonnell Mary A Daughter       x F W 3 0/12 S   no   Iowa Iowa Iowa         none                  
  22           McDonnell Margaret J Daughter       x F W 7/12 S   no   Iowa Iowa Iowa         none                  
  23     2113 482 499 Jenkins Martin E Head O 5500 R no M W 38 M 37 no yes Iowa Illinois Michigan       yes Manager Garage W yes   yes WW      
  24           Jenkins Dorothy Wife-H       x F W 30 M 21 no yes Iowa Virginia Iowa       yes none                  
  25           Foster James W Step Son       x M W 8 S   yes   Michigan Iowa Iowa         none                  
  26           Foster Diana C Step Daughter       x F W 7 S   yes   Texas Iowa Iowa         none                  
  27     2015 misplaced   Conwell Vera M Lodger       x F W 24 S   no yes Iowa Iowa Iowa       yes Teacher School W yes           see line 5; Lines 28-30 blank; End of Block 7
  31   Iowa Street no number 483 500 Cannon William E Head R 20 R no M W 40 M 30 no yes Missouri Illinois Missouri       yes Trucker Milk Products W yes   yes WW 11   This is 5A on South side of Iowa Street, southwest corner 12th St
  32           Cannon Hazel A Wife-H       x F W 34 M 23 no yes Iowa Iowa Minnesota       yes none                  
  33           Cannon Marna I Daughter       x F W 9 S   yes   Iowa Missouri Iowa         none                 Lines 34-35 blank
  36   Evelyn Street 2020 484 501 Cox Robert S Head R 25 R no M W 36 M 21 no yes Nebraska Nebraska Illinois       yes Salesman Feed Co W yes   no     Block 7  
  37           Cox Hettie L Wife-H       x F W 36 M 20 no yes Missouri Missouri Missouri       yes none                  
  38           Cox Maxine Daughter       x F W 15 S   yes yes Iowa Nebraska Missouri       yes none                  
  39           Cox Robert L Jr Son       x M W 12 S   yes yes Iowa Nebraska Missouri       yes none                 Last entry on page
  51 30B Evelyn Street 2305 485 502 Lockwood Rees D Head R 30 R no M W 28 M 22 no yes Iowa Illinois Iowa       yes Battery Man Garage W yes   no     Block 3 Enumerated Apr 23, 1930
  52           Lockwood Mary E or C Wife-H       x F W 30 M 23 no yes Iowa Illinois Illinois       yes none                  
  53           Lockwood Leah R Daughter       x F W 1 2/12 S   no   Iowa Iowa Iowa         none                 Lines 54-59 blank
  60   Estella Street 2419 486 503 Taylor Frank L Head O 1200   no M W 44 M 25 no yes Iowa Ohio Missouri       yes Labor City W yes   no        
  61           Taylor Emma M Wife-H       x F W 37 M 19 no yes Minnesota Germany Germany       yes none                  
  62           Taylor Aubrey D Son       x M W 17 S   yes yes Iowa Iowa Minnesota       yes none                  
  63           Taylor Ruby E Daughter       x F W 15 S   yes yes Iowa Iowa Minnesota       yes none                  
  64           Taylor Francis W Son       x M W 9 S   yes   Iowa Iowa Minnesota         none                  
  65     2414 487 504 Snyder Ray C Head R 12.50 R no M W 35 M 21 no yes Iowa Iowa Iowa       yes Salesman Mineral Co W yes   no        
  66           Snyder Hazel M Wife-H       x F W 33 M 19 no yes Iowa Iowa Indiana       yes none                  
  67           Snyder Harold L Son       x M W 11 S   yes yes Iowa Iowa Iowa       yes none                  
  68           Snyder Wilma M Daughter       x F W 9 S   yes   Iowa Iowa Iowa         none                  
  69                                                                       Blank line
  70     24** 488 505 DeMouth Frank A Head R 20 R no M W 55 M 21 no yes Illinois New Jersey Ohio       yes Truck driver Indyend Oil Co W yes   no        
  71           DeMouth Daisy E Wife-H       x F W 54 M 20 no yes Wisconsin Massachusetts Iowa       yes none                  
  72           DeMouth Melvin R Son       x M W 20 S   no yes Iowa Illinois Wisconsin       yes Helps Father   Np yes            
  73           DeMouth Velma I Daughter       x F W 16 S   yes yes Iowa Illinois Wisconsin         none                 End of Block 3; lines 74-75 blank
  76     2205 489 506 Phipps William H Head O 3000 R no M W 54 M 26 no yes Iowa Iowa Iowa       yes Repair Shoes O yes   no     Block 2  
