Dow City Consolidated Schools
Alumni 1935 - 1943
- 1935
- Anderson, Richard
- Baber, Vernon
- Birkhofer, Kenneth
- Boham, Lyle
- Goddard, Charlotte
- Johannsen, Delbert
- Keairnes, Enos
- Kremin, Donald
- McDonald, Robert
- McKee, Nadine
- Meeves, Walter
- Metcalf, Faye
- Miller, Roscoe
- Riley, Hazel
- Sharp, Frank
- Stephensen, Edgar
- Vanlandingham, Genevieve
- Wiggins, Lynn
- 1936
- Alexander, Margaret
- Anderson, Luella
- Brasel, Lois
- Clark, Marian
- Clark, Pauline
- Cramer, Helen
- Dwine, Leland
- Fish, Ardis
- Glawinski, Ella
- Griffin, Wilma
- Hansen, Helen
- Henry, Lawrence
- Hulburd, Lloyd
- McBride, Phyllis
- Miller, lone
- Riddle, Wayne
- Sharp, Mary
- Spence, Wayne
- Vote, Susie
- Waiters, Wayne
- 1937
- Ahart, John
- Argotsinger, Kenneth
- Baughman, Dorothy
- Bryan, Edger
- Burke, Vera
- Clark, Marine
- Coleman, Vemon
- Collins, Jane
- Houston, Beatrice
- Houston, William
- Jenkins, Wilbert
- Kepford, Donavan
- Laubscher, Esther
- Marr, Dale
- Mayne, John
- McKee, Kingdom
- Miller, Leona
- Stephenson, Dorothy
- Vanlandingham, Forest
- Wiley, Mac
- Woodard, Byron
- 1938
- Baughman, Louise
- Best, Mildred
- Brasel, Cleota (Tote)
- Clark, Donald
- Dillavou, Raymond
- Hansen, Robert
- Henry, Frances
- Keairnes, Loren
- Lambert, Charles
- Lee, Floyd
- Marr, Verna
- Merritt, Wayne
- Peffer, Phyllis
- Poitevin, Fern
- Riddle, Betty
- Riddle, Maureen
- Rule, Georgia
- Scott, Howard
- Sharp, Wayne
- 1939
- Andresen, Marine
- Baughman, Leone
- Bond, Richard Jr.
- Christenson, Irma
- Cue, Keith
- Cue, Kenneth
- Damery, Lloyd
- Dean, Helen
- Ettleman, Keto
- Glasgow, Lois
- Griffin, Jack
- Gumm, Kenneth
- Houston, Robert
- Rigsby, Floyd
- Sharp, Harold
- Smith, Robert
- Smith, Virginia
- Thomas, Jack
- Thompson, Beth
- Waiters, Dean
- 1940
- Birkhofer, Robert E.
- Christiansen, Lorraine
- Clothier, Donald
- Ettleman, Ruth Ann
- Fume, Don
- Gibson, Eugene
- Greder, Vernetta
- Hunt, Robert Jr.
- Lee, Gall
- McKee, Patricia
- Miller, Vera Mae
- Riddle, Bette
- Schrader, Dorothy
- Siemer, Evelyn
- Staller, John
- Thomas, James
- Vore, Donald
- Weiss, Delores
- Wight, Emerson
- 1941
- Argotsinger, Darrell
- Brink, Kathryn
- Cross, Elsie
- Cue, Glenn
- Damery, Harold
- Flagman, Marcella
- Fume, Ruth
- Gredet, Vernon
- Jenkins, Lauretta
- Keiner, Margaret
- Kepford, Kerth
- Lochmiller, Drexel
- Mathys, Marvin
- Michaelsen, Belva
- Moeller, Helen
- Moeller, Robert
- Morrison, Margery
- Poitevin, Mildred
- Riddle, Virginia
- Rigsby, Donald
- Simons, Marie
- Smith, Corrine
- TenEyck, Rowanna
- Vore, Marvin
- 1942
- Ahart, J. Leo Jr.
- Baber, Betty
- Baughman, Donna
- Brasel, Robert
- Brasel, Russell
- Callahan, Harry
- Goeser, Irma
- Gumm, Jerald
- Keairnes, Richard
- Kuhlman, Vera
- Mitchell, Bryce
- Riddle, Louis
- Riley, Marvin
- Walters, Nellie
- Weed, Clarence
- Weed, Jean
- 1943
- Ahart, Thomas
- Argotsinger, Betty
- Butterworth, Mary Lou
- Fume, Iris
- Gibson, Robert
- Green, Marie
- Jenkins, LeRoy
- Jordan, Charles
- Michaelsen, Marcus
- Michaelsen, Richard
- Pearsall, Verdine
- Smith, Charles E.
- Stepanek, Roland
- Thomas, Robert
- Tuner, James
The list of alumni from the Dow City Consolidated Schools was extracted from 125 Years of Dow City-Arion History 1869-1994
Submitted by Cindi Simon