(no title on article)

   The local home Declamatory contest will be held in the gymnasium on Friday evening, December 29th.  There will be twelve contestants, four in the oratorical, four in the dramatic, and four in the humorous classes.  These twelve gained their right to compete in the home contest by surviving the elimination contest held in December of last year.

   Mrs. Leachman from Des Moines will have charge of the contestants, giving them additional training along the line they received under the direction of Miss Cole last December.  Mrs. Goode will act as sole judge and will give her reasons for judging as she did before the house after the contestants are through.

   The winner of each group will be eligible to represent Dallas Center in the preliminary contest to be held Feb. 26th.  The place of the contest is not known at present.  The winners of second place will likewise represent the school in the county contest to be held some time the first of March.

   The program will start at eight o'clock promptly.  The High School Orchestra will furnish several selections on this occasion.


Why, Dorothy!

   "I have been going with Dorothy A. for more than a year and a half and she doesn't want to get married.  Should I quit going with her?"- Marvin.

   Well, "Marvin," I think you had better let your affection be your guide.  I know of cases where young men had to wait longer than that.  Perhaps Dorothy is interested in a career - or perhaps even some other young man!  Possibly your prospects aren't bright enough for her.  Can you offer her a good living and ten per cent?

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   A real estate agent states that a young married woman of the flapper type was solicted to buy a home.  "Buy a home," she exclaimed, "why I should not have a bit of use for a home.  You see, I was born in a hospital, educated in a boarding school, courted in an automobile, married in court house; we live out of paper bag regularly filled at the delicatessen, spend the morning playing gold, the afternoon playing bridge; at night we jazz or go to the movies and when I die I am going to be buried from the undertaker's.  All I need is a garage and a bedroom above.

("Dorothy Gift" written next to title)


   Take one pretty girl.

   One lovely face.

   Two lovely blue eyes.

   Two rosy cheeks.

   Two lips like strawberries.

   Mix well together and press with two lips.  The result will be astonishing.  Bake with the high love fire of the heart.


   One piece of dark porch and a little moonlight.  One large hand and one small one pressed together, so as not to attract attention.

   Two ounces of romance and one or two strands of whiskers, dissolving one-half dozen glances in the one ounce of hesitation and two ounces of yielding.  Place kiss on blushing cheek.

   Flavor with true love and set aside to cool.                              IRENE

   Monton, N.B.

Use Your Judgement

   "What time should a boy friend depart for home?" --W.

   If you have been to a theater or concert, it may be late you you reach home.  If the boy is just calling, he should leave earlier.  In most colleges, the young men are required to go home at ten-thirty, except on special occasions and I think this is a very good rule for most dates.


page 115

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