  77           Phipps Lula M Wife-H       x F W 54 m 26 no yes Iowa No Carolina Iowa       yes none                  
  78     2209 490 507 Ellis John I Head O 3000 R no M W 55 M 27 no yes Illinois Ohio Ohio       yes Owner Cleaning Establishments O yes   no        
  79           Ellis Alice M Wife-H       x F W 53 M 24 no yes Illinois Illinois Illinois       yes none                  
  80           Ellis Jack I Son       x M W 18 S   yes yes Illinois Illinois Illinois       yes none                  
  81     2311 491 508 Sanders Faye A Head O 4500 R no M W 45 M 27 no yes Iowa New York Illinois       yes Teacher Public School W yes   no        
  82           Sanders Evah E Wife-H       x F W 44 M 26 no yes Iowa Vermont Kansas       yes none                  
  83     2315 492 509 Hill Edward C Head R 20 R no M W 54 M 25 no yes Iowa Vermont Kansas       yes Salesman Meat Pkg Co W yes   no        
  84           Hill Mildred Wife-H       x F W 36 M 32 no yes Iowa Illinois Iowa       yes none                  
  85   Evelyn Street 2306 493 510 Smith William H Head O 2200 R no M W 51 M 21 no yes Iowa Illinois Iowa       yes Engineer Stationery Engine W yes   no        
  86           Smith Evangline G Wife-H       x F W 43 M 17 no yes Nebraska Canada-Eng New York       yes none                  
  87           Smith Harvey B Son       x M W 18 S   yes yes Iowa Iowa Nebraska       yes none                  
  88     2302 494 511 Hamman John F Head O 5600 R no M W 66 m 25 no yes Iowa Indiana Indiana       yes Salesman Insurance W yes   no        
  89           Hamman Carrie B Wife-H       x F W 57 M 16 no yes Iowa Indiana Indiana       yes none                  
  90           Hamman Vera M Daughter       x F W 14 S   yes yes Iowa Iowa Iowa       yes none                  
  91           Hamman Verna M Daughter       x F W 11 S   yes yes Iowa Iowa Iowa       yes none                  
  92     2218 495 512 Northup George H Head R 30 R no M W 34 M 30 no yes Iowa Iowa Iowa       yes Salesman Feed Mfg W yes   no        
  93           Northup Halcyon M Wife-H       x F W 30 M 26 no yes Iowa Iowa Iowa       yes none                  
  94                                                                       Blank line
  95     2212 496 513 Crane Burton L Head R 30 R no M W 27 M 21 no yes Massachusetts New York Canada-Eng       yes Manager Telephone Exchange W yes   no        
  96           Crane Fern A Wife-H       x F W 28 M 22 no yes Iowa Minnesota Iowa       yes none                  
  97           Crane Marilyn M Daughter       x F W 1 3/12 S   no   Iowa Massachusetts Iowa         none                  
  98     2202 497 514 Mariarty Michel J Head R 25 R no M W 70 M 24 no yes Canada-Eng Ireland Ireland English 18--   yes none                  
  99           Mariarty May Wife-H       x F W 63 M 17 no yes Iowa Pennsylvania Ohio       yes none                 Last entry on page
31 1 31A Otley Ave 2207 498 515 O'Malley William B Head O 4000 R no M W 33 M 24 no yes Iowa Iowa Iowa       yes Farmer Farm O yes   no     Block 1 Enumerated Apr 23, 1930
  2           O'Malley Margret A Wife-H       x F W 32 M 23 no yes Iowa Ireland Illinois       yes none                  
  3           O'Malley William B Jr Son       x M W 1 10/12 S   no   Iowa Iowa Iowa       yes none                  
  4           McGaey Elizabeth Mother-in-law       x F W 64 Wd   no yes Illinois Ireland Ireland         none                  
  5     2209 499 516 Miller Dale F Head R 25 R no M W 41 M 2* no yes Iowa Pennsylvania Iowa       yes Manager Gas Station W yes   no        
  6           Miller Beulah Wife-H       x F W 39 M 19 no yes Iowa Ohio Ohio       yes Clerk Montgomery Ward W yes            
  7           Miller Bernard D Son       x M W 15 S   yes yes Iowa Iowa Iowa       yes none                  
  8           Miller Kenneth D Son       x M W 12 S   yes yes Iowa Iowa Iowa       yes none                  
  9           Miller Betty J Daughter       x F W 4 6/12 S   no   Ohio Iowa Iowa         none                  
  10     Hospital 500 517 Donnell Daisee Head     R no F W 44 D   no yes Iowa Scotland Pennsylvania       yes Cook Hospital W yes         Kings Daughter Hospital  
  11           Shwriderski Wilma Laundress       x F W 34 S   yes yes Germany Germany Germany German 1928 Pa yes Laundress Hospital W yes         Kings Daughter Hospital  
  12           LaFavore William L Janitor       x M W 68 M 21 no yes Indiana Indiana Indiana       yes Janitor Hospital W yes   no     Kings Daughter Hospital  
  13           Hann Abram C Lodger       x M W 81 D   no yes Ohio Ohio Ohio       yes none         no     Kings Daughter Hospital Lines 14-18 blank
  19   Otley Ave 2324 501 518 Newlin William B Head O 4500   no M W 46 M 42 no yes Iowa Ohio No Carolina       yes Carpenter Building W yes   no        
  20           Newlin Ida Wife-H       x F W 37 M 13 no yes Texas Maryland Massachusetts       yes none                  
  21           Newlin William Sr Father       x M W 86 Wd   no yes Ohio Ohio Ohio       yes none                  
  22     2310 502 519 Paist Charles E Head O 3600 R no M W 39 M 22 no yes Iowa Pennsylvania Iowa       yes Contractor Building O yes   no        
  23           Paist Maude Wife-H       x F W 36 M 19 no yes Iowa Ohio No Carolina       yes none                  
  24           Paist William J Son       x M W 16 S   yes yes Iowa Iowa Iowa       yes none                  
  25           Paist Phyllis M Daughter       x F W 12 S   yes yes Iowa Iowa Iowa       yes none                  
  26     2308 503 520 Phillips Willoughby W Head O 5000 R no M W 57 M 20 no yes Iowa Ohio Iowa       yes none         no        
  27           Phillips Bertha L Wife-H       x F W 57 M 20 no yes Iowa Germany Germany       yes none                 End of Block 1; Lines 28-29 blank
  30   Iowa Street 2118 504 521 Carman Joseph B Head O 2500   no M W 85 M 36 no yes Ohio Ohio Ohio       yes none         yes Civ   Block 4  
  31           Carman R Ellen Wife-H       x F W 72 M 19 no yes Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania       yes none                  
  32     2402 505 522 Jack Henry H Head O 1500 R no M W 54 M 21 no yes Iowa Ohio Wisconsin       yes Manager Garage W yes   no        
  33           Jack Myrtle M Wife-H       x F W 52 m 20 no yes Iowa Iowa Indiana       yes none                  
  34           Jack Herber B Son       x M W 23 M 23 no yes Iowa Iowa Iowa       yes Labor Garage W yes   no        
  35           Jack Lois M Daughter-in-law       x F W 20 M 20 no yes Iowa Iowa Iowa       yes none                 End of Block 1; Lines 36-39 blank
  40   Evelyn Street   506 523 West Belle K Head-H O 500 R no F W 62 D   no yes Ohio Pennsylvania Ohio       yes Owner Truck garden O yes         Block 6  
  41           West Sanford B Son       x M W 23 S   no yes Kansas Kansas Ohio       yes Farmer Truck garden Np yes   no        
  42           West Harold J Son       x M W 19 S   no yes Kansas Kansas Ohio       yes Farmer Truck garden Np yes   no        
  51 31B Block between 15 & 16 2216 507 524 Giles Ralph W Head O 8000 R no M W 57 M 25 no yes Wisconsin New York Vermont       yes none Retired       no       Enumerated Apr 23, 1930
  52           Giles Leona P Wife-H       x F W 49 M 18 no yes Minnesota New Hampshire Wisconsin       yes none                  
  53           Giles Oscar G Son       x M W 29 S   no yes Iowa Wisconsin Minnesota       yes Salesman Grocery Stock W yes   no        
  54           Giles Percy H Son       x M W 27 S   no yes Iowa Wisconsin Minnesota       yes Engineer Locomotive W yes   no        
  55           Giles Marion E Daughter       x F W 17 S   yes yes Canada-Eng Am Cit Wisconsin Minnesota       yes none                  
  56           Giles Clair W Son       x M W 16 S   yes yes Canada-Eng Am Cit Wisconsin Minnesota       yes none                 Lines 57-59 blank
  60   Otley Ave between 15 & 16   508 525 Wilcox George W Head O 4500 R no M W 69 M 28 no yes Ohio Ohio Ohio       yes Labor Truck farm W yes   no        
  61           Wilcox Kate M Wife-H       x F W 65 M 24 no yes Iowa No Carolina New Jersey       yes none                  
  62           Wilcox Beulah M Daughter       x F W 24 S   no yes Iowa Ohio Iowa       yes Cashier Light & Power W yes            
  63       509 526 Peterson Edward G Head R 10   no M W 35 M 21 no yes Iowa Denmark Denmark       yes Butcher Meat Packing W yes   no        
  64           Peterson Lillie Wife-H       x F W 32 M 19 no yes Iowa Norway Iowa       yes none                  
  65           Peterson Robert E Son       x M W 11 S   yes yes Minnesota Iowa Iowa       yes none                  
  66           Peterson Richard J Son       x M W 9 S   yes   Iowa Iowa Iowa         none                  
  67           Peterson Loraine L Daughter       x F W 6 S   yes   Minnesota Iowa Iowa         none                  
  68           Peterson Olive M Daughter       x F W 4 5/12 S   no   Iowa Iowa Iowa         none                  
  69           Peterson Edward G Jr Son       x M W 1 5/12 S   no   Iowa Iowa Iowa         none                 Lines 70-71 blank
  72   16th Street   510 527 Jenkins Joseph H Head O 9000 R yes M W 65 M 29 no yes Indiana Ohio Ohio       yes Farmer Farm O yes   no   12    
  73           Jenkins Ettie M Wife-H       x F W 59 M 19 no yes Iowa Ohio Indiana       yes none                  
  74       511 528 Morton Ida R Head-H O 2500   no F W 42 M 20 no yes Iowa Illinois Ohio       yes Laundress At Home W yes            
  75           Morton Ione B Daughter       x F W 17 S   yes yes Iowa Iowa Iowa       yes none                  
  76           Morton Edwin L Son       x M W 15 S   yes yes Iowa Iowa Iowa       yes none                  
  77           Morton Alva J Son       x M W 12 S   yes yes Iowa Iowa Iowa       yes none                  
  78           Morton Doris J Daughter       x F W 7 S   yes   Iowa Iowa Iowa         none                  
  79           Morton Donald W Son       x M W 5 S   no   Iowa Iowa Iowa         none                  
  80                                                                       Blank line
  81       512 529 Hinds Carl R Head R 20 R no M W 32 M 23 no yes Iowa Pennsylvania Germany       yes Labor Contractor W yes   yes WW      
  82           Hinds Hattie A Wife-H       x F W 29 M 20 no yes Iowa Ohio Iowa       yes none                  
  83           Hinds Leonard Son       x M W 5 S   no yes Iowa Iowa Iowa         none                  
  84           Hinds James H Son       x M W 2 4/12 S   no   Michigan Iowa Iowa         none                  
  85           Hinds Christina Mother       x F W 55 Wd   no yes Germany Germany Germany German 1892 Na yes Servant Juvenile Home W yes            
  86                                                                       Blank line
  87   East Otley   513 530 Flynn Michael Head R 15   no M W 39 M 29 no yes Iowa Ireland Ireland       yes Labor General W yes   yes WW      
  88           Flynn Bernice Wife-H       x F W 29 M 19 no yes Iowa Iowa Iowa       yes none                  
  89           Flynn Marjory C Daughter       x F W 8 S   yes   Iowa Iowa Iowa         none                  
  90           Flynn Dorothy J Daughter       x F W 6 S   no   Iowa Iowa Iowa         none                  
  91           Flynn Melvin D Son       x M W 4 11/12 S   no   Iowa Iowa Iowa         none                  
  92           Flynn Billie D Son       x M W 2 8/12 S   no   Iowa Iowa Iowa         none                  
  93       514 531 Smith John M Head O 3000 R no M W 36 M 23 no yes Arkansas Illinois Illinois       yes Salesman Farm D** Co W yes   yes WW      
  94           Smith Edith M Wife-H       x F W 31 M 17 no yes Nebraska Iowa Indiana       yes none                  
  95           Smith Leo C Son       x M W 10 S   yes yes So Dakota Arkansas Nebraska       yes none                  
  96   Willis Ave 1609 515 532 Grant Wilbur R Head O 2500   no M W 56 M 22 no yes Iowa Pennsylvania Illinois       yes none Retired       no        
  97           Grant Maude B Wife-H       x F W 53 m 19 no yes Illinois Pennsylvania Vermont       yes none                 Last entry on page

Continued from Sheets 28B, 29A & 29B

Dallas County Census Directory * 1930 Dallas Co Census Index